Sunday, April 22, 2007

Once upon a Time...

Once upon a time,
long, long ago,
there lived a princess
on some distant isle
in a kingdom by the sea,
now buried deep
beneath the ocean,
covered by waves
and long forgotten,
yet, songs of her great beauty
and the story of her love
for that poor commoner,
the poet, Amerisso de Contesso,
who was condemned
and put to death
for his illicit passion
for his beloved princess,
dead of a broken heart
upon her lover's demise,
still lingers on and on,
and sometimes
on a moonlit night,
a lonely sailor passing
that mysterious isle
'neath the shining, silent sea
hears a most plaintive,
melancholy song
of long forgotten
woes of love,
and frightened,
he just hurries on,
later believing
that this eerie song
was but a dream whispered
by sirens of the sea...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz


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