Saturday, January 31, 2009


God, bless Jerusalem,
Home of our ancestors
Where Solomon's Temple
Stood thousands of years ago,
Where David slew Goliath
And Jesus was crucified
By the Romans who named
Him 'The King of the Jews',
Jerusalem the golden city,
Capital of our land Israel,
This burgeoning, modern
Democracy, where a free
People turned a desert green
And made the flowers bloom.

Protect us, Jehovah,
God of mercy and wrath,
From all savage interlopers
Who want to rob us
Of our land and heritage,
Strike them down
With your lightening blow
To save your people,
As you have done
Throughout eons of time...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 30, 2009


With negative, rapidly
Declining birthrates,
To exploit cheap labor,
Europe opened its gates
To the super-fertile,
Fanatically religious,
Islamic nations
Who'll soon outnumber
Europe's populations,
Opening the West in stages
To the fanatic culture
Of the Middle Ages.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I am a simple man...

I am a simple man
Who does not look for gain
And for advancement
I simply do not have the brain,
My allergy to work
Forces me to abstain,
But for the average peasant life
I really have disdain,
Only my tastes are for caviar,
Rolls Royce cars and champagne,
Yet, I spend a luxurious life
Endowed with elegance and charm
For my old pater found oil
On his broken down old farm,
So friends, I urge you
To follow my advice,
Go, have your old man find
Some oil - it's really nice...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

How do I love them...

How do I love them,
Passions of my life,
My heart and soul
Belongs to each new wife
And for usually a year
We're happy without strife
But constancy has
Never been my game
And when the time is up,
I kindle a new flame
And like a butterfly
I make my yearly round,
Never divorce them,
I'd strain my account,
I am Prometheus,
Happy and unbound...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stream of Consciousness...

On fragile wings of hope
I glide on silver moonbeams
through life, across the hidden
valleys of despair, knowing my
spirit will carry on over the abyss
of oh so trying times, hoping soon
my bitter days will cease when I fly
on sunbeams over mountain tops
and green valleys where lilies bloom
with my spirits high and my optimism
unlimited where my delight feeds on
the exquisite, a place where creative
and positive dreams dwell where
golden hopes turn into happy realities
and life grows into this magnificent,
great adventure poets write about,
while in the small orb of my senses
the illusion of this huge, mysterious
universe only exists within the recesses
of my mind where the highs and lows
of my circumscribed life carry me
through this unique birth to death
experience, this short interval to be
tasted and enjoyed to the fullest
and my short span of life emerged
from ancient stardust only to return
to the source it came from or to
arise in some other form at a distant
time in an eternal cycle, but never,
never again rise to the wonder of my
own self, this unique I, who once lived,
hoped, dreamt and passed on...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Jewish Enigma

Throughout the ages
We traveled our ancient way,
Survived Sumerians, Romans,
Greeks who had their day,
We contributed to the world
Great music, science and art
Gave them the Bible, Jesus,
Hope, morality, monotheism,
A set of laws - just for a start,
They honored, loved or hated us,
We were by Romans crucified,
Then in Russia's pogroms died,
Six million killed in the Nazi camps,
Gassed and burned in its ovens,
Or shot and buried in swamps,
It's said, men kill what they love
As the hunter kills the symbol
Of peace - the white dove,
Yet, we Jews survived them all,
We're still a guiding light, humble,
But walking unbowed and tall,
And long after humanity is gone
With the world turned to stone,
If there be gods - they may ask:
"Were Jews the world's conscience,
Was this their prescribed task?"

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Philosopher Kings...

Let not kings, lawyers,
Politicians rule my land,
Those robber barons who cheat
And rob with a stealthy hand,
Let not glib sophists and profiteers
Run our affairs of state,
Throw out those opportunists,
Show them all the gate,
But let philosophers, thinkers
And wise men run in their place,
Idealists who rule with intellect,
Compassion, love and grace...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Stimulus Package 2009

Spending trillions on 'stimulus'
and printing unlimited money
will be of very little use,
causing galloping inflation,
devaluing our currency,
lowering US living standards
to those of the Chinese nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


They played a sentimental,
Old, romantic tune
At our garden party
On a moonlit night in June
When suddenly my wife cried,
And said, as her tears I dried,
The song recalled her first love
Who as a very young man died,
A nostalgic bitter-sweet memory
Which would always with her be,
A loss she would deeply miss
Of a long ago time of joyous bliss,
And I felt desperately jealous
Because I've never loved like this...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


The 'is' - is real,
The 'ought'
Is just a thought...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

The way you were...

Your hair is silver,
Your teeth show gold,
Your skin is faded
And you are old,
But I still see you yet
The way you were
The day we met
When I just knew
It had to be you,
To me -
You'll always be
This stunning girl
Who put my heart
Into a whirl
Whose vision stays
In my mind's eye
Until the time
When we shall die
And then we'll dance
Forever in the sky...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


Where the golden sands
Of Puerto La Cruz
Touch the azure sea
'neath a bright blue sky
In a harmony of color and beauty
And the racy fire of the South
Mixes with the cool style of the North
In a paradise of elegance and luxury
Warmed by the closeness of the equator
Yet, cooled by the trade winds,
Rarely a cloud in the sky,
And later, in the shadows of night,
Dona Felicia, my Spanish beauty,
With her dark passionate eyes,
Lounging at my side on a moonlit night,
Sipping cocktails, listening to the distant
Sounds of music drifting across the bay,
Moments of such absolute perfection,
It seemed to me I'd gone to heaven...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Monday, January 26, 2009

Israel attacked

Ever since Israel existed,
Arabs have in their vicious,
Unprovoked attacks persisted,
Thousands of Israel's innocent
Civilians have been intentionally
Targeted, injured or killed
While the Arab media is constantly
With antisemitic Nazi slogans filled,
Their anti Jewish racist texts
Keep one disgusted and perplexed
And daily can one read and see,
'Drive those Jews into the sea!'
And for some years those cowards
Kill with rockets and suicide bombers
The civilian Jewish population,
Sponsored by the fanatic Iran nation,
And when the Jews finally retaliate,
Hamas puts their weapons into
Schools, mosques and hospitals
Using civilians as propaganda bait.
Hamas terrorists really don't care
How their own people fare.

While Israel gave a home to
From Arab lands expelled Jews,
Thus paying their brotherly dues,
Arabs closed their borders to their own,
A nasty, cruel action - widely known.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Middle East Solution

If all Jews have to leave Arab lands
and their settlements are liquidated,
it is only fair that all Arab presence
in Israel should forthwith be eliminated
and let the Palestinians open their gate
for them in their new established state.

The two states can then live in harmony,
trade with each other peacefully,
enjoying their independence and liberty.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

My Home

My home is on an island
by the deep-blue sea
in a little white house
'neath an old palm tree
on a golden-sanded bay
where forever we'll stay,
lounging on the beach
dreaming our days away
with an azure sky above,
just my sweetheart and I,
my Cindy - my love...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


Oh - come with me
to slumber land to dream,
where I'll be king
and you'll be queen,
for one sweet night
let us forget
drab lives - so lean...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Ordinary Lives

They cast no shadows
on the walls of time,
they rarely ever capture
- the sublime,
their ordinary lives
lacking the spark
- of the divine...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


- and thus I gather
rosebuds while I may
and spend a most
delicious day
with my dear Felix
who is gay,
my hopeless rogue cat
gone astray,
with female pussies
he won't play -

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Visit to China

I entered a different world
Full of color, light and turmoil,
The land of a waking giant
With a bright, ambitious people
Entering the technological age
Of a new global village century
With zest and new ideas,
Pride of workmanship
In their accomplishments,
Starting to combine
The very best aspects of
Capitalism and Socialism,
Slowly but surely,
In a progressive fashion,
Not decadent and indifferent
As the West has become
But competitive and vigorous.

Beware, you men of Western Lands
For Spengler's prediction in 1918
Of the 'Decline of the West' is
Turning into a self fulfilling prophecy
When one sees what speedy progress
The people of the East are making.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Lea - Belgium 1945

Black, burning eyes,
Her milk white skin
And raven hair,
A beauty of renown,
She was...
But is no more,
Death took her
In a sudden surge
Of mindless fate
Destined by gods
Who either died
Or are insane,
Perchance, were
Never there...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Poetry Group...

On Saturdays the poets meet
And talk about the inner life,
How poetry reflects,
With an economy of words,
The clarity of substance
Buried deep in opaque depths,
Hidden realities within,
Unseen but somehow sensed
In spiritual, mystic ways,
Their essence cleared
By the poet's gift to grasp
A fundamental truth,
Project it on the screen
Of consciousness
In words which bare the soul
And make one understand
That beyond vanity and shame,
The quagmire of daily life,
Its shabbiness and uncertainty,
Within the flaming smithy of the soul
Lie fundamental truths and beauty...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


We cross small
Bridges every day
And big ones
Once in a while,
We build some
New ones and
Destroy others
While some we
Burn behind us...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 23, 2009


Gentle dreamer,
Poet of the realm,
Idealist, believer - wake up!
Cast aside your illusions,
Scrap your rose colored glasses,
Bury your nobility,
Junk your gentility
For you live in the wild,
A predators' jungle
Where the tiger is rampant
And the gentle man is his meal...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


Like shadows
Passing on a screen
We live our lives
Then leave the scene,
A bit of stardust
With a soul
We search for roots
And seek a goal,
Look for some gain
And in the end
It's all is in vain,
A mortal coil
Of changing dimensions,
We invent gods
To give us pretensions,
To stave off the darkness,
Surmount the fear
Of nothingness,
This shadow of death
Which always seems near...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

To Giuseppi

Let's drain the cup
On this most memorable day
And wish you all the happiness,
Good luck and health along the way,
Let's toast old friendship
With lots of joy and cheers
On the completion
Of a well-lived fifty years,
The second fifty will be better yet,
So full of zest - like ageing wine,
I'll bet - they'll be the best...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Brief Interlude

Grab this sweet life in its brief span
Of fleeting ecstasy and agony
And make of it the most you can,
For dust to dust is your destiny,
Your life is but a moment
In the fated scheme of things,
So, stay the darkness
Which some morrow surely brings,
Enjoy this interlude - it is the best,
You have eternity to blot out
Consciousness - and rest...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


I crave that moment
Of nocturnal bliss
When love and life is shared,
Sealed with a kiss,
When 'neath the splendor
Of a starry night,
I hold you close
My own, my sweet delight,
Not mine to worry
Of a raging world outside,
Just you and I - and love
Let the rest slide...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, January 22, 2009


We live together
In a little cottage
By the sea,
Spending a lifetime,
Just you and me,
Without each other
We simply cannot be.

We loved each other
With youth's passion
And married
In the proper fashion,
And in our maturity
Our love was the security,
And in our latter stage,
Together we enjoyed
The serenity of old age
Till death will
Part us one day,
But in my heart
Of hearts I pray,
Even in our passing
We'll together stay...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Confidence in Banks

Reserve requirements for banks
Are only, legally, a fractional amount
And if there is a depositors' cash run,
They cannot honor the account.

If there is a severe recession
Or a full fledged depression,
The public may lose confidence
Banks will be overrun
Leaving for cash withdrawals
Very little chance
And Federal Insurance
Will be broke
And cannot recompense.

So, do not take a chance
No matter what,
Keep your confidence!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wise Man

The wise man rarely speaks his mind,
He listens carefully and still
To clever men and fools of every kind
And he selects and then retains
The bits of wisdom he can find.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

If there are...

If there are gods
I've never seen them yet,
If there's a hell or heaven
I've never asked the dead,
The holy men of scriptures
I've never, ever met,
But preachers of religion
I've heard - to my regret.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Obama's Inauguration Day

Blessed be our great USA,
Where freedom reigns
And equality is our way,
With the inauguration
Of a mixed race President
On this auspicious day,
A man of quality and intellect,
To be our White House resident
In this mixed melting pot
Of multi-ethnic variety,
Living in peace and harmony,
In a caring and liberal society,
Proving that of all the nations
In the East and West
Our America is still the best.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Monday, January 19, 2009

False Gods

The 'gods' we worship are
Figments of our imagination
Used as palliatives
To stem our desperation,
Still we continue to persist
To pray to 'gods' who don't exist,
And for those phantom 'gods'
Fanatics kill and go to war
In countries near and far
And millions, through the ages,
In useless martyrdom die,
But only fanatic preachers
Produce the reasons why.

If there is some unlikely intelligence
Which may direct and rule the universe,
To pray to homemade gods
Is useless and perverse
And if there be some hidden mystery,
Science may some day discover it,
But so far, it's beyond our philosophy.

There is probably
Nothing above
And nothing below
And only chancy
Evolution makes it so.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Stimulus Packages? (in prose)

The per capita income in China is
$3600 per year compared to $48400
in the US. Thus competition is impossible
and we lose most of our industries.
In response we spend trillions of dollars
on 'stimulus packages', reduce taxes and
upscale entitlements. To facilitate this
we have to print an unlimited amount
of new currency, causing inflation and
devaluating the dollar till the actual
value of our $48400 is equal to the
$3600 of Chinese per capita income.
This drastically reduces our standard
of living.

It will be tough for US adjustment
to such a lower standard, although
Chinese standards may go up, this will
be too slow a process to make much
of a difference in the foreseeable future.
Prospects are rather bleak.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Seems but never is...

I've come to the conclusion
All life is just illusion
And our perception
Is only deception
For what our senses
See and feel
Is not the real,
This microcosm
In actual space
Is beyond our vision
With myriads if particles
Swirling and twirling
With perfect precision,
Nuclei and electrons
We never see
Are the reality
Of life's mystery
And thus we live
In ignorant bliss
In a world which seems
But never is...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Life's Flow

The generations come,
The generations go,
From zesty youth
To life's last glow
When fear of death
One gets to know
And we recall
That long ago
Our fathers told us so,
Gone are the flighty birds
Of happiness
We knew so well,
And in the very end
Life seems like hell...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Weary River...

Oh, weary river
Of my thoughts,
Give me some
Dreams to wake to,
But let the aughts
And not what is,
Produce my phantom
World of bliss,
Cast life's cruel
Reality aside,
Let my imagination
Roam to make life
Sunny and bright...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Two of a kind
Often don't bind,
They get to know
Each other
Much too well,
The novelty declines,
Boredom sets in,
And life together
Turns into hell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, January 17, 2009


She was a low class aspirant
For high class pretensions,
Endowed with a selfish ego
Of huge dimensions,
Neurotic to the core,
But altogether just a bore,
Her manner grand,
Yet, 'neath the surface,
An intellect quite bland,
Her character rather weak,
Though a predator in life
With a mean streak.
Fate would not be fair
For the poor soul
Who'd marry her...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Gita - Vienna 1936 - 1938

Recalling from some foggy past
First Love's memories,
Long ago - but never lost,
When I was thirteen - just a boy
And Gita was seventeen,
A new delightful, sexy toy,
At our home she was a maid,
We fooled around
And almost had it made
With our new, exciting game,
As we later discovered,
Foreplay was its name,
But then the Nazis chased us away
And Gita and I called it a day,
For I was Jewish and she was not
And a racial crime would be our lot,
Ending our sexy adventure's plot,
But till the very end of my days
I'll remember Gita
And her amorous ways...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


We took a trip
Through the universe
On a rocket ship
At the speed of light
While time stood still
Through day and night,
Passed galaxies
And many a star,
Our journey was long
And we traveled quite far,
But we never found
A planet as fine
As our good earth,
This paradise - sublime,
But when we returned
After our trip was done,
Billions of years had gone by,
Our sweet world was gone,
Left us an empty, dark sky...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Treasure your health,
Family and home
For tomorrow
They could be gone...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 16, 2009

Private Robert Wagner

Bob came to America
As a refugee
To escape the Holocaust
And find liberty,
He fought in the invasion
Of Normandy,
He was killed at St. Lo,
Fighting the Nazis,
Sixty five years ago,
Let us never forget
We owe our freedom
To those honored dead,
Up to the end
He was my best friend,
A good part of life
He had never seen
For Bob was
Only nineteen.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jolly Folly of Hamas

Israel will pull its troops out
And Hamas, stewing in rubble,
Will loudly 'VICTORY' shout,
Then, with Iran's assistance,
Hamas will continue in their
Rockets into Israel persistence,
Till Israelis will finally be fed up,
Wipe Gaza out with nuclear bombs
To put their aggression to a stop,
An act, the Hamas folks will simply love
Because they'll be celebrated martyrs
In the sweet anti-infidel's heavens above,
Thus, more than satisfying their urgings
For those sweet seventy two virgins,
For them a happy score
But their wives will be sore.

The Bard would say, 'you see
What fools these mortals be'.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ah - women,
They are delightful creatures
With delicious features,
Inviting, sexy hips,
Flowering breasts,
Passionate, moist lips.
The whole physique
A wondrous mystique,
All soft and tender,
Ready to surrender,
Their lotus flower,
With drawing power,
Where men first saw
The light of day
And throughout life
Yearn to return to play...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snake Charmer

She curls and swirls
And dances to my tune
In Marrakesh's market place
Watched by a crowd at high noon,
Myra, my deadly cobra,
Puts my audience in a swoon,
I humor her and feed her well,
She is a moody lady,
When she may strike,
One can never tell,
But so far, she's been good,
I honor her
For she's my livelihood.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, January 11, 2009


For five thousand years
We wandered the globe
Through good and bad times
But always with faith and with hope,
We survived the Sumerians, Pharaohs,
Babylonians, Romans, pogroms,
The Holocaust and the Nazi Hitler crew
And with God's help, we'll also
Survive our present foes too.
So, give a cheer, give a cheer,
They'll long be forgotten
While we'll still be here!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Dialectics 2008

The thesis creates an
Antithesis to confront it,
Out of this a synthesis is born,
A merging of both ideas,
But this synthesis again
Turns into a thesis
Provoking an antithesis,
Again resulting in a synthesis,
Continuing on and on
In a repeating process.

For example, great poverty
Of the masses versus a wealthy,
Privileged elite provokes
A revolution resulting
In Communism or other
Forms of dictatorship,
This new synthesis becomes
A thesis which is countered
By international capitalism
And creates a new synthesis,
For Communism stymies
Freedom, creativity and incentive,
While capitalism can be predatory
And an oppressive system if abused,
Thus, Communism turns towards
Capitalism and capitalism turns
Towards socialism forming the
Synthesis or blending of both
Conflicting ideologies, as in
The emerging China and Vietnam,
Countries now in the process of change,
And possibly in the United States
If our present difficulties continue,
But this new synthesis of ideologies
Turns into a thesis countered by
An antithesis resulting in a synthesis,
The nature of which is hard to predict,
A process which never comes to an end.

This dialectic may result in a much
Better society or may lead to an entropy
(Total disintegration which will be
Worldwide because of instant
Communications since we now live in a
Global village) - the process can go
In either direction but the ongoing
Dialectics may even change
Whatever happens to us...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, January 10, 2009

You never know...

You never know
What the morrow brings,
The market crashes
And your portfolio sinks,
Banks go broke,
And your money
Goes up in smoke,
Bonds are worthless,
Dollars are devalued
And your funds
Are swallowed.

A spouse may suddenly
Turn out to be gay,
Meet someone else,
Take your funds
And run away.

You sleep in your bed,
Have a heart attack,
In the morn you're dead.

With a pink slip
You're suddenly fired
All jobs went to China
And you can't get hired,
Lose your car and home,
As a homeless you're retired,
Sleep on a sidewalk's stone.

Doctor tells you
In six months you'll die,
It's cancer - that's why,
Tough, 'cause after
You were fired
Your health care expired,
They cut the funds on Medicaid
And there simply is no aid.

So, live it up day by day,
Furious and fast,
Your luck may not last
For you never know
How the morrow will go...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 09, 2009

Rockets hit Israel

Throughout the ages
The persecution of Jews
By fanatics inciting mobs
Was often welcome news.

Jews, the very people who
Contributed so much
To our world and humanity
With monotheism, the Bible,
Jesus, the Jewish rabbi,
Maimonides, Spinoza, Heine,
Freud, Einstein, Salk, Bernstein
And countless others
In the fields of literature, poetry,
Philosophy, science, art and music,
Those very same Jews who are
Semitic cousins of the Arabs through
Their common father, Abraham,
And are the founders of Christianity
Originally started by the Jews,
Jesus and his disciples.

For years Israel has been attacked
By terrorists and Hamas, incited
And supplied by Iran and Syria,
Using rockets and suicide bombers.

No country in the world will
Accept such outrageous abuse,
And when Israel, rightfully,
Defends itself and its people,
The world and the 'Disunited Nations'
Pounce upon them with a
'Holier than Thou' attitude.

If there be Gods, they won't
Look kindly upon the prejudices
Of this cruel 'human race'.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, January 08, 2009

A Theory...

There's no heaven above,
No hell below,
We turn to dust
At death's last blow,
To that past age
Ere we entered
Life's stage,
More or less
To nothingness,
Except, if 'circular infinity'
Should turn out to be a fact
We'll eternally repeat,
Eons apart,
The very same act...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Ponzi Scheme

He played the Ponzi
Scheme to the hilt,
Fraudulently, he took
Money for investments
Which were never filled,
Paid Peter to pay Moe
With high interests to go,
Always borrowed
An increasing amount,
But on his prompt return
Anyone could count
And his credit was very good
In the general 'business hood'.
When he got too old to play,
He folded up and called it a day,
Fifty billion were lost out of hand,
With some billions landing
In the Bahamas and Switzerland,
To have security
In his ageing maturity,
Now, he is out on bail
And, god forbid, not in jail,
Soon he'll disappear
To join his billions
In foreign lands
And be in good cheer
For many a year...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


There's a sad look
In the eyes of my beloved,
Her pale lips send a shiver
Into the innermost
Recesses of my soul,
Get well, dearest,
For you are my haven,
My port in a storm,
My life, my very existence
In a world which has
Forgotten to be kind...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

To our children...

They always stood
With us in times of need,
Helped us with word and deed,
Most tender love and care
When our hearts would bleed,
We're deeply proud of our seed,
For we brought them up well
In a world going to hell...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Israel's only Choice

Iranian rockets from Gaza
Are sent into Israel every day,
"Destroy Israel, drive them
Into the sea", the Arabs say,
The Jews, a peaceful nation,
Like any other country would,
Cannot accept bombing attacks,
Humiliation and degradation,
Thus, they bombed Gaza
And started an invasion,
But such a rash solution,
Like the US bogged down in Iraq,
Will not result in any resolution,
The only way for Israel to respond
Is with a devastating nuclear bomb,
200.000 may die in this disaster,
But like after Hiroshima,
There 'll be peace ever after!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz