Black power, white power, red power,
Green power - money power,
Hippy power - without shower,
Miniskirts - excessive stimulation,
Malthusian problem - overpopulation,
Changing sexual norms,
No virginity - parental storms,
Love, love, love - birth control pills,
Blood clots, discomfort and some chills,
Religious reforms - God is retired,
Topless habits for nuns,
Maybe the old boy was fired,
Atom bombs and overkill,
Gay excursions to some Iraq's hill,
Anthrax bombs and germ warfare,
Napalm spread with loving care,
Have fried babies served on toast,
Or a yummy suicide roast,
Marxist theories, S.D.S.,
Holly rollers or some other mess,
Fidel Castro or an other neurotic,
Or GW Bush, who is less exotic,
Welfare clients in Cadillacs,
While the middle classes
Join the proletariat,
And everywhere you look
- nothing but hair,
I see you feel sick,
Sit down, have a chair,
Just take some dope
And all will seem fair.
Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz