Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Dim Future

China produces
Cheaply en mass,
The Arabs have
The oil and thr gas,
Outsourcing results
In our workforce reduction,
Where Asia does now
Our production,
While we owe them
More and more money,
We're are deeply in debt,
The outlook - not sunny,
While in Iraq we fight
A hopeless campaign
Which in the end is all in vain.
Thus, Bush and his
Republican administration
Are in the process
Of ruining our nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 29, 2006

Return to Vienna

Met Hans on the street
In Vienna today,
Had not seen him for ages
Since I went away,
"Thought you were dead",
Greeting me - he said,
"The camps didn't get me",
I replied,
"So don't look so sad,
This Jew has not died".

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, September 28, 2006

She Loves Me...

She loves me
With passion,
After a fashion,
But a change in fashion
Will end her passion...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Best of all Possible Worlds

In this best of all
Possible worlds,
There is starvation
Constant global
Religious insanity,
National vanity;
This best of all
Possible worlds
Is a calamity.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Know Thyself

Know thyself
For all you are
And all you could be,
Be true to yourself,
Follow your own path,
To be independent - free,
For this is the essence
Of true liberty.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Social Security Fraud

'We'll raise your Social Security
In line with increasing inflation'
Said those sly leaders of our nation,
But this was just a foil,
Never told these foggy, old fools,
Excluded were food, gas and oil.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Often do I wonder
What mysteries exist
In this great cosmos yonder,
What unknown revelation
Is hidden in its creation,
The more we try to comprehend
The less we seem to understand
And its baffling complexity
Leaves us in dire perplexity,
Thus, we unfortunately see,
The cosmos and its origin
Are far beyond our philosophy.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

They'll Cry for me...

I fear - I fear
My death is near,
They'll cry for me
When I'm not here.
He died, but no one
Shed a tear.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sweet Mystery of Life

This sweet mystery of life,
The galaxies, the universe,
The mind of man,
His inner thoughts of his 'to be'
Is still a miracle to me,
What sublime intellect,
What divine force
Is at this wonder's source?
Me thinks, there'll come a day
When man will pierce
This hidden sky,
Discover with amazement
The 'how and why',
Perchance detect
That man is part
Of this godly intellect.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Darwinian Scheme

The noble, good and gentle
Rarely receive any rewards,
It's simply not in nature's cards,
According to the Darwinian school
Survival of the fittest is the rule,
It is the predatory shark
Who eats the little fish,
The innocent chicken
Is man's favorite dish.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Power Elite

We gave our blood,
Sweat, work and toil
To labor for this country
And defend its soil,
While a do-nothing power elite
Makes profits on the war and oil,
Their children never go to war
While ours die in places far,
They use religion, flag,
Mother and apple pie
As empty platitudes
While our children in the desert die,
The minimum wage they will not raise
For workers who starvation face.
Let's all rise up and shout:
'Throw those parasitic predators out!'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Point your arrow
Straight at Google,
Bubbly as champaign,
Delicious as strudel,
Gives us all the latest news
On politics, poetry religion,
Moslems, the Pope and the Jews,
And if you want TV or movie time
Google will be right on line,
So, if all you need to know,
Point at Google and just go,
And the best of it - you see,
All this info will be free.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Close the Store

My sight is failing,
My body is ailing,
My health is gone,
I'm old and alone,
Family, friends - no more,
Ready to close life's store...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Corporate Takeover

I'll have to eat you
Sooner or later,
To his neighbors,
The fishes,
Said the alligator,
I'm really sorry
To chew up your meat
But I simply have to eat,
Just as in an allegory
Where big companies
Swallow little ones,
A necessary act, but gory.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 22, 2006

Milady's Style

Milady's style is elegant,
Her features delicate,
Her sensibilities
A thing apart,
Her manners are superb,
Her sex is simply art,
But of cold stone
Is made her heart.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

In Memory of Doctor Castroviejo

A brilliant man,
With a creative mind,
A great eye surgeon,
Caring and kind,
With heart and soul
Dedicated to the seeing eye,
He helped thousands
To see the world go by...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Lost Love

When palm trees sway
In the evening breeze,
The sun, a golden globe,
Sinks into the darkening seas,
Tango music drifting
From the beach,
I think of you, my love,
On eves like these,
Those nights we spent
'neath the silvery moon
Till cruel fate tore us apart
- too soon - too soon.
Whatever you may do
Wherever you may be,
I often wonder if you
Sometimes think of me...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, September 21, 2006

To Sleep...

To sleep,
Perchance to dream
Of a great life,
A prosperous scene,
Suite at the Plaza,
Chauffeur-driven limousine,
Living in elegance and style,
Travel world-wide
From Paris to the Nile,
Never any lack of money,
And your wife an heiress-honey
And you're well known
Throughout the nation as
Head of a large corporation;
Yes to sleep,
Perchance to dream,
Then to wake - homeless
On a slummy sidewalk scene...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, September 18, 2006


How sad it is,
When people fight,
Claiming their gods only
Are the chosen right,
With Moslems out
To kill the infidel,
And Christians solemnly
Condemn heretics into hell,
While everyone
Blames only the Jew,
Which maybe true,
For he gave this world the Bible,
Abraham, Jesus and his crew.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Religious Nonsense

It's indeed a sorry reflection
On our modern times
That people fight
For their 'divines',
The Moslem wants
To kill the infidel,
The Christian, cheerfully,
Condemns heretics into hell
And everyone than blames the Jew.
The question is: What else is new?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sense of Wonder...

Wished, I could perceive this world
And life with an intuitive inner vision,
Comprehend its hidden creation,
Purposes, future and mission,
Is it a random, accidental universe
Or is it very tightly run
According to some God's decision,
Perchance, our strange galaxies' scene
Is part of an intelligent, preconceived scheme,
Therefore I always dream and wonder
What lies in those unknown heavens yonder...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

To Betty - my Mom

Many a time
I think of my mom,
It's been a lifetime
Since she's gone
And never, ever
Did I feel so alone
Since that long ago day
When she passed on,
But she left me a gift
More precious
Than heavens above,
She taught me
The nature of love...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

War in Iraq

We had a perfect balance
Of power in the Middle East
Keeping a tenuous peace
Between the Sunnite, Saddam,
And those Iranian Shiites
Led by a sleazy, fanatical chief,
Then, our misbegotten
White House resident,
A rather limited President,
Who lately became distinguished
Because he is learning English,
Urged on by his cronies
Who care little about people or soil
But look for profits on the oil,
Went to war with Iraq's Saddam
To get all the oil one possibly can,
And thousands of our boys had to die,
Never quite knowing the reason why.

Now the Shiites of Iraq and Iran
Are united into one big clan,
They support Hezbollah,
Hamas and Al-Qaeda
And all the terrorists wide and far,
And Iraq's new leader visits Iran,
Turning out to be their greatest fan,
Thus we are weakened, not up to par,
Facing a much stronger enemy,
Perchance - a nuclear war,
Because our leaders
Can't play political chess
And got our country into a holy mess.

Now, let's all get together and shout:
'In the coming elections,
Let's throw those Republicans out!'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 15, 2006

An Other World

Let not my longing
For an other world
Be made obscure,
For our moral stance
And conduct on this earth
Are rather poor,
Yet, we have no promise,
Writ or letter
That any other world
May turn out better.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Theory of Circular Infinity

There have been many speculations on the true nature of time, space, motion and our very existence in the universe. Einstein's Relativity Theory establishes a firm and proven equation between time, space, motion, mass and energy (MC square), etc. Einstein further stipulated that space and time are curved and that the very nature of infinity is circular, since only a circle has no beginning and no end, no matter what its size may be.

Postulated on these facts, it follows that if time and space are curved and therefore eventually circular, any given event must by necessity recur within the repeating infinity circle. Because of the nature of the constant time space circle, any event must then be
precisely the same as the prior occurrence. The nature of the time space circle could coincide with the Big Bang Theory, ergo the explosion and implosion of the universe from a singularity to the return to the very same singularity in a rhytmically expanding and contracting universe. It is also possible that the event circle can have a larger span of time than a single expansion and contraction of the universe, a suggested
approximate period of 20+20 billion years, allowing for a minimum period of 40 or more billion years, depending at what point expansion stops and contraction starts, and the speed of the process from singularity to singularity, There may be a number of expansion and contraction circles, possibly going into trillions of years till a given event re-occurs.

Each repeated event must reccur precisely as before.
For example, each day in each life of any organism
will occur again, exactly as before, the only difference being that the events will be 40+ billion or trillion years apart.

In summary, each event on the continuum of the event circle must proceed in time sequence exactly the same way as before.

The mass or M factor is only an illusion of our senses.
As the particle accelerator and the electron microscope
have proven, our examinations have turned the atom
into smaller and smaller particles, till, eventually, the
nuclei and and electrons , etc. show up as purely electro-magnetic waves or pure energy, possibly in the form of strings (String Theory).

In other words, all existence is a temporary state of energy and energy potential. In the long run, this energy moves through an infinite circle with all its points being a series of events conforming to the circular nature of time and space with an infinite repetition of all events in this circle. Our bodies and our 'souls' are an eternal repetition of events in this energy circle and the trillions of years of the interlude
between our death and birth and death are but a moment to us when due to our death and
unconsciousness time stands still for us. The repetitive event points are at rare times interrelated by vague memories from the past.

Some of these ideas are based on Einstein's Theory of
Relativity, on the curvature of time and space, also on Bishop Berkeley's theory that the world, as we see it,
does not really exist but is an illusion produced by our senses. This was later confirmed by Bertrand Russell,
When he stated: When I touch a table, I really touch nothing, just an electro-magnetic tension between energy fields. In addition, the hydrogen atom
as an individual energy field has an almost infinite life span, a quality which is shared by most other atoms,
except radioactive ones. It is interesting to note that the atoms or energy fields we are composed of are almost

As the Bard said: There is more between heaven and earth than meets with our philosophy. The more we explore this universe, the stranger it turns out to be.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

John's Story

John had this burning fantasy
Of a successful destiny,
To reach the heights
Which were his to be,
He twisted and turned,
Tried, hoped and yearned,
But a living wage
He never earned,
Worked in a grocery
For minimum wage,
But within him
There lurked
A frustrated rage,
Till one day John
Claimed he was God,
Though people
Told him he was not,
But in the asylum,
In Moses and Jesus
He found new friends,
And on this happy note
John's story ends.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Life is but a Dream...

Life is but a dream,
A passing moment,
A one act scene,
The curtain rises,
The drama starts,
We play our parts
From birth to death,
From love to rage
We act for our wage,
When the play ends
The curtain falls,
We leave the stage,
The play forgotten,
Yellowed its page...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

A Refugee's Tale

I'm amongst the lucky ten percent,
Escaped the Holocaust,
Came to America without a cent,
English I could not speak
Nor understand,
But here I found my liberty,
A great new life,
A free democracy,
A chance to develop
Into all I want to be.

This country has been good to me,
In this great nation
I found a home, learned English,
Got a free college education,
And first hand I could clearly see
America as land of opportunity.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

To Aubrey

Beloved son, you are my
Aging heart's delight,
My lasting heritage,
My source of pride,
To this old world
My contributory addition,
A caring, decent man,
A fine physician.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I've Watched Men Pray

I've watched men pray
To non-existent gods
Created by their own imagination,
Fighting to death for their validity,
And saw what fools some men can be,
For this is a world which seems,
Yet never, ever is,
Composed of strings of pulsing energy,
And this, again, may not be true,
For the reality we seek
Is far beyond our poor philosophy.

If, god forbid, some gods exist,
We do not know them,
And, strange enough, the more we learn,
The greater does the puzzle seem,
And in the end, only as agnostics,
Can we be true to ourselves and say:
This wondrous universe and man
Are miracles beyond our ken.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

End Game

I'm on a fly-path
To eternity,
Sadly leaving
Man's fraternity,
My rendevous with death
I do not fear,
For in my lengthy life
I had much joy and cheer,
Old age and boredom
Make me sick and tired,
My time has come
To be retired,
And though my soul
And body cease to be,
The atoms
Which composed me
Will last eternally,
Part of a cloud, a bird
Or even an other me.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Holy Land

Like a phoenix rising
Out of the Holocaust ashes,
The survivors rose
To reclaim their ancient land,
To plant the star of David
On their most holy soil,
And their blood, sweat and tears
Turned a sandy desert
Into a paradise...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Holocaust Remembered 2006

Six million Jews died in Nazi camps,
Their arms tatooed with number stamps,
Since then some sixty years have passed,
But vivid memories still last,
Gassed they were and cremated,
Men, women, children - innocents
By God and love created,
While the world just looked on,
They closed their borders
And nothing was done,
Some people would define
Such action as a crime,
But let those memories not be vain,
So that a genocide will not occur again,
And we must never, ever forget
To honor those six million dead,
Had they but lived,
Perchance, some Einstein, Freud
Could have been our gift.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Little I see
Is what it seems to be,
Behind content veneer
Lurks human misery,
In many a democracy
There is a ruling class
Restricting liberty,
A happy outer shell
May cover up
An inner hell,
A friendly smile
Could hide a secret bile,
The politician selected
Turns out to be a crook
Once he's elected,
Leading me to
The unhappy conclusion
That much in life
Is just illusion.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

In a Rudderless Boat

All of us are people in a rudderless boat,
Blown about by the winds of chance
In an uncaring and indifferent universe,
Destined to drown in a sea of death,
Praying in our despair to imaginary gods,
Who would advise us, were they to exist,
That there is nothing above, nothing below,
Except the goodness, care and love
We poor mortals can offer each other.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

He Sold His Soul

He sold his soul
Along the way,
When he saw nature's
Predatory fray,
Where big sharks
The smaller fish eat
Just as the ruthless
And the strong
The weaker mistreat,
Thus, does
Predatory nature
Morality defeat...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Soldier's Dream

To sleep...
Perchance, to dream
Of green pastures,
A gently flowing stream,
A candle-light dinner
With loved ones at home,
But suddenly I wake,
The dream is gone,
Awake, in a place, quite far,
On hot sand in a tent,
A soldier in Iraq at war,
Within, a lingering fear
Compounded by the question:
'Why am I here?'
'Why am I here?'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 10, 2006

To my Wife

You're my sun with its warming rays,
Brightening dark and somber days,
My happiness in a thousand ways,
You're my garden of delights,
My great romance on moonlit nights
When love - body and soul unites,
You're the center of my life,
My ever beloved, loving wife.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Melting Platinum

The hissing torch
Melting platinum
At 3600 degrees,
Room all alight
With the glow
Of the noble metal
Liquefying in the crucible,
Yet, never oxidizing
Or diminishing,
But changing forms,
Like the swirling atoms,
Always becoming parts
Of new shapes,
Still, themselves,
Eternal units
In the crucible
Of time...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

New Orleans

With the water rising high,
Mangled bodies floating by,
With a broken, empty eye,
Looking up at leaden sky,
Levee funds cut on the sly,
The world asking: Why, oh why?
Money going to Iraq,
Where they our dead boys stack,
While elites, who never toil,
Make their profits on the oil,
Not protecting our soil.

Leaders of our land,
What is your game,
Don't you care,
Have you no shame?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Burning Towers - 9/11/01

The vision haunts me yet,
The burning Towers,
All those dead,
With grieving families
And friends left back,
Thousands murdered
In some alien god's name,
If he'd exist,
He'd hide in shame.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Lost Towers - 9/11/01

The gleaming Towers
Are no more,
Burned and broken
By vicious enemies
Who violated our shore,
America is not the same
It was before.

If we don't want to live
Subdued in a
Fascist theocracy,
We must eliminate
This sworn adversary,
Cut out this cancer
To keep our liberty,
Destroy these new Nazis
With everything we got
Or a sorry end
Will be our lot.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


We live in fear,
We die in pain
And our lives
Are spent in vain,
Forgotten shadows
In a strange game
And when we go,
We leave all gain,
A passing dream
In an unknown scheme...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 08, 2006

We are Poor Little Souls...

We are poor, little souls
Who have lost their way,
To China and India all our
Jobs are outsourced away
And Mexican illegals
Do construction today,
Now, we work in retail
For minimum wage
Which the Republican
Congress refuses to raise,
Though it's a starvation base.
We now are a country
Of the rich and the poor,
Middle classes are lost,
But the politicos
Kept their rich sinecure.
We are poor, little souls
Who have lost their way,
Those Republican fat cats
Took our livelihood away.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Most physicians are dedicated
To their patients and noble profession
But there are a few bad apples
With fees and profits their obsession,
For patients they don't seem to care
Except to pad their claims
To patients, HMOs and Medicare,
Let's take their licenses away
And see how they will fare.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Problems of Love

The idiosyncracies of love
Are problematic, often enough,
At birth, some men are
By religious norms a bit castrated
And wind up slightly decimated,
As they get older, it's the norm,
A growing slowness to perform,
While women worry about virginity,
Unwanted, unexpected pregnancy,
Nymphomania versus frigidity
Or lack of conception maybe
Their painful debility,
Often one party wants to marry
While the other tries to tarry,
But when they finally tie the knot,
In many cases sorry is their lot,
Disagreement or infidelity
Is frequently the source
Of separation or divorce,
So, look before you leap
Or you may wind up in a heap.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Love is....

Love is the very best of things,
A ride of ecstasy on angel wings,
A most delightful recreation,
From a splendid rhythmic sensation
To the point of total relaxation,
If unprotected, though, it may result
Of a new member in the fold,
If legal, a new tax deduction,
If not, a lawsuit for seduction,
But, god forbid, you dally
With the wrong maids,
You may wind up with Aids.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Transcendental Meditation

....lie down - comfortably,
mind, body, soul serene,
resting - at peace, at peace,
breathe deeply - deeply,
nothing on your mind
except a vision of yourself
lying on a golden-sanded beach,
blue skies blending in with
a calm azure-colored sea,
your favorite mantra
repeated over and over again,
nothing, nothing matters...
silence, peace, quietude,
- sleep, sleep, pleasant dreams,
sleep...sleep - nothing matters
- nothing matters....

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Modern Art

Gone are such giants of the past
As Da Vinci, Shakespear, Mozart
Whose great works last and last,
But those talented masters
Cannot be found in our age,
Now, modern art is all the rage,
But never, ever can it rise
To the old classics page.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, September 04, 2006

Politics and Chess

The ways to play politics
And chess are the same
For each is an anticipatory game,
To pre-think and predict
Each consequent move
Puts one in a winning groove,
Just like failing to understand
That the elimination of the
Sunnite regime of Saddam Hussein
Would be our greatest enemy's,
Shiite Iran's, major gain,
With the delicate balance between
Iran's Shiites and Iraq's Sunni gone,
The entire Middle East became undone,
While our nuclear advantage
Will quite soon be none,
It is, unfortunately, clear to some
That after our ill-conceived war
In Iraq is over with and done
Our winning cards maybe gone.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 03, 2006

If Iran Develops the Bomb...

A freighter of Panamanian registry,
Originating in the Middle East,
Docks in the Port of New York City
And while inspectors wait
To examine each crate,
An atomic explosion
With a powerful clout
Shakes the ground
And a mushroom cloud
Is heaven-bound
And Manhattan is gone,
Turned to glass, dust and stone
And millions die,
Burned, and evaporated
Right into the sky
And a radioactive cloud
Covers the City
And millions succumb later
To an enemy without pity,
While Iran will claim
North Korea or Sunnite
Terrorists are to blame
And other Western cities
Will suffer the same fate,
So, let us act now
Before it's too late!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Your senseless verbosity,
Oral diarrhea,
Constant redundancy
Are just a foolish way to be,
Had you been silent,
You may have seemed
Like a philosopher to me.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


We live and we love,
We laugh and we cry,
We are born and we die
But purposes escape us
For we never know why.

The only certainty
In our bitter-sweet lives
Is our destiny to die
And never know
The answer - WHY?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Our vast universe
And life itself
Fills us with wonder
And with awe,
A hidden mystery - by far,
Beyond the human ken,
A puzzle which we try to solve
But, somehow, never can.
The more we want to comprehend
This strange scheme of things
The less we seem to understand,
And chances are, a total explanation
Of all there is would be the most
Mysterious myth in all creation...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 01, 2006

To Dust-This Mortal Clay

Illusionary is our worth,
We are but tenants
On this earth,
With our lives
We pay the rent,
A bit of dust
Is our end,
For all we own
We only borrow
And when we die
On some morrow
All that is left
Are fading memories
And passing sorrow,
Sweet lives turned rotten
And soon forgotten...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz