Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Grandpa

A dearest friend
I have been with you until the end,
The stories you told me would make me laugh or cry with ease,
Each story with a lesson, so please,
Continue to live on in my mind,
A person like you is hard to find,
Your kindness is the key,
To become a person that everyone wants to be,
Your heart is a ruby,
So beautiful and rare,
for God to steal it we know is not fair,
But in heaven drifitng on a cloud,
You and your heart remain,
Your voice echo's in our mind as we speak of you aloud.
When death meets you,
A mistake is realized,
You can't be gone,
You will remain in our hearts as you did all along.


Missed Opportunity

What might have been

How sad I feel

My father's secret was to express

His loving zeal.

The fate that's spread

Across my heart.

The missed opportunity

For a final part.

The harshness of death

Its permanent scar

Stills my breath

From afar.

I write theses words

Knowing his secret to healing

A heart that was broken

And still is reeling

I know these words of regret will not change time.

But my heart's broken and my escape is through rhyme.
