Friday, June 30, 2006

To the Philosopher

To the philosopher
All lives are
lived in vain,
For in the end,
We die in pain,
And only dust
Is our gain...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Bane of War

It's darkness
Which envelops
This unhappy world,
When in the name of gods
And flags - unfurled,
People must die
When war 's declared
And in the end
Humanity will find
That chauvinism
Is the bane
Of all mankind.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz.


Some spend their lives
Pursuing vanity and fame,
Others are dedicated
To possessions
And financial gain,
The wise chap
Limits his life's claim
To be happy and
Content and sane.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Mister. Love - Fired

Let me be candid,
Mister Love,
For twenty years
You worked for us,
We feel you've been
Here long enough,
For you this may
Seem somewhat rough,
But the economy is tough,
To downsize our overhead,
We're out to hire
A cheaper lad,
So, clean your desk
And pack your stuff,
You're terminated
- Mister Love.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Political Predators

I've traveled far and wide,
From southern deserts
To the nordic light,
Through Europe, Asia,
Africa, Malaysia,
From Paris to Istanbul,
From Oslo to Marakech,
From Vienna to New York,
From Hongkong to Caracas
To Moscow and Jerusalem,
And everywhere I find,
People are all the same,
They're good and kind,
Wanting a peaceful life
Without wars and strife;
Only the leaders and politicos
Cause all the wars and woes,
While vainglorious
Preachers and presidents
Bring blood and tears
To our world's residents.

I'd turn those culprits
Into Roman gladiators,
To slice each other up
Like rotten tomatoes,
With the whole world
As happy spectators.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, June 29, 2006

What is Man?

What is this thing called man,
A bit of flesh,
Some skin and bone,
A pitiful bundle of frailities,
The slightest blow of nature
Commits him to oblivion,
And yet, within this shell
- so delicate,
There lives a soul, an intellect,
Whose rippled waves
One day will travel
To the farthest reaches
Of the Universe
And merge with its
Guiding intelligence
Which did create all this.

If there be gods,
Man is shaped of such clay
As these divinities are made of.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Jekyll and Hyde

Many show not the reflections
Of their souls' true selections,
A smiling, happy outer shell
May hide a horrid, inner hell,
While others, appearing
As a stern and gloomy vision,
Have quite a happy disposition.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


I thank my Lord
For his most precious gift of life,
My home, my children, my forgiving wife,
The stars, the moon, the shining sea,
My great, wide world, my land, my liberty,
I thank my Lord for his tender, loving care,
For the delusion that he's really there,
But I'm not able to ignore that his creation
Is just a figment of man's imagination,
And yet, I'm really not an atheist,
For God forbid - this God exists,
Bringing on a bitter time
When punishment will fit my crime,
Therefore I'm careful and quite caustic
And profess my faith as an agnostic,
Yes, frankly I am just a knave,
I play it safe...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Reverence for Life - Israel 6/28/06

When a single young soldier
Is valued more than any price,
It shows true reverence for life,
Not like the good, old USA
Who sacrifice their soldiers,
Carelessly, every day
And nonchalantly look away.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, June 26, 2006

Reality - Perception

Reality is but perception,
All of existence
Is only sense selection,
For mind, matter and energy
Are all the same,
On closer scrutiny,
Only an illusionary game,
The world never is,
But just seems to be,
It's only empty space
With bursts of energy,
This universe is stranger
Than we dare to dream,
Its actuality is far beyond
Our human scheme...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Death came to him

Death came to him
On a sunny day in spring,
When flowers bloom
And bluebirds sing,
It touched him
Lightly on the arm
And took him
To the dead man's farm.
No one knew
Why he was selected
By his macabre visitor
Who dropped in - unexpected.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Love and be loved
Is life's greatest treasure,
To thusly be endowed
Is a good man's measure...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Joys - The Sorrow

Taste the joys
And taste the sorrow,
Experience the world,
There is no tomorrow,
Grasp each day
As it comes along,
Treasure each moment,
Too soon ends the song...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


To live a life
With charm and grace
And find one's niche
In time and place,
To act with thought
And not in haste,
To use time well
Without a waste,
That's how you
Navigate life's maze...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Let it be said for him
Who lies beneath
This crumbling stone,
A happy life
He's never known,
He was a stranger
In an alien place,
The life he led,
He could not face,
And now in peace
He lies below,
While on his plot
The lilies grow...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

When Shadows Fall

When shadows fall
And evening rears
Its eerie head,
The fading light
Turns into night,
And in my dreams,
I see the dead,
Family ghosts, long gone,
They haunt me in my bed,
Till, at the break of dawn,
The curtain lifts,
And they are gone...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Immortality was his fervent wish,
They cloned him in a petri dish,
Took his ego, super ego, id,
Put them on an organic chip,
Inserted the wafer into his brain,
Thus, immortality he'd gain,
Repeated this process forever,
Lived on and on,
Died - never...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Master the Guiding Intelligence

Slowly but surely, man will cast aside
His childlike superstitions of his
Imaginary gods and self-shaped religions
And master the guiding intelligence
Which shapes the universe and our lives,
From the Theory of Relativity, the strange
Similarity of the micro and macro cosmos,
Full exploration of the sub-atomic structure,
Quantum Mechanics, pulsating multiple
Universes, String Theory, vibrating
Membranes shaping new universes,
The repetition of all events in Circular
Infinity, Black Holes in space and their
Singularities, the Big Bang, worm holes in
Time and space, particles faster than light,
The advent of time and space travel
And the comprehension of a reality
Which always seems - but never is,
For man is made of such clay as his
Imaginary divinities are made of.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, June 24, 2006


He never found
The purposes he cherished,
A job he liked - a mate - a marriage,
Till one fine day in May - he perished,
And on his epitaph it said:
For those who sit and wait,
Life is an empty slate.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Land of Dreams

There is a land
Beyond the sea of dreams,
A garden of Eden,
A world which never is,
But only seems,
A happy place,
Where in my mind I dwell,
Escaping stark reality
And life's real hell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


In holy Mecca,
At Abe's old rock,
The imam gathers
His happy flock,
To them he'd tell:
"Go out, dear brethren,
Kill the infidel,
And for this deed
In heaven you'd dwell."
They listened to him,
Wound up in hell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Come, gather all your treasures
While you may - enjoy the sunshine,
Frolic in the hay - grab every moment,
Just let it go - and play,
For in this world - short is your stay...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


So, my sweetheart calls me honey,
Beats me up and thinks it's funny,
Curses me and takes my money,
Calls me just a little runt,
Frankly speaking - she's quite blunt,
But what can I truly do,
I won't find anyone new,
If she leaves me, I'll be blue,
So, I'll stick with what I've got,
Man - I'm really in a rut!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Saw the devil last night
By the moon's silvery light,
Horns, hoofs gleaming
Ever so bright,
Shook his long tail,
Cursed the whole world,
Gave a haunting wail,
I was frightened to death
And turned cold and pale,
Came home quite drunk
In utter confusion,
Seems my wife threw me out
Or was it just an illusion...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


I loved her once,
I loved her twice,
And when she asked,
Please love me thrice,
I told her, my dear,
Have a cake and some ice...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Vienna - 1938

Never, ever will I forget
That fateful day
When Viennese Nazi burghers
Took my dear Dad away
To clean the sidewalks
With a toothbrush,
Laughing and urging him on
To do a good job and to rush,
And I, a young child,
Seeing my dignified Father abused,
Was to a state of tears reduced.

Later, Father patted me on my head,
"Son", he said, "don't be sad,
No matter what these people do,
I am still proud to be a Jew,
We've lasted over five thousand years,
We'll still be here,
When their kind disappears."

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, June 23, 2006

Politicians - A Sorry Lot

Those politicians
Are a sorry lot,
They fill their pockets,
But their country's
Interests they forgot,
Around election time
Their oratory
Grows quite hot,
Give lots of promises,
Fulfill them - not,
Their tired platitudes
Are usually fake,
From special interests
They're on the take.
So friend, if you're
Talented as a magician,
Make public money
Your life-long mission,
Become a crooked politician.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


The king of the Jews,
By Roman pagans crucified,
Defending morality
And justice - he died,
A martyr for his people,
Rightfully sanctified,
He led a simple life,
Fought against
Hubris and strife,
Supported the poor
And the weak,
If in conflict,
To turn the other cheek,
Were he to rise and see
What was done in his name,
The persecution of his Jews,
The Inquisition in Spain,
He'd look on humanity
In despair and with shame...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Artist's Dilemma

He was an artist of some renown,
In some fine galleries,
Occasionally, his work was shown,
His paintings were
Painstakingly precise,
His colors matched,
And reasonable was his price,
He thought he painted rather well,
Yet, his creations did not sell,
He asked a wise, old critic
If his work was out of fashion,
Reluctantly, the expert told him - no,
His work just lacked the passion.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Adam and Eve

In paradise they met and mated,
And soon they daily copulated,
With the result of this affair,
A mess of little ones needing care,
But the big cheese, up there above,
Did not approve of illicit love,
Deemed it behavior in a stable,
And lectured them
With some phony fable
About an apple and a snake,
Claimed their carnality
Was a sinful mistake,
Enough, to throw
Them out of paradise,
An act, certainly not wise,
Because from that day on,
Man knew, god wasn't very nice.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Final Solution

Though humanity is in despair,
The world does neither worry nor care,
Millions die in many a nation
Afflicted with Aids and starvation
On a planet suffering
From overpopulation,
While the Pope preaches
Unlimited procreation,
And those imams cry and yell:
Kill every goddamn infidel!
And old Europe is overrun
By Moslems and Turks
With their own peculiar quirks,
While in Iraq thousands die,
Really never know the reason why,
And in the White House sits
An incompetent President
Who'd serve much better
As an institutionalized resident,
And most politicians
Are subject to corruption
Through special interests'
And lobbyists' seduction,
While growing pollution
Reigns everywhere,
On the ground and in the air,
Creating humanity's final solution,
To be wiped out by wars and pollution.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Tale of Man

Five billion years from now,
The sun, after depleting
Its hydrogen fuel,
Will explode into a red giant,
Turning all its planets
And this isle of life, earth,
Into burned-out, lifeless shells,
An insignificant event
In this great universe,
Yet, photons and the
Music of the spheres
Will tell the tale of that
Noble human race
Which once ruled a small planet
With genius, intellect and grace.
If there be any guiding
Intelligence or gods
To which these men
Once used to pray,
The very same divinities
Lived in their mortal clay.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Human Quilt

Man's character
Is neither good nor bad,
It is a quilt of qualities,
A subtle shading
Of personalities,
Some good is in the worst,
Some evil in the best,
If put to the test.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

To AJ - Ice Hockey Champ

Best hockey player
On the ice,
The great champ AJ
Literally flies,
Shoots all the goals
And wins first prize,
To be the best
Is really nice,
AJ, my grandson
Makes me proud,
At all his games
His praise I shout
For always knocking
The other team out.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Widowed Mom

I miss my little birds
Who flew our nest,
Of all in life,
I love them best.

They married
And moved out of State,
I sit and wait,
Home, all alone,
At a silent phone,
And when I call them
In their home,
A machine answers,
They're gone.

I miss my little ones
Who flew our nest,
Of all in life,
I love them best...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, June 19, 2006

Collective Mind

Within the smithy of my soul
Lies the collective
Consciousness of my race,
Its qualities of goodness,
Evil, lust and grace
Finding within my mind
And heart their rightful place,
A theme of hopes and dreams
Commonly shared with everyone,
And any souls, passing on,
Will diminish the human race
And me - when they are gone...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Buddha Smiled

As I twisted and turned
Half insane with the fear
Of life and death,
I don't know which
Frightened me more,
I suddenly calmed down
For in Buddha's smile
I saw that for all of us
Life and death
Are just episodes,
In an endless cycle...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

In the Dominican Republic

Met him at a snazzy hotel,
Handsome, young dancer,
Did his job well,
Asked: "Been to the US?"
Answered: "Oh yes, oh yes,
Have two wives
And four children there,
Can't ever support them,
They're on Welfare,
Once in a while,
They send me a check
To visit the family,
Then I go back."

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Stage of Life

All of us are actors
On the stage of life,
In business, work, at home
As husband, parent, wife,
The many parts we play
Portray us to each audience
In a different way,
And when, after the last call,
The play is over
And the curtains fall,
We're praised in our eulogy,
Leaving only a fading memory...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Old Man's Prayer

God, let this sick, old flesh
Into oblivion fall,
For I've lived long and hard,
Tired and weary of it all,
Ready to heed
The bone man's call...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Malthusian Problem

Populations increase
In geometric progression,
Causing wars,
Starvation, recession,
Uncontrolled, our planet
Will be overcrowded,
And our world
Must not allow it,
But the Republican
Fundamental Right
Will have the solution
Of birth control
And abortion denied.

Get rid of them,
We ought to shout,
Before overpopulation,
Wars and starvation
Wipe us out!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, June 16, 2006

Don't Cry for me

Don't cry for me
When I'm gone,
I'll watch over you,
You'll never be alone,
In spirit I'll be with you,
Back, in our home,
In times - happy, sad or fair,
I'll be there, I'll be there,
And when some distant day
Your stay on earth will end,
I'll wait for you around the bend...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


His English skills are rather weak
And properly he cannot speak,
The highest office he'd seek,
And morons voted for this freak,
Then our prospects turned quite bleak,
The dollar going down the drain
Through leadership without a brain,
And thousands die - not for the soil,
But for the profits on the oil.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Widow's Tale of Woe

On sunny days
Or moonlit nights,
You're with me yet,
And when in spring
The flowers bloom,
You're with me yet,
When summer's last rose
Does its petals shed,
You're with me yet,
Or when on cold
And wintery nights
I lie alone in our bed,
You're with me yet,
For in my heart of hearts
You're never dead!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


It's a law of physics
By which all systems
Gradually disorganize,
That man will perish thus
Is no surprise,
When one surmises
How decadence in man
Constantly rises...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Who are these Gods?

Who are these gods by man created,
Old superstitions - now quite dated,
Jehovah, Allah and the Holy Trinity
Or some other illusionary divinity?

These gods are only idle dreams,
The powers shaping this great universe
Are far beyond man's narrow schemes.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Final Episode

I see a brilliant light
Of unimaginable splendor,
A kaleidoscopic fireball
Engulfing our planet,
Shattering it into
A trillion fragments
In a nova explosion
And I have a vision of
The noble human race
Vaporized into oblivion
When planet Bush
Hits the earth,
- but right now,
I want my sandwich
And my coffee.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Grant me some respite
From the daily grind
Of fight and blight,
Let me recoup
My sensibilities
With moments
Of delight,
Increase my sanity,
Reduce my vanity
And not fall victim
To the world's inanity.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sweet Adultery

Ah, my sweet dear Georgia peach,
Let's make love out on the beach,
Spend a great romantic night
By the moon's silvery light,
Up the ante - go in flagrante,
Silently we'll come and go,
Husband, wife will never know,
Memories may never end
Of a lovely night well spent
In a luscious one night stand...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Men pray to various gods,
Purely figments
Of their imagination,
Practice religions
Of their own creation,
And in many a war millions die
For false gods up there
In some distant sky,
No earthly reason why,
While our planet's real mystery
Is far beyond
Our religious philosophy,
Thus, one can truly see
What fools these mortals be.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Mister Bones

Splatter of rain
on a window pane,
a lonely room,
a sense of doom,
a knock on the door,
an eerie stranger,
never seen before,
Bones is his name,
death is his game,
tells me to go,
I say - please no,
last thing I know...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


What greedy chaps
These bankers are,
For robbing the public
They get a star,
Robber barons
On their thrones
In palace halls,
Take all your money,
Yet make the calls,
Give you a penny
But make a dime,
Act aristocratic,
But behave like swine.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, June 12, 2006

American Swing

American swing
Is the musical heartbeat
Of a great nation,
A fast moving, vibrant force,
The Greco-Roman empire
Of the twentieth century,
Yet, a free, tolerant
And humane society,
Steeped in a spirit of liberty,
A melting pot of many nations,
A dream for the whole
World to emulate in its
Avant garde creativity
And the better life style
Of its people,
A nation, peaceful
Tolerant and kind,
But if attacked and aroused,
An unbeatable opponent,
Strong as the driving force
Of its music.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

American Dream

In spite of the decadence
Of a corrupt society,
The war cries of its overlords,
Incompetence of its leaders,
The pulse of this nation beats strong,
Securely founded in their constitution,
Backed by the survival will
Of a great and powerful nation
Which in the end defies all evil
And overcomes its handicaps,
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes,
It stands tall in its creativity,
Art, music, technology
And the talented, diversified population
Of that great melting pot - America,
My Athens of the Western World
With its symbol - the bald eagle,
Evermore reaching for the skies.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Strangers, we landed here
Like driftwood beached
On foreign shore,
Devoid of all but hope,
We found an open door,
A helping hand,
Someone who cared,
America - my golden land.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Banality of Evil

When genocide, racism,
Murder and corruption
Are the public's
Everyday seduction,
Than evil turns into
A commonplace affair,
Practiced daily
With loving care,
And evil becomes
A used to banality
With human decency
Its fatality.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Beware of Don Juan

He was a lover, of sorts,
Caused many aborts,
But then he gave Aids
To unfortunate maids.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Those who can do it - do it,
Those who can't - teach it.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

God Bless America

Came here as a refugee,
Not a penny left on me,
Worked hard, went to school,
Found America quite cool,
Made some money,
Life turned sunny,
Turned my kids
Into physicians,
Have nice homes
And good nutrition,
Yes, the US treated me well,
Saved me from the Nazi hell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Love Song

With all my being,
I love thee tenderly,
You're always in my heart,
A very part of me,
And if we'd ever part,
Then I shall cease to be...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

March to a Different Drummer

I cannot march to the drums
Of a corrupt administration,
Composed of politicos
Ruining our nation,
Leaders of questionable
Minds and characters - not pure,
Whose interests lie with
Graft and sinecure,
Not with their land
And people - to be sure,
Rather, I'd follow the drumbeat
Of those with great minds
And qualities - who care,
As Adlai Stevenson
And Eleanor Roosevelt were,
But as Frank Lloyd Wright
So aptly said:
People with such fine minds,
Character and expertise
Are much too good
For jobs like these.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, June 09, 2006

His Last Tennis Game

He played his last game
On a hot and humid day,
Though still a young man,
Suddenly, his heart gave way,
The ambulance arrived too late,
They worked on his revival,
But sealed was his fate,
His parents, wife
And little daughter
Saw him turn blue and die,
And horrid was the scene
To see the small girl cry,
How cruel and how sad
That on a bright and sunny day
To lose a son, a husband, dad
And see him pass away.

One never knows
When fate decides
The die is cast,
Each hour of each day
Maybe your very last...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

The Delusion of Divinity

Have you touched the holy grail,
Seen man's mysteries unveil,
String theories, singularities,
Atomic peculiarities,
Circular infinities
Replacing dated divinities?

Alfred Charasz
Copyight 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, June 08, 2006

His Last Painting

He was an artist of repute,
Completing his portrait
Of a stunning nude,
Intensively he painted
From morning till night,
For he knew his health
Was a failing light,
His chance of survival - slight,
He finished his greatest work
On a cold, rainy day,
Content with his last painting,
He soon passed away.

The critics examined
His last effort with care
And tried to be fair,
But the consensus was,
His work wasn't much,
They said that the old boy
Had lost his touch.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Memorial for Miriam

Miriam was young and charming,
Quite pretty and very disarming,
A Japanese of Jewish persuasion,
She opened a night club
In a Lower Eastside location,
With kosher food and a Klezmer band,
One of the top places in the land,
She became well known far and wide,
With a lively club, busy every night,
But then Miriam got sick and passed away,
And the club closed up the very next day.

Years have passed, but people say
That on foggy nights, on Hester Street,
You can still hear a Klezmer band play...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Religious insanity,
National vanity,
Poverty, blight,
Personal spite,
Wars and destruction,
Political corruption,
Sadistic enjoyment,
Growing unemployment,
Class distinction,
Middle class extinction,
Only rich and poor left,
Crime, corporate theft,
Environmental pollution,
Racial persecution,
Idiots leading nations,
Total inflation...

Oh, my noble human race,
How you have fallen
In dignity, morals and grace!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Remnant

Six million Jews
Died in the camp,
A remnant survived
To carry the lamp,
The lamp to remind us
Of death, gas and fire,
Of genocide, killing grounds,
Murder, barbed wire,
Telling the world
To never forget
The innocent victims,
Those honored dead,
Our sisters and brothers,
Or in the future the ovens
May burn you and some others.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


With genius, sweat and toil
The atomic age and Internet
Was created on our blessed soil,
We can find the same conclusion
With a Manhattan Project solution,
Developing hydrogen power and fusion,
And all those troublesome desert chaps
Can fry themselves in their useless fats.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Monday, June 05, 2006

Politicos 2006

Petty bureaucrats
With narrow minds
Now rule our country
Who little care for
Their people and land,
But have their
Egocentric interests
Focused on vainglory,
Profits from graft
And a luxurious sinecure.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Theory of Circular Infinity

There have ben many speculations on the true nature of time, space, motion and our very existence in the universe. Einstein's Relativity Theory establishes a firm and proven equation between time, space, motion,
mass and energy (MC2), etc. Einstein further stipulates
that space and time are curved and the very nature of infinity is circular, since only a circular form has no beginning and no end, no matter what its size may be.

Postulated on these facts, it follows that if time and space are curved and eventually circular, any given event must by necessity recur within the given infinity
circle and be precisely the same as in its prior occurence. The nature of the time space event circle could coincide with the Big Bang Theory, ergo, the explosion and implosion of the universe from a singularity to the return of the very same singularity,
from a rhythmically expanding and contracting universe. It is also possible that the event circle can have a larger span of time than a single expansion and
contraction of the universe, a suggested approximate
period of 2o+20 billion years allowing for a minimum
period of 40 or more billion years, depending at what point expansion stops and contraction starts and the speed of the process from singularity to singularity.
There maybe a number of expansions and contraction
circles, possibly going into trillions of years till an event

Essentially, each recurring event must take place again
precisely as before. For example each day in each life
of any organism,of course including man, will be repeated, the only difference could be the time span,
possibly 40 billion or trillions of years apart.

The mass or M factor is only an illusion of our senses.
As the particle accelerator and theoretical constructs
have proven, our examinations have turned the atom
into smaller and smaller particles till eventually the
electrons, etc. show up as purely electro-magnetic
waves of pure energy, possibly in the form of strings.
(String Theory)

In other words, all existence is a temporary state of energy and energy potential.. In the long run, this
energy moves through an infinite circle with all its points being a series of events conforming to the
circular nature of time and space. There is an infinite
repetition of all events in this circle. Our bodies and
our 'souls' are an eternal repetition of events in this
energy circle and the possibly trillions of years of
the interlude between our death and birth are but a
moment to us when due to our death and unconsciousness time stands still for us. The repetitive
event points are at rare times interrelated to vague
memories from the past.

Some of these ideas are based on Einstein's Theory
of Relativity and curvature of time and space, also on
Bishop Berkeley's theory that the world as we see it
does not really exist but is an illusion produced by
our senses. This was later confirmed by Bertrand
Russell when he stated: When I touch a table, I really
touch nothing, only an electro-magnetic tension
between energy fields. In addition, the hydrogen atom, as an individual energy field has an almost infinite life span, a quality which is shared by most other atoms
except radioactive ones. It is interseting to note that
the atoms or energy fields we are composed of have
an almost infinite life span.

As the Bard said: 'There is more between heaven and
earth than meets with our philosophy.'
The more we explore this universe, the stranger it
turns out to be.

Alofred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


We were each other's one great love,
Fitted together like hand in glove,
Went through Holocaust and war,
Traveled jointly - near and far,
In times of cheers, in times of fears,
In times of laughter, in times of tears,
But now, we are decrepit and old,
The days too warm, the nights too cold,
Hoping, when we reach that final bend,
Together our travels will end...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Two Dolphins

Two dolphins traveled the oceans wide
And met far from home at sea one night,
United, they shared their watery home,
Swam the rough waters - never alone,
They raised little dolphins with loving care,
So they'd do well when they left their lair,
Then papa dolphin got sick and felt bad
And his mate became desperate and very sad,
And the sick dolphin swam in circles,
Did not know where he was,
And grew thinner and thinner,
His eyes looked like glass,
While his mate tried to save him in his plight,
But he drowned at sea one dark, stormy night,
And now, one lonely dolphin, left to her fate,
Cruises the oceans, still looking for her mate...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Miami Moon

'neath the shining
Miami moon,
by the rippling waves
of the silvery lagoon,
my love and I
just dream and spoon,
grab every moment
of youthful zest,
ere it may end
- too soon - too soon...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz


Your child is like an arrow;
Tense your bow's string and aim
For any target to be his claim,
But once the arrow left the bow,
You have no choice where it may go.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Medicare D Benefits?

Written by drug lobbyists,
Pushed through Congress
By dawn's early light,
With presidential pressure
Throughout the night,
The new drug law went into effect,
A boon for pharmaceuticals,
But for seniors?
A formula for expensive neglect.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Friday, June 02, 2006

Professional Inseminator

Of late, commercial work,
In the most ordinary sense,
Did not too well agree with me,
Therefore I've changed
My line of work
To a vocation where I can earn
A rather decent fee,
I have become a professional
Artificial insemination donor,
And done quite well,
So far I have not pulled
A single boner,
Oh, what a joy to see
The lovely duplications,
Of my image everywhere,
So many charming little creatures
With my eyes, my nose,
My face, my hair,
One must admit,
For such a trade
I really have a flair,
And in my work
I've earned a decent reputation
As master of the art
Of painless procreation,
Potential clients are assured
Of impregnation,
Without the bother of the tedium
Inherent in excessive
Unproductive fornication.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Credit Card Game

The new robber barons
With their credit card spiel
Lend you all the money
But frankly usury is their deal
And soon you'll find
Those sharpies legally
Rob you blind.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

To Eve

On a Sunday afternoon
In my garden
'neath the old apple tree,
Which I planted,
My daughter and I sit,
Rocking in our garden chairs,
We spin little yarns,
Fresh and hopeful,
Spring breeze full of expectations
And nature 's greening everywhere,
Everything around us
Is so full of the the vigor
Of blooming and growth,
My daughter's voice
Gentle, ever so gentle,
Long lashes, old Semitic eyes,
Warm all-knowing,
The ancient eyes of my people
In a youthful, fresh face,
Telling me
On a Sunday afternoon
In my garden,
That all is well with the world.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz

To Aubrey 1971

There comes a day
When childhood's wraps
Are cast aside
And old religious norms
Proclaim and give you
Manhood's right,
But take it gently son,
It's never borne too light,
Your new-found strength
Will certainly appeal,
But burdens you never knew
Will soon become quite real,
Yet, you must cope with them
And do the best you can
To squarely face the world,
My son - today you are a man.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2006 Alfred Charasz