Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vienna 1939

They met in a small cafe
In Vienna on a sunny day in May,
Spring was in the air
And they made a handsome pair,
It was love at first sight,
Passions grew,
And they became lovers that night,
But he was a Catholic
And she was a Jew
And under Hitler's racial laws
This just would not do,
They parted the very next day
And sadly went their own way,
She died in the camp
And he in the war
But till their dying day
They never forgot that small cafe...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, June 27, 2008


I sailed the seven seas
From China to Greece,
Traveled the oceans
Far and wide,
Many a day,
Many a night,
In every port
I had a gal,
Short or tall,
I had them all.
But one stormy night at sea
I heard a sea nymph calling me,
Joined her in her watery bed,
Overboard - they thought me dead,
Live now 'neath the China Sea,
Happy with my nymph to be,
Only her fish tail bothers me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


The candidates perform
Their spiel and dance,
They kiss dirty babies
And shake unwashed hands,
They promise to create
A heaven on earth
And play it
For all it is worth,
But after the public's seduction,
Once elected,
They engage
In fraud and corruption
And promises are forgotten
By politicians turned rotten,
So, if you are wise
Don't believe their lies.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Dear Dave, your passing
Has evoked deep sorrows
And we'll fondly remember you
Through all the morrows
As a good and caring friend
Always helping others till the end
When your aching heart found release
And was forever stilled in peace,
A better world through you we've known,
Diminished are we since you're gone.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Prostitutes' Ball

All you men,
Short and tall
Come to the prostitutes' ball
With vaginas wall to wall,
Every price range is on call,
Guaranteed free of germs,
So, spread your sperms,
With hourly demonstrations
Of novel sexual relations,
Give these gals good employment
Spreading sexual enjoyment,
Have a jolly good escape
With chicks of every size and shape
And complete satisfaction
From a huge female selection,
All you men,
Short and tall,
Come to the prostitutes' ball.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, June 23, 2008

Brother, can you spare a dime?

'Brother, can you spare a dime?'
Is the new slogan of our time,
Shades of the 1929 depression
As found in the 2008 regression,
With outsourcing, unemployment
And galloping inflation
Rocking the very foundation
Of our American nation,
While politicos stand idly by
Only intent on grabbing
A hefty slice of their pie.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

On Sex

Speak to me
Of love and passion,
For sex is always
In fashion,
An enjoyable hobby
Which needs no lobby,
The ultimate creation
For specie perpetuation,
Yes, just a peg in a hole
Makes the world go 'round.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Men with Ideas

From Jesus to Marx,
From Napoleon to Lenin,
From M0hammed to Hitler,
We must always fear
The chap with a new idea
For which millions die
And never know why?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Useless Life...

In the end
It came to nothing anyhow,
A life without meaning,
A chase after rainbows,
An empty existence,
An uphill struggle
Never getting past the hurdles
And then to conclude
Not to ever be born
Would have been better...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

To a Blind Poet

His eyes are gone
But his spirit remains,
His poetic soul
From his rhymes
Quiet comfort gains,
He paints his verses
In colors so bright,
While his eyes
See only
A permanent night.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ordinary Joe

Everywhere you go,
You meet the ordinary Joe,
He's usually a decent man
Who does for family and country
Whatever he can,
He lives from paycheck to paycheck
To cover rent, car and food
And resides in a modest neighborhood,
Often he uses a credit card
To pay his bill
And when he dies
There is a pittance in his will.

Poor chap,
By the power elite used
And by the system abused.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


It was never love,
Only a game,
A passing chance
Of a romance
For you and me,
Yet, leaving
A fond memory...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Candidates

The people now have a voice
And have a pre-determined choice
To select Barack Hussein Obama,
As their new president,
A former Moslem and the Arabs' friend,
To be a White House resident,
Which for Hamas and Ben Laden
Will set a happy precedent,
Or aging John Mc Cain
Who follows Busch's destructive paths
Of wars, inflation and outsourcing,
Playing the very same game.

With either candidate
We'll have a horrid fate
Turning America
Into a Third World State.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Think I've heard
That song before
When a boss
Showed me the door,
Seems I'm allergic
To employment,
Work was never
My enjoyment.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


When they ring
My final bell,
Some will wish me in heaven,
Others will wish me in hell,
But I think neither
Would suit me well,
I'd rather stay
In my bar right here
Drinking forever
My local beer.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tell me no stories...

Tell me no stories
And tell me no lie
And I'll refrain
From asking 'why',
Let's accept the way it is
And we'll be happy
In ignorant bliss...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Long Live Infidelity

Linger in my arms
A little longer - love,
I can never get enough,
Hold me close
And hold me tight,
Stretch this most
Delicious night
Till the early morn's light
When you return to your husband
And I to my wife
To resume
A humdrum, boring life.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Spring is here,
Love is in the air,
Rising passions everywhere,
Give a cheer,
Give a cheer,
Mating season is here,
Loving couples everywhere,
Handsome lads,
Gals so fair,
Comes the fall,
They'll drift apart
And next spring
New liasons will start.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

To a Failing Friend...

Death - be no stranger
To your tortured soul,
Nay - be a friend,
Releasing your aging body
With its failing health and sight
To that eternal nothingness
You yearn for...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Often I'm Blue...

Often I'm blue
Thinking of you,
Since you're gone
I'm so alone,
You were
My one and only,
You left me lost
And lonely,
What ever you do,
Where ever you'd be,
I wonder if you
Sometimes think of me?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Virgin Mary

She played the innocent virgin
In her marriage bed
Although her virginity
Had long ago been dead.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, June 16, 2008

Lucky Chap

He was the chap
With all the money,
Girls flooded to him
Like bees to honey,
Handsome and tall,
He had it all,
Till one fine day
They found him dead,
Seems, he put a bullet
In his head.

Truly it is said,
You never know
What is behind
A man's facade.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

She was...

She was enticing,
She was a witch,
His senses gone,
He married the bitch,
Lately, I heard
He was sentenced to life,
Poor chap,
Finally murdered his wife.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Insurance Game

Seems I've heard
This song before,
Business was bad
So he burned the store.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


There is nothing above
And nothing below
Except illusionary gods
We do not know,
They are the creation
Of our own imagination
But on their reality we insist
Although they don't exist.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, June 07, 2008


One man's heaven
Is an other man's hell,
What serves one badly
Serves an other one well,
It all lies in the beholder's mind
Whether misery
Or happiness he'll find.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Nothing is simple,
Nothing is fair,
Life and fate
Are not on the square,
What you deserve
You never get,
The only justice
Is for the dead.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Of medical specialists
There are more and more
Making medical care
Worse than before,
Competing on who's best
Of billing the most
Unnecessary medical test
To make incomes rise
While the patient dies.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

They also serve..

They also serve
Who stand and wait
But of no blessing
Is their fate...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Last Leaf

The last leaf
Is falling 'neath the tree,
The last flower wilting
Into the 'not to be',
The grave is dug
Waiting for me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz