Thursday, April 30, 2009


Rose was a lady in decline,
once a mind brilliant and fine,
through age or genetic line
she lost her mind in time,
unable to reality define,
we watched her wilt away,
recognition and memory astray,
into a painful, slow decay,
succumbing to fate's cruel play,
finally liberated from her earthly stay.

There 'll come a day,
hopefully, not too far away,
for solving this puzzling disease
when we stop spending on wars
but do needed research in peace.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

America on the Brink

Gone are the days
of wine and honey
of little work
and easy money,
abundant cheap oil
and lots of good soil.

Exacerbating the problem,
all our people's toil
can't match the low wages
and advanced stages
of Asia's industrialization,
causing unemployment
in our outsourcing nation,
complicated by a power elite
seducted by corruption
with crooked bankers
and Wall Street cancers.

Thus, one can easily see
a growing catastrophe,
with increased chances
for more regression
than any advances.

There is some hope
a new administration
led by this chap Obama
can help our nation
to save us from all this
but frankly speaking,
even gods may be unable
to restore our former bliss.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

High Society in the Suburbs

I fired my tennis instructor the other day,
his love potential just drifted away,
since lately I found a charming delivery boy,
an absolutely delightful sexual toy,
of course I stick with my husband Harry,
a rich CEO, my essential monetary,
always happy with his busty secretary,
he never touches our imported maids,
probably fears an infection with AIDS,
besides I have four darling kids,
two of them are probably his,
yes, in the suburbs I lead the great life
as a high society leisure wife.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"Just leave my place,
you're a burden
and a disgrace
I want you out",
I quietly told Julius,
"I don't want to shout".

"But this is my home,
I'm not much trouble
and I leave you alone",
replied Julius in a
conciliatory tone.

"Julius, my messy,
sponging friend,
you eat my food,
never pay any rent,
you're out of here,
this is your end."

"Now, look here,
my overblown pal,
this is not the end at all,
long before you did appear
we were already here
and we'll still be around
ages after you disappear,
besides, I resent your approach",
said Julius, my talkative roach.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

The Search

It's the journey to the goal
which yields the satisfaction
once accomplished it turns
into a past distraction,
a soon forgotten action,
then we search for an idea
in the unexplored blue
to find a meaningful trip
pursuing something new...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Monday, April 27, 2009


When my time is up,
My spirit gone,
My body dead,
Burn what is left
And spread my ashes
On a flower bed
And if in Spring
There roses be,
Enjoy their beauty
And think of me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


Gray is the sky
and blue my heart,
my time is up,
I must depart,
death is afoot,
if I stay here,
I'm overcome
with horrid fear,
there is gunfire
SS troops are here
to kill all Jews,
a minute before
they shot
my neighbor
at his door,
they killed
my brother
in his bed,
and most Jews
in my village
are now dead,
oh, my dear God
help me escape,
I want to live,
my need is great,
please let me go
to some foreign place
where people live
in peace and grace
where they'll just
simply let me be,
where men have souls
and Jews are free...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Body on the Beach

He dreamt of a land
across the blue sea
where he'd find
freedom and liberty
yet his body washed up
on the beach in Miami
and now he is resting
with the brave and the free
but the land of his dreams
he'll never ever see...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, April 25, 2009

End Game

Now days we face the cruel reality
of overpopulation, family breakup
corruption, ever increasing immorality,
depression, unemployment, carnality
nuclear weapons and brutality,
for global warming and pollution
we cannot find any sensible solution,
except to pray to 'gods' for absolution,
but have no fear - nuclear wars,
untreatable diseases and starvation
will spell the end of life's creation
unless we change our purposes
through a total re-evaluation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Fatal Conclusion

The gods we pray to are just imaginary
subjects of our selective perception
from Jehovah, Jesus, Trinity, Allah and
Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception,
they are all man's dreamt up illusion
to create the comforting delusion
of heavens, gods and afterlife,
evading the vanity of all existence
with only death at its conclusion.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Platinum Jeweler

He shapes the noble metal
with his gifted hands,
creating precious jewels,
brooches, rings, wedding bands,
a crouching diamond tiger
with green emerald eyes,
a diamond-studded necklace
which won a designer's prize,
a glowing ruby rose clip,
a pair of diamond earrings dice,
a gleaming pearl necklace
rosy-white and three rows wide
with a diamond lock and slide,
a huge pink diamond heart
pierced with a onyx arrow,
an object of fine art,
a bracelet studded with
diamonds, rubies and sapphires,
flexible like a sliding snake
connected with invisible wires,
all worn by generations of the rich,
famous and well known,
treasured as collectors' items
long after its creator is gone,
buried in some grave - unknown...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Marry me...

Two dreamy eyes,
like heavenly stars
shining up in the skies,
skin - white as snow,
a stunning beauty with
charm and passion aglow,
I asked her to marry me,
forever - be mine,
she said - I am sorry,
I have to decline,
but I'm in the profession,
credit card or cash,
thousand dollars a session.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


It's the journey to the goal
which gives the satisfaction,
once accomplished it turns
into a temporary distraction,
a soon forgotten action,
then one's purposes aim
at projects - exciting and new,
a trip into the unknown blue...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Friday, April 24, 2009

Did the Banks win?

After the biggest Ponzi scheme in history,
banks caused financial ruin and misery
with their unethical manipulation
bringing down a trusting nation,
in desperation the banks yelled
Uncle Sam help - we're broke
and Uncle used our hard earned taxes
to relieve those rich bankers of their yoke,
thus with tongues of honey
those sharks grabbed our money,
held it, charging usurious interests,
making their lives more sunny,
while continuing their old ways
of loads of profits and happy days,
giving the consumer the boot
and keeping the stimulus loot,
claiming they are too big to fail,
but frankly, good old Uncle Sam
should put those 'bankers' in jail.
Let government take over the banks,
our folks had enough of those cranks.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Maxims for Life

No matter what you say or do,
above all to thine own self be true,
observe and respect history's clue
but be wide open to the new
and most of all love what you do,
live without fear and don't be blue
and love your fellow beings too,
but if you need more spice in life,
add a mistress to your wife.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Conference on Racism in Geneva

A conference on racism's elimination
resulted in Iran's little Hitler's call
to promote Antisemitism in every nation
and that their policy should be
to drive the State of Israel into the sea,
a democracy where Arabs did quite well,
while in their own countries Jews were
thrown out and their own Arab folks
live in a poverty-stricken fascist hell
with racism and sexual discrimination
practised in almost every Islamic nation,
in response to this Iranian dictator's shout
most delegations just walked out.

It's not the people but the fanatics
who cause these worldwide statics,
especially since Arabs and Jews
are Abraham's children
and Semitic brothers,
not ever enemies or 'others',
with Jewish intellect and Arab oil
together they could live in paradise
in peace on their ancient, holy soil.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Sam fled Odessa
to Poland's town Lwow
because of the Russian
Cossacks and pogroms
he had more than enough,
in Lwow he married a Jewish girl
from a nice, respectable family
in an orthodox ceremony,
to them a little girl was born
but their conflicting tempers
caused the family to be torn,
four years later Sam's wife,
Rachel, took off and left,
leaving Sam and daughter,
Sarah, alone and bereft,
Rachel then obtained her divorce
through some Nevada legal source,
married a Catholic in New York State
and promptly adopted his faith,
while Sam married Laura, a widow,
whose husband had fallen out a window.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


Laura was a beauty of renown,
the best looking girl in town,
at eighteen she was presented
at the debutante's ball
where she met a young, stunningly
handsome man who had it all,
he seemed to her a shining light,
the love of her life,
and they eloped that very same night,
the marriage lasted a week and a day
when he jumped out the window
because they found out he was gay,
it was the greatest scandal in town
and for a few weeks she wore a black gown
but then she married a rich older chap
and for years she lived in luxury's lap,
she gave birth to a little boy,
to her, a bundle of love and joy,
after her second husband passed away,
she wore black for a year and a day,
then she married a multi-millionaire
and they lived in luxury without care
but before she passed away,
she urged her boy, Sunny:
"Don't marry for love,
just for the money!"

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Somali Pirates and the Yanks

Civil war and starvation
haunt the Somali nation,
overfishing and pollution
almost brought their fishing
industry into dissolution
and their only solution
was a profitable piracy,
thus, a starving teenager,
persuaded to join,
was caught by the Yanks at sea.

When they put him in jail
he did not cry or wail
but broadly smiled
about his lucky score
for now he's better off
than in Somalia before
facing neither death nor starvation
but ample food, a place of his own
with a secure future and recreation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama's Task

For this difficult task
poor Obama did ask -
to fix the state of our nation
ruined by an incompetent
Republican administration.

With best intentions
he entered an impossible scene
where corrupt mismanagement
was the general scheme
with an ongoing depression
based on worldwide recession,
Asia's industrialization
cutting jobs in our nation
while fanatic crazies
from lands distant and far
have us involved
in a ludicrous war.

While Obama is one of the best,
to solve these problems
is an almost hopeless test,
I bet his wife will sometimes ask,
why did you take this miserable task.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Monday, April 20, 2009

Global Warming

Global warming is accelerating
at a constantly increasing pace
diminishing the world's water base
causing glaciers to melt and rivers to dry
especially in China and India
where Himalaya's glaciers die
due to Asia's increasing industrialization
with water and food ever scarcer
for their polluting population
till one fine day the world may perish
through thirst and starvation...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


An other Spring has passed,
still no one has asked,
those are her growing fears
as she gets on in years
waiting for her love to come along,
dark, handsome and strong,
must be wealthy and quite tall,
a chap who had it all
but as the years went by
her dreams began to die,
and as her beauty wilted
she felt by fate quite jilted,
till she sadly knew her wait
left her standing at the gate...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

King Lear's Sorrows

I gave them life,
I gave them all my love,
ever more than enough,
each one my precious little dove,
I gave my reigns gladly the slip,
I gave them my kingdom's
crown and stewardship
but with a poison spider's sting
they cruelly rewarded me,
their loving father, their caring king,
by breaking my heart
and inflicting bitter sorrows
for my few remaining morrows...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, April 19, 2009

As we age...

As we age
the dreams
we cherish
slowly perish,
great expectations
are now replaced
with small but
pleasant sensations
or occasional recreations
and as our future hopes
are gradually spent,
it takes now little
to keep us content...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Housewives in Despair

Every morning he leaves the house,
comes home exhausted late at night,
too tired to satisfy his bored wife,
even earns too little money
to make their lives more sunny,
but she finally found a solution,
a sideline in prostitution,
it brings in extra money
and her sex life oozes honey.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


Gossip turns the truth around,
promotes falsehood, quite unbound
with progressive elaboration
and increasing exaggeration,
a demonstration of good examples
are many of our daily media samples.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Virgin in the Spring

In the Spring young John's fancy
turns to sex with his fiancee Clancy,
but Clancy claims to be a virgin
staunchly resisting all John's urging
but she now has one great worry,
on her coming wedding night
she will have to change her story.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

The Dead City

A giant nuclear missile
streaked across the sky
its fusion hydrogen blast
burning the City from up high,
in the explosion millions had to die,
poor souls never knew quite why,
the City turned to green glass and stone
after the mushroom clouds had gone,
most people totally evaporated
the rest into dust cremated,
those in the suburbs faced a slow death
with the atmosphere radio activated,
and then the City was silent as a grave
except the victims in the suburbs slowly
dying in the ensuing radiation wave,
if there be Gods they'd shed tears of pity
for this forever to be dead City...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Friday, April 17, 2009

Charley and the Harley

Said Murphy, the motorcycle cop,
to Chinese Charley:
"I'll take in my laundry
and you watch my Harley."
When Murphy returned,
he asked Charley:
"Where is my Harley?"
"Me not know,
me not tell,
me push button,
goes like hell
this crazy Harley."
Said Charley.

A few blocks down waits
frugal Scott McFartney
ready to fence the Harley
saying to his old pal Blarney:
"May the Lord bless Sharpy Charley."

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Asia's Industrialization

The wealthy nations
grew lazy and fat
and now financially
they are quite dead,
suffering defeat
because they
can't compete.

Some former Third World nations
worked diligently and hard
and are now the world's
money source and industrial heart,
especially China's place is very sunny,
we, Yanks, already owe them
quite a load of money.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Music in Auschwitz

In Auschwitz it was etiquette
To play some soothing music
For the condemned to death
And members of the band
Were kept well and alive,
The Jews and Gypsies
To eventually survive,
A few did make their way,
In some great concert halls
You still can hear them play.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Future?

Life is a tragic-comic play
In a world going astray
Where we've lost our way
With deteriorating genetics,
Totally lost ethics,
Sliding aesthetics,
Moral turpitude,
Negative attitude,
Lost pulchritude,
Family disintegration,
Many a war torn nation,
Employment recession,
Economic depression,
Increasing pollution,
No overpopulation solution,
Global warming,
Dust bowl farming,
The future?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Malthus - Overpopulation

World population is growing
in geometric progression
causing shortages of essentials
leading to worldwide depression,
from a population of 1.65 billion
over a hundred years ago
to 6.71 billion did we grow,
projecting a doubling
after next century's flow
with the Third World expecting
the most significant overflow
but Europe, with a negative
birthrate will fall way below
while water and food in Africa
and Asia will be running low,
in the West pollution, decadence,
unemployment and depression
shall cause their regression,
only starvation and war
have solved those problems so far,
therefore the future we seek
looks rather bleak...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Monday, April 13, 2009


We can easily fall in love
with an image we aspire,
to be like them
is our hidden desire,
it maybe the the quiet introvert
who wants to be an extrovert,
thus it's a frequent fact
that opposites attract.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, April 12, 2009


On a sunny Sunday morning,
not a cloud in the sky,
we unveiled his monument,
the first one in a new row
amidst a mass of grey stones
proclaiming their dead residents
to any passerby who cared to look,
stony eyes without souls
telling their stories
and Jeffrey now amongst them,
a young man in the prime of life,
blond with blue eyes, full of zest,
bright, endowed with talent and ability,
always searching for his place in the sun,
but, somehow, not quite making it,
we all tried to understand him
but we just never really could,
his life's direction vague and uncertain,
he could have done so much
but death cut him short,
robbed him of life and hopes
and all he might have been,
all his dreams - unfulfilled
without rhyme or reason
but we will remember him
and miss his sunny smile
in all the years to come...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Flight 800 7/18/1996

A fiery streak
across the evening sky,
a plane exploding
and hundreds had to die,
no rhyme, no reason
and no one knows just why,
could be a bomb
put there by some fanatic,
some fundamentalist
with screws loose in his attic
or some hot shot pilot
shooting off some friendly fire
at anything crossing his wire
or nothing evil or satanic,
only the workmanship
of a retarded, drunk mechanic,
and politicians cry and wail,
blowing a lot of wind
into their electioneering sail
while lawyers chase relatives
with tongues of love and honey
to get their legal fees
and make a lot of money
with media circuses
who are always in fashion,
the bloodier the event
the greater is the passion
while everyone shouts happily
this blown up corpse
could have been me,
ah yes, we humans are a sorry lot,
we may deserve all we have got,
but than this earth, this universe
is quite peculiar, quite perverse,
nothing is ever what it ought to be,
we talk morality yet we spread misery,
let's change all this, be nice and good,
just put some Prozac into our food
but do fondly remember those lost lives
and pay condolences to their
families, children, fathers, wives...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Sexy Ferrets

Female ferrets are often in heat
swinging to a high libido beat,
their constant need for affection
runs mostly in a sexual direction
and a ferret may slowly fade away
if with a mate she cannot play,
wish my third wife Brigid
could have a ferret's gene
to be less frigid...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It was a moonlit night like this
when Monica sealed our love with a kiss
but then this luscious, balmy night of bliss
in this French Caribbean island nation
stretched into a glorious winter vacation
from just an ordinary recreation
and when Monica returned to France
I sadly felt I had missed my chance,
but a while after returning to New York,
I received a letter from Monica,
she's expecting the stork,
and now Monica, baby Fran and I
live in the Village in New York,
grateful for this moonlit night
when Monica came into my sight
turning our lives from left to right.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


Sigmund was a lover of ladies,
a rather careless chap,
he stuck them with babies,
no sense of humor those gals had,
they held him responsible,
though he pleased them in bed,
Sigmund didn't know what to do
so he bought some rings
and he married a few
but when charged with bigamy,
he fled to a country
across the wide sea,
people say he looks a bit pale,
he wed some French ladies
and now lingers in jail.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

I'd rather not...

I'd rather not, she said
before going to school,
I'd rather not, she said
before getting married,
I'd rather not, she said
before having steady sex,
I'd rather not, she said
before getting pregnant,
I'd rather not, she said
before dying in childbirth...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


The honky-tonk of the circus,
the shrill laughter of the clown
hiding his quiet desperation,
wild animals yearning to be free
caged and forced into senseless antics,
the vagabond circus wandering
from town to town to relieve a
shouting mob from their own miseries
while the corporate circus owners live
in luxury on the blood, sweat and tears
of the itinerant performers with caged
animals entertaining an aimless mob to
divert their attention from real problems,
the circus - a world in miniature,
a microcosm of the macrocosm of the
power elite - CEOs, bankers and Wall Street
grabbing the bounties of the stimulus package
supplied by the suffering taxpayers
while more and more unemployed and
dispossessed crowd the American scene.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Time...

It's time to call in the chips
when our economy flips,
unions and executives
have a moral obligation
to cut their excessive demands
hurting our distressed nation,
if they refuse they should be fired
so decent people could be hired.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Parallel Universe?

The theory does seem perverse
but there maybe a parallel universe
where one passes a wormhole singularity
within the central black hole of a galaxy,
forming a parallel universe's point of entry,
hopefully, not an anti-matter space
with positive electrons and negative nuclei
where one will not survive in any case...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Gypsy Joys

When you hear a Gypsy band play
while you make out with some
luscious Gypsy gal in the hay,
there is nothing better
than hot Gypsy music
and a Gypsy full of pepper,
to enjoy both at the same time
is a pleasure - divine...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Voices of the Past

Those glorious voices of the past
are now gone into history
but their recordings will forever last
Caruso, Callas, Tucker, Pavarotti
and so many others - on and on
will still be with us though they're gone,
long will their brilliant interpretation
of many a classic opera's melody,
remain in mankind's memory...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Demise of Newspapers and Postal Service?

The message is transmitted
by the current medium
instantly and clear
without any tedium
causing newspapers and
postal services to fold
because they are outdated
systems - slow and old,
while the worldwide Internet
with its fast efficiency
is a far, far better bet.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Image of Divinity

Strange, how some people
have a special gift,
to give humanity a lift,
like Mozart, Einstein,
Plato, Da Vinci and the Bard
in music, science, literature and art,
it seems as if some divine force
gave them the power of their source
to lift mankind past the sublime
into the image of the divine.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

To my Partner

Thy constancy is my delight
you are my steadfast shining light,
my beacon in a darkening night,
you gave me courage and insight,
from the Holocaust we both took flight
to a great free life - proper and right
from our very first start
till death will us part,
a life as precious
as a work of art...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


A stunning beauty our Mary was,
a personable gal with charm and class,
endowed with a virginal purity.

Many a swain proposed to her
but she wanted looks, wealth and security
so she held out way past the age
of an overripe maturity,
barely getting by on Social Security,
yet still very proud of her virginal purity.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Uncle Sam's Generosity

Uncle Sam prints money - galore
for the stimulus package to score
devaluing the dollar more and more
giving banks and Wall street payoffs
while the people are blessed with layoffs
thus having their leisure enjoyment
of ever increasing unemployment,
citizens now happily on park benches rest
after landing on the streets - dispossessed,
though we spend loads of our money
to make life in Iraq, Afghanistan
and our 'good pals' in Pakistan
for their folks more sunny.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Monday, April 06, 2009

Decline of Empires

When unemployment and inflation,
untenable wars and moral disintegration
started to ruin the Roman Nation,
they gave them bread and circuses
to pacify their people with recreation,
and now, TV, Internet, Welfare and Stimuli
try to remedy our rapid deterioration,
thus, Spengler describes it best
in his 1918 book 'The Decline of The West'
with an accurately predictive observation
of the historic rise and fall of empires,
cultures, civilizations and every nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, April 05, 2009


Once you're old and decrepit
your sex life turns quite tepid,
you're like an old car,
won't get very far,
your headlights are dim,
your energy slim,
your horn sounds dull,
your controls go haywire
inside your skull,
in your arteries deposits are stocked
and your exhaust is blocked,
your old body turns into scrap tin,
can't even trade it in.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Reality and Perception

We perceive this shadowy world
through the kaleidoscopic reflection
of our selective perception
often turning reality into deception
which warrants the conclusion
we live with illusions
with many a life ruined by delusion.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

One Night Stand

By the dawn's early light
after an orgasmic night,
I said to my new love,
Your hair below
and your hair above
do not match,
said she, "hope my
AIDS you will catch".

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


These days we live with the perversity
that everyone must go to a university
even if the brain in his skull
is lethargic and dull
and for a considerable fee
they receive a degree
which on walls they can mount
falsely stating they can spell and count,
thus universities sooner or later
fall to the lowest common denominator.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Holocaust Refugees 1935-1945

They fled from Nazi Germany
to America and liberty,
yearning to be free,
those desperate refugees
to find a home
and live in peace,
they came here broke
and not adept in English,
for them life was no joke,
yet, many worked their way up
in industry, science and politics
right to the very top,
in movies, literature and art
they played a most important part,
they served America with distinction,
eternally grateful for saving them
from the Holocaust extinction.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz


His father was an Arab,
His mother a Jew,
Where he belonged to
He never knew,
He was my friend,
Endowed with intellect,
Charm and grace.
Abe made this world
A better place,
If there's a heaven
For Arabs or Jews
His arrival to either God
Will be welcome news.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Friday, April 03, 2009

Refugees' Reunion

From certain death we,
teen aged refugees, escaped,
fearing our horrid destiny,
from racist Nazi Germany,
many on Kinder transports,
with parents left behind,
we came to the golden
land America, crossing
the ocean to be free,
and there in a camp high up
in the Ramapoo Mountains
found wild nature at its very best,
a dream land where with
youthful energy and zest,
we, unrestricted, found
first love, passion, sex
and the liberty yearned for
with all of us feeling sure
we finally landed in heaven.

More than half a century later
we had a reunion at a Y in Queens
when an old lady with a cane
looked somehow familiar to me.
"Is your name Edith", I asked.
"You're not Fred, oh my god",
she replied, seeming crestfallen,
Edith, my first love, my nights
of passion on the old abandoned farm
where the wild flowers grow near
the old camp where I spent
the best years of my life, sometimes
still nostalgic for those glorious
days and romantic nights,
and now all of us old,
tired - looking, pathetic;
we shook hands, politely,
but we never met again...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Any financial system tanks
if there is a run on banks,
if Wall Street falls into a state of fear,
stock values will gradually disappear,
for any financial operation depends
on lack of fear and having confidence.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

He loved poetry...

From sperm and egg
uniting in orgasmic lust
till life's short interval
concludes in dust
there only remains
a fading memory
of a chap who once
loved poetry...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2009 Alfred Charasz