Saturday, May 12, 2007

Deterioration Syndrome

Serious nature-nurture deterioration
(50% genetics, 50% education)
is due to a high positive birthrate
amongst low class or indigent,
uneducated populations in the world
(unable to educate or support their
numerous offspring), while a negative
birthrate amongst educated middle and
upper classes cuts their numbers down
(usually none, one or two children per
family, severely limiting their numbers,
as, for example, the European negative
birth rate), while on the other hand,
a rapidly increasing number of
educated, intelligent, skilled, creative
people are needed to maintain our ever
more complex technological society.

This results in world-wide chaos, wars
and social dysfunction which is the
real reason for our present difficulties,
disguised as religious and ideological

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz


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