Saturday, September 16, 2006

War in Iraq

We had a perfect balance
Of power in the Middle East
Keeping a tenuous peace
Between the Sunnite, Saddam,
And those Iranian Shiites
Led by a sleazy, fanatical chief,
Then, our misbegotten
White House resident,
A rather limited President,
Who lately became distinguished
Because he is learning English,
Urged on by his cronies
Who care little about people or soil
But look for profits on the oil,
Went to war with Iraq's Saddam
To get all the oil one possibly can,
And thousands of our boys had to die,
Never quite knowing the reason why.

Now the Shiites of Iraq and Iran
Are united into one big clan,
They support Hezbollah,
Hamas and Al-Qaeda
And all the terrorists wide and far,
And Iraq's new leader visits Iran,
Turning out to be their greatest fan,
Thus we are weakened, not up to par,
Facing a much stronger enemy,
Perchance - a nuclear war,
Because our leaders
Can't play political chess
And got our country into a holy mess.

Now, let's all get together and shout:
'In the coming elections,
Let's throw those Republicans out!'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


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