Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jewish Enigma

Throughout the ages
We traveled our ancient way,
Survived Sumerians, Romans,
Greeks who had their day,
We contributed to the world
Great music, science and art
Gave them the Bible, Jesus,
Hope, morality, monotheism,
A set of laws - just for a start,
They honored, loved or hated us,
We were by Romans crucified,
Then in Russia's pogroms died,
Six million killed in the Nazi camps,
Gassed and burned in its ovens,
Or shot and buried in swamps,
It's said, men kill what they love
As the hunter kills the symbol
Of peace - the white dove,
Yet, we Jews survived them all,
We're still a guiding light, humble,
But walking unbowed and tall,
And long after humanity is gone
With the world turned to stone,
If there be gods - they may ask:
"Were Jews the world's conscience,
Was this their prescribed task?"

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


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