Friday, October 31, 2008

In Spring...

In spring young people's hormones
Rush from the swollen glands,
As sperm meets egg,
There's a need for wedding bands,
Although the intent was to seduce,
They accidentally produce,
This is the unfortunate source
Of forced marriage and divorce.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


I leave my green pastures
And golden fields of corn
To return to the mysterious sphere
Where I once waited to be born...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Deviation from the Norm

Any deviation from the norm
Is considered bad form,
Yet, any new creation
Is a deviation from the norm.

This is why a standardized society
Will never progress without variety
And we should never look with scorn
On deviations from the norm.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, October 27, 2008

Age of Anxiety

The age of anxiety
Provides great variety,
An entropy of society,
Wall Street's and
Politicians' impropriety,
Minor recessions
Going into deep depressions,
Religious fanaticism,
Suicide bombers and terrorism,
Wars of aggression,
Living standards regression,
Outsourcing and unemployment
Resulting in doubtful
Recreational enjoyment,
Rising inflation,
Pollution and starvation
Leading to the disintegration
Of the world's nations.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bush's Heritage

Broke banks,
Useless war for Yanks,
Ruined economies,
US manufacturing
Outsourced overseas,
The doubtful enjoyment
Of mass unemployment,
A five trillion dollar credit
Turned into a ten trillion debit,
A minor recession
Gone into depression,
Lobby seduction
Leading to corruption,
The imposed blights
Of losing civil rights,
A huge inflation
Plaguing the nation,
It's really a shame
And Bush is to blame
With his Republican
Hurting our nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Dream of Heaven

Give me a bit of sunshine
A look at the azure sky,
Let me dream of heaven,
Ere I die......
Ere I die......

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, October 24, 2008



If your life is a mess,
Use 'SEX" for success.

If you want a hot stud,
Use 'SEX' to bring you luck.

If you want an other gal's man,
Use 'SEX' and you can.

If you want a millionaire,
Use 'SEX' and he'll be there.

If you want to get your way,

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Slave's Prayer

Grant me a moment of respite,
After the darkness of the night,
To see the rainbows and the light
To glimpse a future, clear and bright
After a life of agony and misery
Spent in the hells of slavery,
Give me the sunshine hope can be
To a man - not born free,
Give me a taste of liberty...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To Captain H. Verdun 1916

Daisies grow in pastures
Lush and green
In a peaceful country scene,
With an azure sky above,
All is quiet and serene,
Nearby trees
Rustle in the wind
And I hear a distant
Church bell ring,
In my mind's eye I see
My grandfather's face,
He fought at Verdun,
So this is the place
Where a million soldiers
Were wounded or died
In World War One's
Greatest fight,
I close my eyes and
Hear the canons' sound
And see a sea of blood
Covering the ground
With all hell's fury unbound,
While the wind
Rustles in the trees,
Crying out:
'Remember us, please.'
But now, all is quiet and serene
And I shudder at the thoughts
Of all my grandfather had seen.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, October 20, 2008

Nouveau riche

The nouveau riche
In Greasy Palms
Flout their kitsch
With open arms,
Low in taste,
Great in waste,
They are a new variety
Of what they think
Is high society,
Their ostentation
Is an abomination,
A lot of brass
But low in class.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


A stunning beauty
Was my mom,
Endowed with
Personality and charm,
She taught me
Life's survival skill
And that man's
Heaven is his will
And if that is not enough,
Most importantly,
She taught me
The nature of love...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Israel and Gaza

Arabs and Jews
Are not 'others',
As Abraham's children
They are really brothers,
If Gaza and Israel
Would only cooperate
They could have a
Mutually beneficial trade,
And a terrific future,
Once they open the gate,
Not wars and starvation
But the good life
Would be their fate.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Luciano Pavarotti

A great tenor has left
Our world's stages
But his recorded voice
Will last for ages,
He was a man with
Talent, charm and grace
And left this earth
A better place,
Diminished are we
By his demise,
Not soon again will
Such a rare voice rise,
If there be gods, they'd say:
'To sing in heaven
Should be his prize'.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Jesus and Marx

Two decent, caring men,
Imbued with idealism,
Used their fine minds
To translate their thoughts
Into practical realism.

Jesus defended
His people - the Jews
Against the Romans' abuse
By passive resistance
To render his oppressed
People assistance,
For this, he was crucified
But his message of goodness
And fairness never died.

Marx played his part,
By fighting the czar
And oppression,
To help the people,
The proletariat.

If Jesus and Marx
Were to rise and see
What was done in their name,
The persecution, murder and misery,
Inquisition, gulags, gas chambers,
Stalin and the Church's game,
They'd rise in horror and ask:

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rich - Poor

A rich man's life is filled
With leisure Sundays,
A poor man's life consists
Of workaday Mondays.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Trickle-down Economy

'If the rich pay small taxes
And can keep their money,
The average guy
Will share their honey,
For the loot of the rich
Will eventually trickle down
To common folk',
Said the White House clown,
And so it happened
In country and town,
It trickled down
From the golden cage
To the schnooks
On minimum wage.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Hollywood Star

If I had the wings of a dove
I'd fly to you my love,
But I can't take this course
Because I can't afford a divorce,
Since, presently, I'm
On my third matrimony
And I can't possibly pay
An other alimony.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Three Views of Man

Within this fragile shell
Of skin, flesh and bone
There lives a brilliant,
Unique mind
Which one day will
Span the universe,
Dominate it,
If there be gods,
Man is shaped
In their image.

The specie, man,
With his fine intellect
Once dominated
A small planet
Till he destroyed himself
Through wars and pollution.

Men are the maggots,
The cleaning crews
Who eat the remnants
On a dying planet.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Two deep pools of yearning
Are the eyes of my beloved,
In her embrace I'm drawn
Into a whirlpool of passion
And with a sudden shiver
I find a sublime release
In her garden of delights...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sex - 2008

Risque contacts on the Internet,
Pornography in the media
And movie scenes of sex in bed
As well as early sex education
Are sweeping our nation,
Exposing children and teens
To sexual activities scenes,
Schooling them in the habits
And promiscuity
Of sexually active rabbits
Leading to the swinging single,
The one night stand
And open marriage partners
Who freely mingle
Creating a society
Used to variety,
Thus you have the sources
Of teenage pregnancies,
Single parent homes
And a rate of 50% divorces.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Granny's old Diary

After grandma Sarah
Passed away,
I found her old diary
In the attic one day.
Between two yellowed pages
I found a lock of hair
And in fading script the story
Of her first love affair
In an old summer hotel up in
The Catskill mountain scene,
When she and her lover,
Don, were only seventeen,
On some passionate night,
They fell in love and had sex,
'neath the moon shining bright,
For both, the first time,
Sarah wrote, it was divine.

A month later, Don and family
Departed for his father's
US Embassy's post in Spain,
Never to see each other again.

Sarah kept his lock of hair
In her diary as a token,
But her heart was broken
And she felt spurned
When to the letters she wrote
No answers were ever returned.

Finally, Sarah did not tarry,
One year later my
Grandpa Sam did she marry.

Sometimes, I wonder if she ever
Told Sam about her summer affair,
Or he ever found her diary
And that lock of hair...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Love and Hate

What we love today
We may hate tomorrow
If it brings us sorrow
For joy warms the heart
But pain pulls us apart
Since man is a fickle creature
And consistency is not
His dominant feature,
This goes for love or politics
For decency or dirty tricks,
Thus, today's conservative
Maybe tomorrow's socialist.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bankrupt Banks

Banks take and use your cash
To loan it out at high
Interest rates in a flash,
Pay you a negligible percentage,
Always taking unfair advantage,
But charge a mint if you borrow,
And their contracts' small print,
Hard to read, brings you sorrow.

They write big mortgages
For overpriced properties
To unqualified buyers
At loan shark rates,
But quickly foreclose
When the debtor can't pay
And a neglected house vacates.
Then, the amount of the mortgage rises
Higher than the home value prices.
And they are stuck with rundown
Homes no one wants to buy
Because the prices are much too high.

Thus, their position is not sunny,
Since they can't return
The depositors' money
Because the law requires them
To only hold one fifth of cash on hand
And if there is a run by creditors,
Their business would end,
But then, they go to good, old Uncle Sam
To tell him they are in a jam,
They plead, yell and shout,
"Help us out, help us out",
So, we, taxpayers have to bail them out,
While the people lose their homes
And the bankers keep the loans
And it is most certainly plain
That the same crooks will
Repeat their profitable spiel again.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, October 11, 2008

In flagranti

Sam caught his wife
In bed with their
Neighbor, Will,
But when she said,
"He pays every bill",
Sam cautioned her:
"Give a blanket to Will,
So he won't get a chill."

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

The Creative Mind

In our standardized society
You rarely ever find
The originality
Of the creative mind,
Someone who thinks
Out of the box,
Immune to any
Conventional locks.

He explores
An unknown way
While others think
He goes astray.

New vistas are his
To open up
And soon he's
Followed by the mob.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Kinder Transport, Vienna

With numbered tags
Around their necks
The children waited
In the railroad station,
Their parents destined
To the camps for annihilation.

In order to save the children
From their parents' fate,
England opened their gate
While the US did refuse
Giving some irrelevant excuse.

Those children are spread
All over the world today
From England, Israel, France,
To Australia and the USA.

Many rose to prominence
With some Noble Price winners
Rising to fame and excellence,
While many in industry,
Science and art
Contributed to their
Adopted countries their part.

So many other children died
Because most countries
Refused to grant them refuge
When they applied.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wall Street Blues...

Ah, the vicissitudes of life,
The struggle to cook the books,
The predatory strife,
The leveraging, the selling short,
Soaking a company, then to abort,
Avoidance of the law, the Court,
The inside trading
And the golden parachute,
To find a safe place in the
Bahamas for the loot,
To motivate the government
To bail you out,
Without them comprehending
What it's all about,
To grease the proper politician
Is always a delicate mission,
Afterwards, to sit back, relax a while,
Then pull the same stunt once again
But use a new approach and style.
Yes, we are the Wall Street boys,
We amuse, then fleece the public
With our profitable speculation toys.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


When I was young
I was a gigolo,
Living off women
Wherever I'd go,
Gave them a song
And a dance
And for a slight fee,
I'd surrender my pants,
But now, that I'm old
And lost my good looks,
I rent room and board
From a landlady who cooks,
Sit home with arthritis
And read romance books,
While Welfare and
Food Stamps,
Both heaven sent,
Pay for my food,
Upkeep and rent.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sam on Women

Ah, women,
I like them all,
The short and the tall,
But especially,
Those sweet chicks on call.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

She seems...

She seems quite nice,
But get to know her better,
You'll have a surprise,
She's a master of every vice.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Pounding his hairy chest,
He said, 'I'm dynamite,
I'm the very best',
Said his gal, 'to me
You're of little use,
So much dynamite
And such a little fuse'.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Don't judge a book
By its cover,
You may get
The wrong lover.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Brother can you spare...

Once upon a time,
People begged for a dime,
But these days - my love
A dollar is not enough...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Diary found in Auschwitz

"Line up and undress,
You people need a shower,
We don't like a mess",
Shouted the officers of the
Black-clad Waffen SS.
We were pushed into a
Huge bunker's anteroom,
A thousand men,
Women and children into
A windowless place of gloom,
Undressed and stark naked,
We tried to hide our shame
While the SS officers laughed
And seemed to like their game.
Then, we were forced
Into a huge shower room
And when the steel
Doors were locked
We felt a sense of doom,
A peculiar odor was there
And some small bluish deposits
Seemed to be everywhere,
The shower heads were dry
And we wondered why.
Suddenly, through some vent
An acrid, hissing gas
Seemed to descend
With a slight burned almond scent.
We coughed and chocked
And with a desperate shout
We pleaded: "Help us, let us out!"
"They're killing us",
We yelled in fear,
"We'll die right here!"
Soon it quieted down into
A whimper and a whisper,
I dropped my diary
From my shaky hand
And knew, this is my end....

Long after the last sound,
A crew of cleanup Kapos
Came around
To take the bodies for cremation
In the fires of the disposal station
And to get the 'shower room'
Ready and tidied up
To bring the next group
For their final Cyclon B stop.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Rosa Blume, Friedericke, Helene

How painful it can be
When the Nazis wiped out
A part of our family tree,
Mother and daughters
Murdered in Auschwitz,
Leaving a bitter memory,
Three dear ones
We'll never, ever see,
Their loss has diminished
The world, you and me,
An act brutal and rotten,
Never to be forgotten.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 1008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, October 06, 2008

Professor Oppenheim

Professor Oppenheim,
My old Latin teacher,
Was in Vienna recently celebrated,
A friend of Sigmund Freud,
He was by the Nazis
In Theresienstadt cremated,
I asked the director of the school
In charge of the memorial celebration
How they could kill and honor
The same chap in their nation,
He was very explicit:
"We are not guilty, they did it!"
This is a strange explanation
For a guilty nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Uncle Emil Tichler, Auschwitz 1944

Uncle Emil was a shoemaker by trade,
A quiet, hardworking man,
With his small store, he had it made,
As a Jew, they sent him away
And he was gassed and burned
In Auschwitz one day,
The Nazis, fastidious in their reports,
Kept those accurate records.
Let us never, ever forget
Our six million dead!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Uncle Dave and the Nazis

In Vienna, Uncle Dave
Did extremely well,
In 1938, leather goods
Did he produce and sell,
As a Jew he was arrested
And in a concentration camp
Starved, tortured and molested,
He escaped after a year
But he never lost his fear,
Never recovered
And always suffered,
A life of misery,
A death in poverty...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Look deeply...

Look deeply into a man's eyes,
They are the windows of the soul,
Whatever he agrees to or denies,
Seems to say or do,
From the flicker in his eyes
You'll have a clue...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Senior Center

We gather at the
Senior center every day,
Have a good time
And chase the blues away,
Meet our friends
And have a great lunch
At little expense
And many a widower
Starts a new life,
Found at the center
A new wife,
Like ninety year old Neil
Met an eighty year young chick
Loaded with sex appeal,
We play cards, sing and dance
And pray to the Lord
That life never ends.
We meet at a hospital complex,
Where they house the insane,
And, jokingly, call our place
'Senile center' by name.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


The congressional stork
Delivered to Wall Street
$700 billion of pork,
To get the bill through,
Congress voted for it
After they took $112 billion
Home to grease voters a bit,
Burdening our country
With unnecessary expenses,
Bringing bacon to their districts
To fix their political fences,
For this tax payers and
Foreclosed home owners bleed
To help the banks and Wall Street,
Those swindlers who created this need,
Thus, the US went from
Five trillion dollars in assets
To ten trillion dollars in debts,
With the dollar's value
Down fifty percent,
And if they print more money,
The dollar may fall to one cent,
And for added enjoyment
We now have a 6.1% unemployment
But, friends, have good cheer,
The way things are going,
They predict up to 11% next year.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Intelligent Life

To find no intelligent life
In this huge universe
Of trillions of stars
Seems quite perverse.

It really is a mystery
That just on little earth,
An outlying planet
In the Milky Way galaxy,
Seems to exist
The only intelligent life
We know of and see.

Could it possibly be,
Intelligent life
Threatens the universe
And is a hazard marked
For destruction by entropy
By unknown powers in a scheme,
Incomprehensible to you and me.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tax Payers Fund $700 Billion Bailout

To grant a seven hundred
Billion dollar bailout
To profiteering market abusers
Can be compared to giving
Unlimited alcohol to boozers.
If tax payers grant them this gain,
They are certain to do it again.

The Wall Street's and
Markets' deregulation
Encourages theft and ruins
The finances of our nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, October 03, 2008

Black Jew in Israel

At last, I have a country all my own,
A life-long stranger in foreign lands,
I am finally at home,
Neither isolated nor alone,
With my brethren, white,
Black, yellow or brown,
Coming from the entire globe,
Wandering over 2000 years,
Taking to Israel their road,
Joining its culture and civilization,
Growing from 100.000 into
A seven million nation,
And our Arab brothers,
With our common father, Abraham,
Will soon realize they are not - others,
With Arab oil and Jewish intellect
We can build a Middle East
Which deserves respect,
We are already in science, art and culture
One of the most modern nations
With a powerful army
And great trade relations,
Our technologies, science and computer
Projects are some of the very best,
Highly competitive with all the rest
And most of the nations - close and far
Respect our land and the Jewish Star.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Lobby Pays...

Compassionate conservatives
Campaign with tongues of honey,
Promise the average guys
Lives - rich, secure and sunny,
But once they are elected
All promises are neglected,
Their riches are with the
Military-industrial elite
Who promised to fill their need,
Thus, they only took their positions,
Not for the salary, but for the graft
And their kickback additions.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

To my Wife

You're my haven
On life's stormy sea,
You're my world,
My soul's companion,
A very part of me,
Without you,
I simply could not be.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Jehovah is a stern, forbidding god,
A god of wrath who punishes
The guilty with his rod,
A god feared and unknown
Who turned Lot's wife for just
A look into a statue of stone.

Allah is far removed from man
Only known through
His Prophet Mohamed,
A man with great imagination,
With Allah probably
His own creation.

But Jesus was god's only son,
Immortal, popular, well known,
Suffered and was crucified
With man's fate on earth
Quite easily identified.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Third Term for Bloomberg

Although term limits are a
Step in the right direction,
We should make an exception
In Mayor Bloomberg's selection
And put him up for re-election,
Our failing economy now needs an
Incorruptible, excellent financier
With talent and wealth
To restore our financial health,
At a time when our country
Is in an economic meltdown
Due to an unnecessary war
Sponsored by an incompetent clown.

Bloomberg also contributes
Millions to charity
And only one dollar per year
Is his mayor's salary.

Lauder, head of a large company
And an important business voice,
Although he supports term limits,
Recommends Bloomberg
As the very best and needed choice.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz