Thursday, May 31, 2007

Searching for Gods

Let me through
Green pastures wander
And look with awe
At the blue yonder
And wonder how I'd ever miss
The gods who did create all this,
For if gods were there to be,
Why were they never shown to me,
Since my mind can only grasp
What I can hear, feel or see.

If there were gods to be,
I think, they would appear
And listen to my urgent plea.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Herbert Hoover Days - 1929

After seven years of Bush,
What have we got?
Herbert Hoover days
With two chickens in every pot.
Man - we are one sorry lot!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Bush Fiddles...

It takes no rocket
Scientist to see
That Bush and gang
Are a catastrophe,
He's ruined our economy,
Devaluated the dollar,
Outsourced our industry,
Turned our country
Into a service company,
Led us into a country - far,
Into a futile war
Which started with a lie,
Causing over 3000 of
Our young soldiers to die.

Yes, Bush surely is
The Nero of our time
Who fiddled
While Rome burned
And went into decline.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz


We are like flotsam
On the ocean of life,
Fate and winds of chance
Carry us into uncertainty
And we drift along
Into some hidden destiny,
Never, ever sure
What the morrow may bring...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Senate and Congress

If the ethics rules are passed,
Kickbacks from the lobbyists
Can legally not last,
That's why politicos threaten,
They'll quit real fast,
For they can't live on legal pay,
Only with proper graft
They can afford to stay.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Hidden Treasure

She's an introverted, quiet,
Unassuming presence,
An angelic looking beauty,
Yet, within the smithy
Of her hidden, inner self
There lives a vibrant intellect,
A passionate nature,
A virtual tsunami
Raging 'neath still waters,
Lucky the man
Who finds this treasure...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Monday, May 28, 2007

Silence is Golden

If silent you had been,
As a philosopher
You would be seen,
But your oral diarrhea
And redundancy
Without the
Least profundity
Makes people think
A fool you'd be...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

The Classic Idea

"Don't rest on laurels
Of the past,
What you once did
Will not last,
The fashions,
Friend, I fear,
Do change
From year to year."

"This, my good friend,
Is not quite true,
Your theory will not do,
For great ideas
And great designs
Will stand
The test of times,
They perish - never
And last - forever."

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, May 27, 2007


This is the nature
Of the economic beast,
The hardest worker
Earns the least,
The chap who only
Coupons clips
Is always in the chips,
So this, my friend,
Is my advice,
If you want riches
To live nice,
Let others do
The work for you.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Uncertain Times

It's the best of times
When golden chances
Are there for
Technical advances,
Yet, it also is
The worst of times
When religious fanaticism
Pits nation against nation,
Leading, perchance, to threats
Of ending all creation
In flames of destruction
Through increasing
Atom bomb construction,
For if in quantity produced,
They'll eventually be used.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Black Sheep

They are real decent folks,
His mom and dad,
They gave him all
The very best
They could or ever had,
But when he matured,
He turned out bad,
A misfit without a
Conscience and a heart,
A man who lives
From decency apart,
Mistreated his own kin
And broke their heart.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Chinese Factories

Chinese teens slave
In huge sweatshops
For starvation wages,
Live and work
Like animals
Confined in cages
And even factory owners
Don't make big money
Because foreign contractors
And big retailers
Grab all the honey,
Thus, they buy goods
For small change
While consumers
Pay the full range
And due to this
Profits' seduction
The West cuts its own
Expensive production,
Resulting in the
Dubious enjoyment
Of massive manufacturing
And now, the US,
Of production bereft,
Has only low wage
Service industries left.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

The Promise

In the still of the night,
With the moon shining bright
And the waves of the sea
Sounding their rhythmic melody,
I promise you now,
As lovers - together we'll be,
Forever, my dearest,
Just you and me,
Till darkness touches us
And we'll cease to be...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Friday, May 25, 2007


On a Sunday afternoon
In my garden 'neath the old maple
Which I planted long, long ago,
Reading a good book,
Listening to some Mozart on my radio,
I spoon along - thinking:
'Lucky me - escaped the gas chambers,
To lead a good life in America,
Only that idiot, Bush, bothers me,
Leads our country down
The garden path to destruction,
Like the Roman Empire
With old man Nero who fiddled
While Rome burned...'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Moses on Mount Sinai

Old man Moses,
He led us astray,
In the Sinai Desert
He lost his way,
Led us 'round
And around
For forty years,
Till carved stones
On some hill he found,
Said he got them from
Some chap in the sky,
Probably drank too much
And was on a high
Or his debility
Was, perchance,
Just senility.

On those tablets
There was this appeal:
'Thou shalt not kill,
Thou shalt not steal,
Thou shalt not make whoopee
With your neighbor's wife!'
That old man Moses
Took all the fun out of life...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Little Love

A little love,
A little fun,
A sperm, an egg,
The deed is done,
But then you pay
Forever on...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz


People meet
And they don't tarry,
A little sex,
They quickly marry,
Too little thought
And too much hurry,
This is the source
Of mutual antagonism
And divorce.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Stage of Life...

Most of us are actors
On the stage of life,
The curtain rises,
We show a happy face,
A joyful smile
With charm and grace,
The curtain falls,
The smile is gone,
Lost is all joy,
Left in despair,
We're bitter and alone,
It is the outer shell
Hiding an inner hell,
For life is pretense,
A play to show
That all is well...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Abraham, Moses and Jesus

Old man Abraham
Was not a good Joe,
Sold his wife
To the Pharaoh,
Kept the Jews
In old Egypt land
Till good, old Moses
Gave them a hand,
Led them through
The hot desert
For forty years,
Dropped them off
With joyful cheers
In the Holy Land
Where they put some green
On the desert sand.

Then, young man Jesus
Came around,
Converted some to be
Christianity bound.

Of late, the Jews returned
To their Holy Land
Where they found a
Belligerent Arab band,
The Arabs apparently
Missed the good news
That they were
Cousins of the Jews,
While the Christians
Never knew
That Jesus was
An orthodox Jew.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Bloomberg for President!

Through special interests' seduction,
Republicans and Democrats
Are afflicted with corruption,
They're only interested
To be in the selection
For their endless re-election,
Their constituents are just used,
Short-changed and abused,
Let's have a new
Independent coalition
Where a bright, incorruptible man
Can make an intelligent decision.
Elect a new White House resident:
Bloomberg for President!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Democrats Caved In

We elected a Democratic Congress
To end this hopeless war,
Intimidated by Bush,
They did not get very far,
It seems that once
They were elected,
The voters are neglected,
We need a new party
For voters to be protected,
Now, an other 100 billion dollars
For Iraq are spent in vain,
While our inter-structure - here,
Is going down the drain.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

The Public be Damned!

It seems I've heard
This song before,
It's from an old
Familiar score,
Politicos are just out
To rob the public's store,
They all have great insurance
And live extremely well,
Get paid off by the lobbies,
While the country goes to hell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Cynic's View

In this world one finds
Women of two kinds,
In the first variety
Are those who
Diligently work,
Contributors to society,
The other one's motive
Is to sit around, look pretty
And be decorative,
Although both are needed
For pleasurable seduction
And successful reproduction,
It would be good advice,
With all the wars and traffic,
For our specie to downsize.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

His Song Lives on...

Through times of joy and laughter,
Happy occasions or disaster,
Good times or misery,
Euphoria or agony,
He recorded his destiny
In rhyme, song and poetry,
Pursuing his goal
Of purging his soul,
Putting it on the Internet,
But one fine morn,
They found him dead,
He's now gone,
But his song?
His song lives on...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Shadows of Auschwitz...

The shadows of the past
Still haunt me yet,
The gas chambers, the ovens,
The horrid stench - the dead,
And often, at night,
I wake up in my bed,
Surrounded by their ghosts,
And I - in a cold sweat,
And often do I ask myself
Why all those innocents
Were destined to die
While the whole world
Just shrugged - stood idly by,
And some - even today,
Still reality deny...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Monday, May 21, 2007


The dream I once cherished
Long ago perished,
I wanted to study philosophy,
But then I selected business for me
Where more money I'd see,
Since in the field of philosophy,
A life-long pauper I'd be.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Eyes of my Beloved...

Two deep pools of yearning
Are the eyes of my beloved,
Her ruby-red, burning lips,
Her shapely breasts,
Inviting hips,
Her gentle, yet husky voice,
This lotus blossom
Is my passions' choice,
She is the only one for me,
My life - my destiny,
She beckons me...
She beckons me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Antwerp to Cleveland 1938 - 1945

- Stream of Consciousness -

Fled Vienna to Antwerp - 1938,
War in Europe - 1939,
Hitler's legions on the march,
Europe in flames,
Save the children!
Only children with affidavits and
Rich uncles in USA admitted,
All others - into gas chambers,
Last boat out of Antwerp
Filled with children with affidavits
And rich uncles in America,
Tearful goodby with parents,
Will I ever see them again?
(My boat sank by U boats
On way back to Europe),
Lucky me - to meet cowboys,
Indians and gangsters in
Gold-lined American streets,
Coming to America - stay with
Rich uncle and his eight children,
See no cowboys, Indians, gold
Or gangsters in Cleveland,
Everybody running - don't know
Why or whereto,
Problem - I don't speak English.
But I will learn real soon,
Love America - it's a good, free land,
Americans are nice, caring people,
I was saved and I will manage!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

African Farmer

What help is there
For this mortal coil,
Caught in life's web
Of sweat, tears and toil,
Trying to live off
Some dried up soil,
Those barren lands,
Plowed by tired hands,
With most cash gone,
These mortgaged lands
Are mostly owned by banks,
Our family had this old farm
For many a generation,
This shrinking food basket
Of a declining nation,
Maybe we can emigrate
To this great America
And leave tired, old Africa,
For in tales of old,
By wise men it's told
American streets
Are lined with gold...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Love me a little...

Love me a little
And I'll love you a lot,
Show me some care,
I'll give you all I've got
But if you want it to end,
Though I'll feel real sad,
I'll still be your friend.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

We need...

We need a president
With creative imagination,
An out of the box thinker
To lead our nation,
Not a dull clown,
A former lush
And man about town
Who never really earned
The right to wear
His graduation gown.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Addict's Nightmare

Ripped off a dude
In Chelsea last night,
Cut him with my blade a bit,
Pigs showed up - and I split,
Got myself a dime of stuff,
Never enough, never enough,
At the shooting gallery I shot up,
Soon I'll need the next drop,
The hustle is always the same,
I'm so goddamn tired of this game,
How, in hell, can I ever stop
Before the pigs get me
And my time is up?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Sizing Down

Seems I've heard
That song before,
It's from an old,
Familiar score:

We're sizing down,
No jobs in town,
Here's your last check,
If China collapses,
We'll call you back.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Republican Supreme Court

If Republicans abortions abort,
We'd soon read this report:

Fifteen year old girl abused,
By an uncle seduced,
Taken to an abortionist's bed,
Shoddy job - bloody mess,
Left there - dead...

Think about this:
If this isn't murder,
What is?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Friday, May 18, 2007

Kinder Transport - 1939

One and a half million children
Were killed in the Nazi camps,
Turned into smoke in the sky,
A few into shades of lamps,
While the US Congress found,
They could not give them refuge
On 'religious family grounds',
But the British opened their ports
And homes to 10.000 children
Through their Kinder Transports,
Those kids were the remnants
Of a lost generation,
And for this, our hearts go out
To the British nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Out-source Bush and Company

With all the kickbacks
Which are quite extensive,
Our government is overgrown
And much too expensive,
Let's out-source Bush and Cheney's
Jobs to Calcutta and Bombay,
They'll do a better job
And save us money every day,
Out-source the Congress, by the way,
For the Chinese do better work
At lesser pay,
They just don't sit around
And play.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

The only Dance we have...

There is no heaven,
There is no hell,
No Jehovah, Jesus, Allah
Rings your final bell,
There are no rewards
For good deeds
Or punishment for crime
By the devil
Or the 'Divine',
There is no above,
There is no below,
This is the only life
You'll ever know,
There is no St. Peter
At heaven's gate,
Grab every moment now,
Don't ever, ever wait
Till it's too late,
Don't wait for 'Gods'
And heavenly cheer,
The only dance you have
Is in the now and here,
Enjoy yourself - don't tarry,
Religion is just commentary...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, May 17, 2007


If anyone should ask
What does the word
'Goodness' mean,
I'd spell it out and say:
My friend - Pauline,
Better than
Any work of art,
She's a lady
With a golden heart.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Two dreamy eyes,
Like stars in the skies,
Two red-hot lips,
Gorgeous tits,
Inviting hips,
All made out
Of Adam's ribs
To make men lose
Their little wits,
A gift of God's
Great melting pot
To improve
Men's poor lot...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Twenty Million Illegal Folks

Twenty million illegal folks
Have come here to stay,
Work below minimum wages
And taxes - they don't pay,
Thus corporate slavers
Have cheap labor every day
While Yanks have the enjoyment
Of increasing unemployment,
But Congress has nothing to say.
Is this the American way?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mom's September Birthday

On this September morn
I think of you,
Fall turning nature
Into a golden hue,
Reminding me of
The color of your hair,
Your gray-green eyes,
A vision so fair,
You're gone for many years
But I still deeply care,
Mother and son,
We were a loving pair,
You gave me life,
You gave me love,
Always gave me
More than enough,
In my heart and soul
You'll always be
Till that final darkness
Touches me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Uranium Deal

Two Italian journalists
Needed some extra cash,
So, they acted rather rash,
Reported a Saddam uranium buy
Which, of course, was an outright lie,
The Italians knew it was not true
But figured Bush would love this clue,
So he could finish his old man's war,
Killed over 3000 of our boys so far.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Monday, May 14, 2007


One day, walking in the park,
Happy, carefree as a lark,
You may come around some bend
And meet your life's sudden end
Or after a peaceful night in bed,
In the morn they'll find you dead,
Don't know when your luck will tilt,
So, grasp every moment to the hilt,
Joyfully, full of zest and fast,
Treasure it - it may not last...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I Dream...

I dream of raptures
I've never known,
I dream of lovers,
Yet - unknown,
I dream of passions
Which could be mine,
And in my dreams
I feel - sublime...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Return from Andromeda

They traveled at the
Speed of light
To the Andromeda galaxy,
While time for them stood still,
And when they returned
Eons of ages from their departure
They found the earth
To be a radioactive desert,
Life long ago wiped out
By an atomic war, a moonscape,
With no place for them to go...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Deterioration Syndrome

Serious nature-nurture deterioration
(50% genetics, 50% education)
is due to a high positive birthrate
amongst low class or indigent,
uneducated populations in the world
(unable to educate or support their
numerous offspring), while a negative
birthrate amongst educated middle and
upper classes cuts their numbers down
(usually none, one or two children per
family, severely limiting their numbers,
as, for example, the European negative
birth rate), while on the other hand,
a rapidly increasing number of
educated, intelligent, skilled, creative
people are needed to maintain our ever
more complex technological society.

This results in world-wide chaos, wars
and social dysfunction which is the
real reason for our present difficulties,
disguised as religious and ideological

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Friday, May 11, 2007


What lies beyond
The hidden mystery
Of genius
Throughout history,
How does a Shakespeare,
Einstein, Mozart
Get the spark
In poetry, science and art,
Their burning fire
In the smithy of their mind
One can only in divinely
Inspired sources find...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, May 10, 2007


We twist and we turn,
We hope and we yearn,
We study and learn,
We compare and discern,
We confer and affirm,
We laugh and we cry,
But in the end
We all die
And never know why...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Impeach Bush!

By nature his intellect neglected,
By special interests selected,
By a corrupt Court elected,
We now have the worst
President ever seen
Dominating the White House scene,
Since his arrival
We have galloping inflation,
Huge debt accumulation
And a troubled foreign relation,
Outsourced our labor and production,
Good wages turned into
A minimum wage reduction,
While the entire nation
Is flooded with illegal immigration
And in Iraq we're stuck in a civil war
Where daily our soldiers
Die in fields afar,
No earthly reason why
These poor kids have to die,
And now, this joker
Vetoes the troop support bill
To spite the Congress on the Hill.

Let us impeach this incapable clown,
Who ruins our way of life,
Before our country will go down.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

To Betty, my Mom

My mom,
She was a Viennese gal,
A real good sport,
Much loved by all,
Her schnitzel and goulash
Were the best,
With her torte
She outshone the rest,
And till her life's end,
Mom always was
My very best friend,
She's now been gone
For many years,
Yet, I miss her so much,
Thinking of her,
I still shed tears...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Doomsday Charley

Doomsday Charley,
With his sour face,
Has a rotten disposition
And a total lack of grace,
Known well in town
For his nasty ways,
He'd always spread gloom
And prophesy doom,
So, if you meet
Doomsday Charley one day,
Run as fast as you can
The other way.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Village Dance

On Sunday nights
The village band plays
Traditional folk music
In their old-fashioned ways
And farmer folks all gather
In the village square
In an atmosphere
Of a country fair
Where the guys meet their gals
And the boys meet their pals
In their Sunday best
To celebrate all evening
The end of their day of rest,
For next morn, early at dawn,
They'll be back plowing the farm.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Old and Sick

My family and friends are gone,
I sit and stare at walls alone,
Forever silent is my phone,
Lost so much weight,
I'm skin and bone,
My heart and soul
Have turned to broken stone.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

My Rights as a Woman

No judges in black gowns
Or holy roller clowns
Can use their laws
As a distortion
And have me butchered
In an 'illegal' abortion
And have it as their goal
To commandeer
My body and my soul,
Nay, this corrupt Court
Which once rigged an election
And those misbegotten preachers
Need nationwide rejection.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz

To Me or not to Me

Above all else
Be true to your own 'ME'
Or others will use thee
And in servitude
Forever you'll be
Destined to live
And die in misery
When sent to war by
Washington's fat cats,
Those profiteering
Predatory rats,
Waving a flag,
Spouting some platitudes,
While you die in Iraq,
Coming home
Packed in a body bag.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz