Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Happy Birthday

You're loyal, loving and caring
And if need be
Courageous and daring,
You're my sun, my star, my life,
To my beloved wife.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, March 01, 2008


We are two little soldiers
Marching along,
Sharing our lives,
Singing the same song,
Two kindred spirits,
No longer young,
We battled the world
For fiftyseven years
Through joys and laughter,
Pain and tears,
We marched together
To the same drummer's beat
From youth to old age,
Winter's cold, summer's heat,
We raised two fine children
Who flew our nest
And with pride we can say
They turned out the best,
We're now old and gray,
But we're still marching along,
In the evening of life
We still sing the same song...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


The more you know,
The more you realize
How much there is to know
And how much you need to grow,
The less you know,
The more you think
You know it all,
Try to stand tall,
Though in reality
You're rather small.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Predators Survive

He has no conscience,
He has no heart,
A social misfit,
A man apart,
He is a predator,
In Darwin's world
He'll always score.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

House for Sale

She was bipolar and precocious,
He was psychotic and atrocious,
The kids - asocial and obnoxious,
And neighbors said - ah well,
This is a family from hell,
We better leave and sell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


They flip-flop every which way,
Change their outlook every day,
Leading people all astray,
With tongues of honey
They promise tax relief
And Welfare money,
Assure the ones who vote for them,
They'll never be in need again,
But once they do their office gain,
They never ever will explain
Why from their given promises
They suddenly abstain,
And only make it abundantly sure
To have their own sweet sinecure.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Too Late

It's most people's fate
Too soon to be old,
But smart - too late,
It would be nice to expect
To make good judgements
But not in retrospect.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Malthusian Problem

They multiply
In geometric progression,
But nature diminishes them
Through wars and depression
To save the world's nations
From over-populations.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


The sturdy tree
Which does not bend,
Resists the wind,
Takes a bad end,
But the thin sapling
Flexes with the storm,
Survives - not torn.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


People always wonder
What hidden secrets
Lie in heavens yonder?
Are gods reigning this universe
Or are these thoughts perverse?
Is there a guiding intelligence
Or is this world just ruled
By evolutionary chance?

My bet is on evolution,
For gods and miracles
Are an imaginary solution.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz