From macrocosm to microcosm,
to atoms - to nuclei, electrons,
to protons, neutrons, neutrinos,
photons, mesons and on and on,
to quarks, to strings to nothingness,
till all matter is really only energy,
from which our senses construct matter,
in a world which seems - but never is,
thus, our perceptions are only sense illusions,
for the real world, within the atom, we never see,
while we, poor fools, pray to gods,
no one has ever seen - except psychotics,
or holy rollers who profit from this ruse,
though only honest agnostics say:
'We do not know, for god forbid, there is a god,
since there is no empirical evidence either way.'
Sadly, the more we learn about this strange universe,
the more puzzling we find it, the less we understand it,
for there is more between heaven and earth,
than meets with our poor philosophy,
and if you read this poem? prose?
excuse me for my speculations,
similar to the wild theories
of so many scientists and clerics,
with an apology for mankind,
so eloquently stated by Jesus:
'Forgive them, for they don't know
what they do (or say).'
Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2005 Alfred Charasz