Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ah, Food!

Ah, those gastronomical flights of fancy,
When the taste buds explore the chancy,
Where the larder is inviting,
And the taste is so exciting,
From the tasty lobster bisque,
With the garlic odor risk,
From the schnitzel to the steak,
Or the spicy goulash plate,
From the creamy chocolate cake,
To the fancy strudel bake,
Ah, all this delicious food
Puts me in a fancy mood.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Black Stork

He drives through the stormy, rainy night,
On rough country roads lacking light,
And hears his sick child from the backseat cry:
"Father, father, turn the speed high,
I see a black stork crossing the sky,
He wants to take me far, far away,
To a scary place where I don't want to stay,
The stork, the stork has a red, burning eye,
And closer, and closer to me does he fly,
Oh father, oh father, speed up the car,
Before the stork takes me to some distant star."
But that very night his child died in the car...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

As You Get Older

As you get older,
Passions subside,
Reality sets in,
And fancies take flight,
Life force is diminished,
And health takes a slide,
And the great beyond
Comes into sight...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, January 30, 2006


We struggle, suffer,
Sweat and toil,
And in the end,
Wind up in the soil,
As time goes by,
We turn into oil,
Powering a future car,
Traveling fast and far,
Polluting the atmosphere,
But at that point,
We don't care.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Hangman's Ball

The Chief Executioner
Gave me a call,
To come to his dance
At the Hangman's Ball,
A former Texas resident,
He's now the Association's
Honored President,
Found the resolution
For all our ailments,
Quick execution,
Although I'm leery
To attend his ball,
For if we show up,
He may hang us all.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, January 29, 2006

In Memory of Private Bob Wagner

At eighteen Bob fled Nazi Germany,
Sailed to America across the sea,
Seeking a new life and liberty,
With hope, determination, energy,
At nineteen, as a soldier,
He landed on the beach in Normandy,
To beat the Nazis, fighting for democracy,
Then, in a fierce battle's fiery glow,
He gave his life for freedom at St. Lo.
Some sixty years have passed,
Since that fateful, tragic day,
But Bob, in our hearts will always stay,
Till we into the darkness sail,
And leave this poem, to tell Bob's tale.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

To Mr. La Torre

Strangers, we landed here,
Like driftwood beached
On foreign shore,
Devoid of all but hope,
We found an open door,
A helping hand,
Mister La Torre.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

To a Part of Me - Gone...

Let it be said for her,
Who passed from us,
As she had lived,
With child-like grace
And many other gifts,
Let it be said for her,
That she was good and true,
No better being in my life,
I ever loved or knew,
No eye I'd ever seen,
That shone so bright,
No skin I ever touched,
So pure and white,
As she has gone,
So has a part of me,
Earthbound am I,
But she is free...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

New York

New York, New York,
My Athens of the Western World,
You moment rare in time and space,
Where cultures meet, and all the best
There is in human creativity takes place,
And in its art, music and drama,
Its soaring spirit, poetry and plays,
I see an ancient, well remembered face,
And long after all this has turned to dust,
Men will still dream of you and Greece,
- as dream they must...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Visitor

Dark, gray streets,
All cold and bleak,
A freezing rain,
Drums endlessly
The window pane,
A lonely room,
A sense of doom,
A knock on the door,
A grinning skull,
A bony hand,
This is the end.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Regard, how the eagle vanquishes the lark,
The lion kills the wildebeest in nature's park,
The peaceful, innocent cow ar lamb
Is now a meat dish in a can,
And all the presidents who're on the take,
From Haliburton, Saudis and the Watergate,
And many others sponging on the public cake,
Those leaders in the Senate and the House,
Subjects to the lobbyists' seduction,
Now, heavily tainted with corruption,
The former Nazi leaders of German industry,
Are now the kingpins in their 'democracy',
The head of Stalin's Secret Service organization,
Is now the leader of the Russian nation,
The robber barons of today,
Are now the same thieving predators
Who ruled us yesterday,
Yes, nature requires
That the fittest predator survives,
And keeps the weak as slaves
Throughout their lives,
For in a world where big fish eat little fish,
Morality is but an idle wish.......

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 27, 2006

Crazy Gods

Oh, let this rotten world be torn apart,
Divined by crazy gods without a heart,
Where death is destined from the very start,
And men are born and die in pain,
Spending life's interval in vain,
And in the end, just turn to dust,
As all poor mortals must...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Remnant of European Jewry

Six million Jews
Died in the camp,
A remnant survived
To carry the lamp,
The lamp to remind us
Of death, gas and fire,
Of genocide, killing grounds,
Murder, barbed wire,
Reminding the world
To never forget
Those innocent dead,
Our sisters and brothers,
Or in the future, the ovens
Will burn you and some others...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Old Vienna

Like a moth drawn to a flame,
I always return to Vienna again,
Where first I glimpsed the day's bright light,
And life moves peacefully and quiet,
Where people waltz and idle
In some small cafes,
Or climb the nearby mountaintops
On bright and sunny days,
Then drink their wine
And linger in the evening glow,
Where Mozart, Haydn and Strauss
Dreamt music long ago,
And Freud, reflecting quietly,
Began the human soul to know,
There, at the Heurigen,
I eat my schnitzel with my beer
And sing with friends,
As the surroundings turn less clear,
While in the afternoon,
I through some old museums browse,
And in the evening, at the opera,
I listen to the Fledermaus,
Where I express myself quite freely,
Be it in word or song,
And no one ever asks me:
"What is your native tongue?"

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Delray Beach

Cotton candy clouds
Drifting 'cross an azure sky,
Palm trees swaying in the wind,
Where white seagulls fly,
Deep blue ocean, golden beaches,
Luscious gals in small bikinis
Passing by...
Gads, isn't quite nice,
To spend those easy days
In Delray's paradise?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Munich Hofbrau House

Hitler's ghost still haunts
These somber halls,
The brassy band playing
The marching songs,
Old white-haired men
Dream of past glory yet,
Remembering their Fuhrer
In his shining day,
And they, in black uniforms,
Sun gleaming on their bayonets,
The rulers of the world
In a thousand year Reich,
Shattered in five years,
With fifty million dead.
They drown their sorrows
In their steins,
Defeated, broken men,
In drunken stupor,
They talk of all
That might have been,
And I, a Jew, survivor
Of the Holocaust,
Proud member
Of an ancient tribe,
The people of Jesus,
Moses, Marx, Spinoza,
Freud and Einstein,
The intellectual elite,
Creative spirit of this world,
Who outlasted them all,
Would only pity those broken men,
Were it not for the six million
Of my brethren killed by them,
And silently I praise my God
Who cursed their fate...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


She glides across the stage,
Lithe, with amazing grace,
With motions, precise,
Tuned to the music's pace,
A dreamlike beauty,
In frosty silk and lace,
Giving a sense of cohesion
To music, movement, space...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Passion Pit

Come, step with me
Into the passion pit,
We'll lie, we'll crouch,
We'll stand, we'll sit,
Whatever position,
We're a perfect fit.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Come, Dance With Me

Come, dance with me
Into the dream of love,
We'll fit together,
Like hand in glove,
I'll be yours,
And you'll be mine,
We'll dance together,
Till the end of time...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Black, White - an Issue?

- and though your skin be raven-black,
or the cold whiteness of a frosty day,
the golden yellow of a field of corn,
what do I care which pigmentation
has your mortal clay,
such thoughts are made for fools
who waste God's given day -

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Racial Confrontation

When black and white in anger meet,
On issues basically on pigmentation,
Then children are poor pawns indeed.
In such a senseless confrontation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Does beauty merit its reward
By having nature mimic art,
Or is it only pleasing to the eye,
And no one can just tell quite why,
Or is it but selective perception,
Depending on individual selection?
It seems to me, as I get older,
Beauty lies in the eye
Of the beholder.....

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Wished that the fiery passion
In his soul were still to burn,
His poetry to cast a shining light
And make our senses churn,
Rich legacy he's left us
And for his muse we yearn,
But as the generations pass,
We do to others turn,
Though rarely we will ever find
A poet of such visionary kind
And a uniquely brilliant mind.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, January 23, 2006


Amidst the masses buried in conformity,
I fight the losing battle of the self,
My soul is being standardized,
My individuality is on the shelf.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


When liberals are castigated,
Our liberties are denigrated,
Democracy and freedom annihilated,
Then a semi-fascist system is advocated
By a corrupt administration
Which is destroying our nation.

Let us refuse in our next election,
To grant those robber barons their selection,
Let us vote for the brave and free,
Take back our stolen liberty,
And keep our great democracy.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


The alienated man has risen in the land,
Demands his place and lifts a desperate hand,
And casts a long, black shadow that we fear,
Hate in his heart - but in his eyes a tear,
The brotherhood he sought, he could not find,
And to his agonized cries we're deaf and blind.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Eulogy for Sheldon S., a Student Leader

He touched us all
With his unique
And lively way,
Indomitable spirit
That he was,
Striving forever
Towards hope and life,
With sensitivity
And a consuming passion
To know and understand.
Long will his spirit
Haunt these halls
And be a guide post
To the many
Who are yet to come.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Gentle river
Of my thoughts,
Flowing through
A ragged countryside,
Balancing my soul
Under precarious

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Village in Poland

There once was a little village,
Where Jews had lived
For many a generation,
Till Hitler took over
With his Aryan nation,
And sent the Jews
To Auschwitz for cremation,
The village, now abandoned,
Overgrown with vegetation,
But on dark and stormy nights,
Travelers see strange, erie lights,
They say, ghosts now haunt this place,
To make sure no stranger stays...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 20, 2006


Would man's will his heaven be,
Or is he invariably subjected
To a predetermined destiny,
His fate prescribed genetically,
His choices never to be free,
Rooted in his nature-nurture tree,
His time allotted, path and destination,
Foretold and shaped at life's creation?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Beneath the palm trees,
In some southern paradise I lie,
While on some far off shores,
In sandy deserts thousands die,
And the survivors ask me why?
I tell them, as the leader of this land,
Honor bound, I never, ever lie:
'You must defend your holy soil',
But, confidentially, my family
Makes money on the oil.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Far, from their home,
On Normandy's beaches,
Ghosts of fallen soldiers roam,
Barely, do I hear their plaintive song:
'But, why oh why did I die so young?'
It's then, I realized in an eye's wink,
't was only the whispering wind...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


On a hot and humid night
By the moon's silvery light,
I sail across the China Sea,
When suddenly I see
A lovely mermaid
Beckoning me,
To join her in her place
'neath the great sea,
But then I spy her silver tail,
And then I know,
Our affair would fail.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Rotten Apple

Soft and sweet as honey,
Apple-red cheeks,
Warm and sunny,
Her looks, quite charming,
But know her better,
She's very cunning,
A devious character,
With unpleasent
Suprises in store,
A fine looking apple
With a rotten core.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Circular Infinity

Time and space are curved,
Einstein stated,
And those two factors
Are co-related,
Moving within a circle
Of limited events,
On which the theory
Of circular infinity depends,
Thus, anyone coming
Through death's door
Will live within this circle,
Again, precisely as before,
Within curved time and space,
Billions of years from now,
Returning to his former place...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


I close my eyes,
And drift into a world, sublime,
To music touching my very soul
With sounds of the divine.
If there are gods in heaven up above,
Opera is an expression of their love.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


It seems I've passed
This way before
Through a strangely familiar
Heaven or hell,
I'v forgotten which it was,
Extremes are so alike,
For they carry
The common denominator
Of intensity.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


There lies upon
A quiet shore
A dreamy place,
Where I once lived
In peaceful bliss,
Ere modern times
With soot, decay,
Pollution and despair,
Destroyed my inner self,
And gave me gadgets
To divert my mind...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Let me go back to fields and trees,
Where air and sky give me that harmony,
Let me praise nature on my knees,
The song of birds, the gentle wind,
That is my symphony,
Let me live close to earth
And be creative,
Work with my hands, my mind,
Or lie beneath a rustling tree,
Where wind and air and sky and love
Are hallmarks of my liberty.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

First Love

"Pretty Polly, pretty Polly
Won't you dance with me,
When moonbeams flicker
'neath the mulberry tree,
Pretty Polly, pretty Polly
Won't you marry me
In the grape-vined house
Where you promised me,
Pretty Polly, pretty Polly
Spend your life with me,
We'll nestle together
On top of a tree,
Full of love and passion,
Just you and me",
But the stupid parrot
"Never be, never be."

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Snowbird in Florida

Where the seagull, gracefully,
Spreads its white wings
In a cerulean sky,
Blending into the azure sea,
Beneath tall palm trees,
Swaying in the gentle breeze,
On Boca's golden-sanded beaches,
I watch delightful days go by,
Escaping northern winters'
Icy cold and snow,
Till spring returns, then to my
Blooming gardens up north I go.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Modern Widow

Lost her husband
- yesterday,
Met new candidate
- today,
Makes tonight out in the
- hay,
That's the modern widow's
- way,
Think your widow 'll
- grieve,
That may bring you some
- relief...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Grand Illusion

The Christian, Moslem and the Jew
All argue with astounding zest
On what religion to pursue,
Always putting them to the test,
On which god is the very best,
But then, those ancient Jews,
Old Abraham and Jesus,
Started this peculiar game,
And in the very end,
All these religions are the same.

Frankly, I've come to the conclusion,
That all religions are an illusion,
Or better said, just a delusion.
To treat the tragedy of life as an exotic,
Religion is the very best narcotic.
The secret of life's mystery
Is far beyond our poor philosophy.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Women are no Slaves

Can some aging
Holy rollers decide
To stop abortion
And rob women
Of their legal right,
Can those corrupt
Washington politicians
Impose on women's bodies
Their decisions,
Or become righteous
And emphatic,
To cause some
Teen-age daughters
To be, illegally,
Butchered in some attic?
No 'god-appointed' leaders
Have this right,
Women are strong,
And they will fight,
And chase those hypocrites
Into the night!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, January 14, 2006


We're made of stardust,
- eternal atoms,
Composed of energy strings,
We are the angels
Of this universe,
- yet, we lack wings,
On planet earth
We do have a short turn,
But all of us wind up
In graves or in some urn,
Till we eventually again
To stardust turn...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 13, 2006


Have you not
Cherished beauty,
Far beyond the norm,
In art, poetry, music
And the perfection
Of the human form,
Or the amazing beauty
Within the spirit of the mind,
When you, perchance,
Divine insights find,
At times, observing nature
In its infinite perfection,
A sunrise in the morning,
A wooded glen,
Are often a sublime selection,
If there be gods and heavens,
Beauty is their reflection.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Music of the Spheres

Have you heard
The music of the spheres,
On a moonlit night,
With the fragrance
Of jasmine in the air,
Palm trees gently
Swaying in the wind,
And the heart all aglow
With the memory
Of an unbridled passion,
For a lover - long gone,
But never forgotten...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Let not the world recant,
What genius has created,
A brilliant mind, unrecognized,
May by posterity be only celebrated,
While living, they deserve their due,
When their creative gifts
Are fresh and new.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Gone are the days
Of wine and honey,
Of pliant girls
And easy money,
When I was young
And life was sunny,
Gone are the zest
And vibrant flame,
And only memories

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The New Middle Class

His job has been outsourced,
His health plan gone,
His dollar watered down,
His finances undone,
His son is off to war,
They re-possessed his car,
From welfare he's not far,
But faith in 'values'
Is yet his guiding star,
His movies, ball games, beer,
As his reality escape
He still holds dear,
His 'god appointed' leaders
Make him cheer...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Within the Smithy of my Soul

Within the smithy of my soul
Lives the universal consciousness
Of the entire human race,
With all their aspirations,
Intellect and grace,
This common bond unites us all,
As one we stand, as one we fall.
Should your bell toll,
And you should cease to be,
It also will diminish me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Might Have Been...

We hope and dream
Throughout life's scene,
But then fate has its own
Predestined scheme,
Leaving us with all
That might have been...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Modern Times

Black power, white power, red power,
Green power - money power,
Hippy power - without shower,
Miniskirts - excessive stimulation,
Malthusian problem - overpopulation,
Changing sexual norms,
No virginity - parental storms,
Love, love, love - birth control pills,
Blood clots, discomfort and some chills,
Religious reforms - God is retired,
Topless habits for nuns,
Maybe the old boy was fired,
Atom bombs and overkill,
Gay excursions to some Iraq's hill,
Anthrax bombs and germ warfare,
Napalm spread with loving care,
Have fried babies served on toast,
Or a yummy suicide roast,
Marxist theories, S.D.S.,
Holly rollers or some other mess,
Fidel Castro or an other neurotic,
Or GW Bush, who is less exotic,
Welfare clients in Cadillacs,
While the middle classes
Join the proletariat,
And everywhere you look
- nothing but hair,
I see you feel sick,
Sit down, have a chair,
Just take some dope
And all will seem fair.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


The question in my mind does thus arise,
Whether to strive for peace of mind,
In quiet solitude comfort the soul within,
Impervious to all the turmoil of the world without,
Not touched by human suffering or decay,
Or sense the world with every
Quivering fiber of each nerve,
Participate and share and be involved,
In all the happiness and suffering
Which one does scan without,
Partake of all the beauties
And the evils of this world,
And deeply feel what this sweet-bitter
Life is all about...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Temple of the Golden Dome

Last night,
With cold and winter
In my heart,
And slush under my feet,
I suddenly closed my eyes,
To see a sky and sea
Of indigo blue,
Blending into the kaleidoscope
Of palm trees and gardens,
Warm fragrance of the Mediterranean,
White buildings reflecting the sun,
The sounds of the ancient songs
Of my people all around me,
A luxurious euphoria overtaking me,
While the golden Bahai dome of Haifa
Beckons me, beckons me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, January 06, 2006

Our Leadership

The world within
Reflects in the society
Which we create,
Healthy vitality
Or decadence,
Spiritual bankruptcy
Or idealistic dreams,
Pervasive hope
Or degenerate despair,
Corruption or morality,
And thus, the very quality
Of our lives
Gives us the leadership
Which we deserve.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Soul Mate

Let me not to the
Marriage of true minds
Admit impediments,
Love based on friendship
Does not alter
When it alteration finds,
Lucky the man
Who has a soul mate
As a wife,
To be a partner
In that turbulence
Called life....

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


A ray of sunshine
On a cloudy day,
She offers tender,
Loving care
To troubled friends
Along the way,
Watches her flock,
Chases their blues away,
And helps each one
Who goes astray,
If goodness
Had another name,
Would mean the same.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Life is Short

In an eternity
Of nothingness,
A life is
But a moment
Of conscious being,
Over in an eye's blink.
Treasure that moment,
It will never, ever return.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Reality versus Illusion

In this strange life,
What is reality,
What is imagination,
Do we perceive this world
As purely sense sensation,
This actuality of subatomic
Particles swirling
Round and round,
Where mostly empty space
And electrons abound,
While we go on
In some illusionary bliss,
In some strange world,
Which seems - but never is...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, January 02, 2006

This Old House

Could this old house but talk,
Strange tales it were to tell,
Of people who have lived there once,
Their joys, their heavens and their hell,
Of first night lovers or those dead,
Who loved or died there
In some long gone bed,
Their ghosts still haunting this old home,
Empty, abandoned, composed of
Rotting wood and broken stone,
Waiting for the wrecker's ball,
To still the ghosts and end it all.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Schubert Lieder

Melodies of deep
And longing passion,
When style and gentility
Were still in old Vienna's fashion,
Those romantic Schubert songs,
Of a long-gone time and place,
Where part of me still belongs.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2005 Alfred Charasz

Akademisches Gymnasium Vienna 1938

Of my old school I dreamt last night,
Where Schubert and Schnitzler
Once studied by candle light,
In that ancient, gothic place,
Where I found a world
Of wisdom and grace,
Giving me the tools to survive
And shape me for a better life.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2005 Alfred Charasz


Amidst the turmoil
Of the daily struggle
To survive,
There is a deep, abiding
Reverence for life,
And hope is always there,
Though fate may
Often be unfair,
We always dream
Of better days,
When sunny times
Will chase the grays,
And we will our world
In peaceful harmony embrace,
Through quiet, happy times,
With caring love and grace.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2005 Alfred Charasz

Ode to a Dead Poet

The poet 's gone,
But while he lived,
He gave us dreams and hopes
With his poetic gift,
Illuminated darkness
With his muse's light,
Made our lives
More insightful and bright,
He used his pen
With style and grace,
And left this world
A better place...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2005 Alfred Charasz

What Have They Done?

What have they done
To our good, old USA,
They've led us into deficit,
War, job losses and decay,
With outsourcing labor,
We have gone astray,
Lost our way,
And our boys are dying
In Iraq each single day,
While we suffer and we toil,
Those robber barons profit
On the war and on the oil,
Let us impeach that puppet,
Charge his puppeteers,
To save our boys
And our land
From agonies and tears...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2005 Alfred Charasz

Art is Born

With passion
And intensity,
A bit of genius,
And a dash
Of insanity,
Free of the
Of consistency,
Art is born...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2005 Alfred Charasz