Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Painted Raven

A scientist painted a raven white,
His own flock killed him - while in flight,
Just as the Jews were persecuted, slain,
Because they were of a different strain,
Their great contributions to society,
Disregarded - as made in vain,
Their gifts of the Bible, monotheism,
Moses, Jesus, Spinoza, Heine,
All added to humanity's gain,
Freud, Einstein, Chagall, Bernstein,
Salk, Gershwin, Berlin and many others,
Gifts of the Jews - held in disdain,
In light of this, one just can not explain,
Why six million Jews were sacrificed,
Poisoned in camps by gas and burned, they died,
Even Jesus Christ,
A great and noble Jew, was crucified,
Were he to see what was done in his name,
He would most certainly be horrified,
And hang his head in shame...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


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