Thursday, August 31, 2006

The new Nazis

They plant their destructive seed
within our Western soil
and propagate like spreading cancers,
killing the healthy tissues of their hosts,
causing death and destruction in our midst
by terrorists sent to us on their pay,
those new Nazis of the Middle East,
sitting on trillions in oil, but not
giving their own people their share,
sold to our profiteering oil company
sharks at exorbitant prices,
resulting in our 'friendly' enemies
using those funds in an insidious,
underhanded war against the West,
but denying any of their activities,
yet slyly taking our hard-earned money,
while we meekly accept their offences
against our countries and our only
democratic friend in the Middle East,
beleaguered Israel.

Wake up, you men of Western Lands,
wake up, before it is too late
or you will perish like the Romans did,
victims of the barbarian invaders.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


She is cute
And calls me 'honey',
Claims she loves me
But takes my money,
If I pay, she treats me well,
If I don't, she gives me hell,
Simply can't figure it out
What this gal is all about,
Maybe I don't fit the mold,
For she's young and I am old,
By her guru she was told,
She's too hot and I'm too cold,
Even friends call me an old fool
When I dip into the secretarial pool
And my wife, with insight extraordinary,
Made me blanch and feel quite scary
When she warned me to be wary
Of my blond new secretary.

The moral of this short fable:
'Don't make love in your own stable!'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


As our lives' sun
Sets in the West
And our loved ones
Are laid to rest,
We lose that part of us
Which is best
And our lives diminish
To less and less...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Gardens of the Vincent Contini

The house, the gardens
All overgrown, neglected,
Once so well manicured,
Cared for, well protected,
The stately mansion,
Tenniscourt in disarray
Where once a noble, revered,
Old family used to stay,
For generations, finely bred,
They had class and gentility,
But being of the Jewish faith
Was termed their disability,
The Fascists sized their goods,
Sent them to German camps,
Where they were gassed and
Murdered in some Polish swamps,
The world, the Church, the Pope
All did not seem to care
How all the Jews, the people
Of the Book would fare,
And Jesus, the Jewish God
Of love, could he but see
The horrid crimes, the genocide,
The torture and the misery
Brought to his people
By his followers brutality
Would in despair
Just shake his head
And never, ever comprehend
That all his teachings of
Brotherly love take such an end.

Over the years the house
And gardens have turned to dust,
The family's ashes lie in the
Camp's ovens mixed with rust,
But if you pass the old abandoned
Gardens on a windy night,
You hear a rustling of the trees,
Like voices full of fright,
Telling their story to the
Wary stranger passing through:
"Never forget what they did to us,
It could happen to you..."

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, August 28, 2006


There, in the hidden
recesses of the mind,
amidst the stream of
random thoughts you find
the collective consciousness
of the human race,
the basic thoughts and dreams
which all men face,
A universal awareness
transcending selective perception,
a world-wide spirit shaping
for all men a connection,
these thoughts and dreams
bind us in a common humanity
to save our specie and this
blue planet faced with adversity;
this binding bond is still
beyond our minds' capacity,
though all empirical evidence
points to its veracity,
just like each cell, each man,
humanity is one large entity,
interconnected by our thoughts
and minds into universality,
there is a divinity of spirits
which shapes our given end
with purposes and reasons
which we will never comprehend,
yet, we have choices to live
good lives in harmony
or perish, as selfish cancer cells do,
in wars and in adversity.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Life 's but...

Life 's but a moment
In the eternity
Of time and space,
A glorious interval
To fully drain life's cup
In style with grace,
For we are here today
And gone tomorrow
And all we leave behind
Are fading memories
And sorrow...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


A grinning skull
With empty eye sockets
Staring blindly
At nothing.

Did it once watch
The rising, golden sun,
Saw flowers in their bloom
And looked with passion
Into a lover's eyes,
Experienced life
In all its phases?

Could you but talk
You grinning skull,
What stories
You could tell!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thought Control Clinics

We are deeply proud
To be the only nation
With a submissive,
Perfectly happy population
Who all their satisfaction gain
By having our clinics implant
Computer chips in every brain,
Freely serviced and programmed
For life twice a week,
So no one's outlook is ever bleak,
Enhanced by counseling and drugs
To easily remove any unpleasant bugs,
And all the politicians and officials
By our trained staff selected
Will always and forever be re-elected.
Thus, there is no unpleasant
And deviant variety
In our great computerized,
Conformist, new society.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Circular Infinity Theory?

Time and space are curved
Into Circular Infinity
Where events are limited
To points on the circle,
Hence, all events will be
Repeated, precisely as before
Within an indeterminate
Period of time,
According to the circle's
Time frame - possibly
An interval of a trillion years,
More or less, and each life
Or event will re-occur
Exactly as before
In endless repetition;
Perchance, some faint
Deja vu memory traces
Might be retained.

If my imagined
Circular Infinity Theory
Actually holds true,
I will write this poor,
Little prose-poem
Over and over again,
Eons from now,
Only my copyrights
Will be outdated...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Angels and Devils

Within that tortured
Human race,
God and the devil
Have the same face,
Man can be an angel,
Endowed with grace,
Yet, within him,
The predator has its place,
Without his devils,
His angels cannot be,
Of his two natures
Man can never be free...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Mother, God and applepie
Have gone down the drain,
Gone, the quiet, peaceful walks
On a country lane,
Villages which sleep all day,
Lazy in the sun,
All the silent happiness
Suddenly is gone,
Noise, pollution are the game,
Big computers counting you
And a number is your name,
Cattle cars take you to work,
Big Brother is watching you,
Non-conformists have a quirk;
Quickly disassemble them
And remodel them again
Into robots which say 'yes'.
Gads, is this a holy mess!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

From Auschwitz to New York

From the shadowy valley of death
Where millions of lost souls once
Rose in smoke into a leaden sky,
I escaped to the green pastures
Of a milk and honey land,
Where freedom and justice prevail
And people hold their heads high,
To have the unique privilege
Of living in the Athens
Of the Western World,
In this grand place where culture,
Art and the civilized life
Are at the very zenith:

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Minimum Wages

Millions are working
For starvation wages
In supermarkets, farms,
Retail stores and cashiers' cages,
They live in slums or shelters,
Owe money for food and rent
Or credit charges for money spent,
Yet, congressmen, living very well,
Will not increase minimum pay
And let the poor just rot in hell.

If they refuse to open the gate
To decent living wages
For those poor who stand and wait,
Let voters make a new selection
In the next congressional election.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Married a Nymphomaniac

Met Ginny - this sweet, young blonde,
Acted quite sexy and strung me along,
Gave me a promising dance and song,
But when I came on to her, a bit strong,
She said - no way, I certainly won't,
So, my dreams of foreplay stimulation
Resulting in a sexual relation
Ended in sheer frustration,
And I asked her - why she tarried,
Said she - I want to get married,
Thus the preacher
Tied the knot with 'I do',
But this brought up something new,
She insisted on quite a bit more
Than I could ever possibly score,
Which left me perplexed
And rather severely vexed
About coping with Ginny
So highly oversexed,
Thinking, young studs I should hire
Before I collapse and expire.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


For five thousand years
They've wandered the globe,
Lighting a beacon
Of spirit, intellect, hope,
Contributed the Bible,
And great minds of note,
Moses, Jesus, Freud, Einstein
Are just a few one can quote,
The Jews, just a small minority,
Gave great spiritual treasures
To the world's majority,
They lit a shining light
To help banish
The medieval night.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, August 21, 2006

Atomic War and the Dead City

The firestorm has subsided,
Except for glowing embers,
Darkness covers the dead city,
Flattened, with melted
Greenish glass everywhere,
A hotbed of radioactivity,
A million humans mercifully
Incinerated in its center,
Many just evaporated,
All wrapped in a silent dark,
While in the suburbs
A million dying and injured
Scream throughout the night
With no hospitals or
Ambulances in sight.

Now, I understand why in
This vast, vast universe
We never found intelligent life,
For there is a scheme of things
Which eliminates all interference
With the basic processes of nature.

I walk through devastated rubble,
Uninjured, but probably
A victim of radiation,
Perchance, I can help
The wounded in the suburbs,
And I wonder if there
Is any hope at all?
Still, I light a candle
To stay the darkness.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Incite to Kill

Fanatic imams send kids
Out as suicide bombs,
Promise them seventy-two virgins
While they sit peacefully at home,
Enjoying their many wives,
But innocent fools
Pay with their lives.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Albert Einstein

A brilliant scientist
With a creative mind,
New vistas of the universe
Were his to find,
Though he was somewhat leery
Of the Uncertainty Principle Theory,
Stating it's quite unwise
To think that'God is playing dice',
Though much of modern science
Rests on his Relativity Theory,
The lack of luck with a
General Micro-Macro Cosmos Law
Discouraged him and made him weary,
And in the end he came to the conclusion
That to be able to know it all is an illusion,
For there is a divine scheme
Way, way beyond man's simple dream.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, August 18, 2006

France - Lebanon

France promised an army
To keep the peace in Lebanon,
But France - as usual,
Has so far sent none,
But embarrassed by their lie,
France now promised
Two hundred men to supply,
A rather useless token
To escape promises broken.
They do their bit again,
Same as they fought the Nazis
With their Marshal Petain.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Open Mind

Let us have an open mind,
New ideas we'll always find,
Life styles of a better kind,
Always question, always doubt
And you'll never do without,
Never stand just in one spot,
You'll deteriorate and rot,
Cope with the uncertainty,
Reject the perversity,
Live with courage and with zest,
Constantly look for a new quest
And you'll always have the best...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Ethical Culture

The fear of death and the unknown
haunts mankind since the dawn of time,
they then created gods and images divine
in order to avoid morbidity, decline,
a heaven, angels, hell and afterlife
to counter earthly misery and strife,
immoral scoundrels would burn in hell,
good souls would live eternally quite well
up in some delightful heavenly abode
where they would at the sinners gloat,
't was the story told by priests and kings
who promised the poor masses angel wings
and the good life after they are dead,
while lords and priests feathered their bed,
sold them Jesus, Allah, Jehovah, Zeus,
misled those poor souls with their ruse,
morality was sold quite dear,
the people paid for it with fear,
but now the time has come for all to shout:
Lets throw those gods and priests finally out,
this is a random, unfeeling universe
and supernatural illusions are perverse,
for god imposed morality we cannot wish
in any world where sharks eat little fish,
there is nothing below and nothing above,
the only thing we have is love,
let existentialist morality be our fare
where all men for each other care,
give each man your devotion and respect
and never animosity, war and neglect,
our angels and our heavens can be here,
only the hell we make we have to fear,
we're here today and maybe dead tomorrow,
let's give each other joy - not sorrow,
refuse to be this world's vulture,
unite together in Ethical Culture...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

I, We and Them

On a happy, sunny day,
Full of joy and glee,
Everything going my way,
Then, it's I and we...

On a winter's somber day,
Mood and sky so dark and gray,
Life running against my ken,
Then it's I and them...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


I walk the streets all day,
Sleep on cold stones at night,
Somehow I've lost my way,
In my dark life I see no light,
I'm tired and I cannot fight,
Worn out with silent despair,
I had enough, I've given up,
I've stopped to really care,
When I was young, I had it all,
Then I got Aids and took the fall
And now I'm begging in the mall,
Take pity on such men as me
And pray that god will set me free...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I was jealous
Of your flirting ways,
Your casual embrace,
Your always turned on
Charm and grace
With everyone you meet,
At parties or out on the street,
Till your confidential confession,
Solicitation - is your profession.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Ah - Love...

Ah - love,
Grand passion
And sweet turmoil
Of the soul within,
I was her king,
She was my queen,
But a year passed,
It did not last,
Just memories,
Fading fast...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Free World - Beware!

Free world - beware
Of the new racist
Nazi Moslem regimes
With their destructive
Murder schemes,
When their imams
Shout and yell:
Advocating a worldwide tide
Of general genocide
With the murder of Christians,
Hindus, non-believers and Jews
The main items in the daily news.
If they succeed - there'll be
Camps for exterminations
To wipe out entire nations.
Now, is the time
For a merciless fight
Before civilized mankind
Enters a Hitler's
Concentration camp night!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Divine Moment...

Beyond the realm
Of everyday affairs,
The daily grind
Of ordinary cares,
There maybe an
Exceptional time,
When, on occasion,
One is touched
By the sublime,
It could be love,
Music or art,
Even a very special
Nature walk,
A precious moment,
Frozen in time,
A sudden closeness
To the divine...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I Have a Dream...

I have a dream
About this unique,
Blue planet - earth,
Where a united mankind
Lives in peace and harmony
As brothers and sisters,
And the powers to be
They worship
Are goodness, charity
And decency,
In a new realm
Where wars and conflicts
Are alien concepts
In this very best
Of all possible worlds.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


If there be gods
- I've seen them not,
If there be friends
- none I've got,
If there be enemies
- I've got a lot,
If there be women
- I like them not,
If there be sex
- can't get it up,
If there be luck
- I'm in a rot,
This crazy world
- I like it not.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, August 14, 2006

Suicide Bombers

Those fanatic suicide bombers
Have gone way beyond the pale,
If they succeed, humanity will fail
And our lack of action wages
Will be a permanent return
To the dark Middle Ages.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, August 13, 2006

In Spring...

In spring a young man's fancy
Turns to thoughts of love,
When nature 's greening
And warming skies
Turn blue above,
Bringing out nubile maidens
In skimpy dresses,
Making young men dream
Of intimate caresses,
Telling the world it's spring
When young hearts
Take it on the wing
And love birds sing...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Life is a Cabaret

Life is a cabaret,
On stage,
A glittering, joyful play,
But behind the scene,
A dim existence,
Dark, dreary, gray,
Like life's dichotomy
In every way...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


We pray to gods who don't exist,
Only as symbols they persist,
Figments of our imagination,
Some ancient scribes' creation,
Yet, we keep on fighting
In their name,
Make wars and killing
A religious game
And really fail to see -
What fools we mortals be...

There is a scheme of things
We cannot comprehend or see,
Which shaped our universe,
Created you and me,
Far, far beyond
Our poor philosophy.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, August 11, 2006

Hope and Will

Let not despair lead you
To road's dead end,
For hope and will may find
New ways around the bend,
They are the sparks
Lighting the beacon,
Defeating the dark...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

I wonder why?

Often I wonder why
fate has destined
all men to die,
they play their part
on the stage of life,
then suddenly depart,
their corpses vile and rotten,
their lives forgotten;
what purpose could there be
to be born and struggle,
only to end in death's misery.

If there be gods,
good they are not,
to create men,
then let them rot.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

We won't take it anymore...

The civilized world
Cannot stand by
When fanatic terrorists
Cause thousands
Of innocents to die,
Using some god's name
For suicide bombers
To play their killing game.
We must eliminate
This cancer of humanity,
This ludicrous well
Of murderous insanity
If we want to avoid
A worldwide calamity.
We have atomic weapons
And the force
To slay these devils
At their source.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Desperate Housewife

Stranger - come,
Make passionate love to me,
I'm fed up with my husband,
Unruly children,
Subservient housewifery,
The boring, staid,
Gossipy small town life,
Only pepped up by
Our dysfunctional family's,
Constant strife,
Disgusted with the occasional sex,
Boring as always
Having bacon and eggs,
I crave a daily dosage
of a finer quality,
The pleasure of lobster and steaks.
I need a better outlet for my desire
Before all my positive feelings expire,
For I was born and raised
In liberal New York,
Where kiddies don't believe
That babies are delivered by the stork.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Extermination Camp

I see icicles hanging
From the roof,
Reflecting rainbow
Images like a spoof,
The camp - cold,
Covered with snow
Except for the warmth
From the ovens' glow,
On a nearby, small hill
In air filled with chill,
Naked men are standing still
For their last commanded appeal,
Covered head to toe with ice,
While a SS officer smiles,
Saying: 'You look really nice.'
Then, the men drop one by one
Till the last one is all gone.
My thoughts wander to last week
As a change in reflections I seek
When I met this sweet, young lass,
Could have loved her,
But today they killed her with gas.
Now, I think I would do well
To escape this unbearable hell,
And to me, it sure makes sense
To run into the closest
Electrical fence.

The inmates found
His burned body
The following day.
'Lucky chap', they said,
'He got away'.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Petty Officials

If a minor, petty man
Is given a little authority,
He'll soon put to use
An exaggerated superiority
To overcome his life-long inferiority
And his identity confusion
Turns into ego-centric delusion,
Lording it over his fellow men,
Becoming a nuisance whenever he can;
So friends,
Be circumspect and suspicious
Whenever you deal with petty officials.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Art is...

Out of the agony and ecstasy,
Enhanced by genius and insanity
With a compelling need
To purge the soul
Of dreaded feelings of calamity,
Yet, never out of any vanity,
With heart and mind intense and torn,
Out of this mixture -
Art is born...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


The shadows of the passing years
Have begged the question why
Life lived without a pupose
Has passed me by,
Still searching for some meaning,
Ere I leave the scene to die...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Religious Wars

Religion is a dangerous vanity,
Basically, an illusionary inanity,
If fanatically practiced,
A total insanity,
Especially, if one hears the news
About the horrid battles between
Moslems, Christians and Jews,
Actually, a ridiculous sham
If one considers that all of them
Are the children of
Old father - Abraham.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Love me or Leave me

Love me or leave me
But never deceive me,
Tell me the truth,
If a change in your heart
Is your choice to discard,
As friends we'd part.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, August 07, 2006


Once Europe was the hub
Of universal civilization,
The Holy Grail of all creation,
Wonder of the world - sublime
With dreams and hopes - divine,
But with a birthrate
Growing ever more negative,
Its decadence increasing
Towards the positive,
Burdened with and suffering
A huge Moslem incursion
With their fanatical perversion,
Third World seduction,
Non competitive production,
Outpaced by China, India,
The US and Japan,
Europe's prior status is gone,
Its leadership - all done,
As Spengler once
Predicted it best:
The permanent decline
Of the European West.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Last Chance

All of us, bar none,
Are scheduled for a cruise
Down the river Styx
Into the kingdom
Of nothingness
Where we'll settle as dust
In the eternal haven
Of the unconscious...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Within the recesses
Of my soul's
Innermost place
Lies the collective spirit
Of the human race,
Reflecting powers,
Still unknown,
Yet, to discover
And embrace...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, August 04, 2006


We gave our blood for France
To save them from the Hun,
They would have been in servitude,
Had our boys not gone,
At war's end
We helped them to survive,
Financed them through,
Our Marshall Plan
So they can have a decent life.
All this is now forgotten, gone,
And when we needed help,
They stabbed us in the back
And gave us none.

France is nobody's friend.
Her decadence
And lack of character
Will spell her end.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


From birth to senility
And eventual disability
In a nursing facility,
Encumbered throughout life
By strife, struggle, vanity
And constant wars' insanity,
Life is fraught with the debility
Of an ever increasing futility,
From the original erection
To the less than
Immaculate conception
On to the resurrection,
Futility is man's direction,
From the very birth of humanity
To their final destiny
In a nuclear catastrophe.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Consistency is the hallmark
Of the ordinary, simple soul,
The out of the box - unexpected
Is the creative mind's goal,
The one who differs
From the general propriety
Advances mankind and society.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Last World War

The UN plays a reluctant game
While the Middle East is all aflame,
With Iran, Syria and Gaza
Sharing an intense desire
To stir the brightly burning fire,
Soon, they'll reach the point
Of no possible return,
When atomic fires start to burn
And the mushroom clouds will rise
Spelling general demise
For all mankind - far from wise.

Said the big joker
- up above:
'Of these mortals
I've had enough.'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Compassion is a noble thing,
A feeling humane and sublime,
Engulfs the very heart and soul
With raptures - tenderly and fine...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Leaves at my Window

Leaves, they slowly
Tumble to the ground,
Brown and wilted,
Without a sound,
To perish there,
Buried in snow,
Leaves, once green,
I loved them so,
It seems a long,
Long time ago...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


We twist
And we turn,
We hope
And we yearn,
We live
And we die,
But never know:

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Will I Still Love Life...

Will I still love life
When sex is gone
And I am shaky
And unsure
When left alone,
With my functions
Somewhat impaired
And doctors tell me
They can't be repaired,
Gangling my walk,
Hesitant my talk,
Memories blocked
By aterial slag?

Yes, I'll still love life
Till my very last breath,
For even a poor life
Is better than death.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Delray Beach

Palm trees gently
Swaying in the wind,
Sunny days
And moonlit nights,
Blue ocean
And azure skies blending,
Where life is simple
And time stands still,
When happy days reign
And sorrows are forgotten,
My own little haven,
My own little paradise...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Our Kingdom

In our kingdom
By the sea,
I'll play the king,
My queen you'll be,
For evermore,
Just you and me,
Though our home
Be a humble place,
It will be royally endowed
With beauty, love and grace.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Computer

She's the elephant in my house
And I control her with my mouse,
She tells me what I want to know,
Advises me on where to go
And writes my letters, sends my mail,
Sings me a song, tells me a tale,
But when moody - she may fail,
She is the center of my life,
Loving - but willful,
She is my second wife.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


To keep the art of language,
A noble craft - worthwhile,
One must not abandon
Its poetic elegance and style
Before human intercourse,
Profane, vulgar and unfit,
- except for sex -
Turns our language into 'shit'.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Religion - Opium of the People

We pray to some
Imaginary divinity
Who to reality has no affinity
While we commit atrocities
And genocidal crime
In the name and in defense
Of the 'divine'.
To many it may
Never have occurred
That such behavior
Is patently absured.
If there be any gods above
To watch and see,
They'll say:
'What fools these mortals be.'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz