Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To my Grandson Nathaniel

Like a Ruben's painting
Is your face,
Your beguiling charm,
Your easy grace,
In people's heart
You'll have your place.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

To Daniel

You have your
Grandfather's gene,
An artistic talent
You bring to the scene,
A creative mind
Not easy to find,
Pursue your gift
With tenacity
And explore new vistas
With audacity.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Congressional Rejection

The Congress got tons of mail:
'Don't bail out those crooks,
Throw them in jail.
If the bill is not rejected,
You won't be elected!'

Fearing to lose their
Cushy position,
To turn the bill down
Was their decision.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


They bail out their
Wall Street pals,
Who keep their gain,
Encouraging them
To do the same again,
But the little guy
Gets the ax,
Loses his home
And pays the tax!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Like Most Men...

Well polished, sociable
And urbane is his outer shell,
Hiding a quiet desperation
Of his inner hell...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, September 29, 2008

Global Google Village

The medium is the message,
The slogan of the computer age
Causing the world to enter
The global village stage,
Thus, the onset of instant
Computer translations brings
Excellent communications,
Shrinks the world and unites
The people of all nations.

International unions will raise
The salaries of Chinese personnel
Up to American standards,
So they'll do just as well,
There'll be no outsourcing fears,
The losers will be the profiteers,
Tolls, duties and borders fall,
It will be one peaceful world for all.

Thus, the computer could
Create a global village
United neighborhood
And a new flag of the world
Will be the only one unfurled.
It will be blue with a white dove,
A symbol of harmony, peace,
Brotherhood and love.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 28, 2008

An Agnostic's View

No one can ever tell
If there are gods in heaven
Or devils in hell,
It's just an idea which
Preachers, profiteers
And warmongers sell,
Thus, in religions' name,
Millions died
Which is quite insane.

If there is a power
Which shaped this universe,
The ideas of some simple-minded
Religions are superstitious
And really perverse.

If there are any
Solutions to be,
Science will eventually
Solve the mystery.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

American Woes

John leads a complicated life,
Six unruly children
And a neurotic wife,
His boss at John's job
Criticises him each day
And he fears,
He'll soon be sent away,
His staggered mortgage
Eats up a lot of his pay
For an expensive house
He can't afford anyway,
In the meantime his bank
Is near bankruptcy,
Maybe ready to close up,
Causing him to fear,
His small account
Could come to a stop,
And his credit card debt
Is already high
With his interest payments
Rising to the sky,
While the family's health
Is not insured
And were they to get sick,
They won't be cured.

This morning Bush
Allocated $50 million to Iraq,
While, that very day, John's
Boss gave him the sack,
Said, his job is outsourced,
He should clean his desk
And be out by five o'clock,
Thus, his income
Came to a stop.

That night, at the bar, John,
Slightly drunk, did explain,
Because of their patriotism,
Religious fervor and values,
He'll vote for Republicans
And his hero, McCain.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Great Minds of the Past

Honor those great minds of the past,
Their work, ideas and books
Will last... and last...,
They gave their dreams and creations
To many succeeding nations,
While most of these lands
And their talented
Thinkers are long gone,
Their work lives on and on,
From those who wrote
The cuneiform tablets
For the ancient Sumerians
To the hieroglyphics for Egyptians,
From those who created
The Bible long ago
To Aristotle, Socrates and Plato,
Those fabulous Greeks
Who we still study and learn to know,
From the Romans, Lucretius and Cicero,
To the Renaissance
With Leonardo Da Vinci, Chaucer,
Shakespeare and Galileo,
Till relatively modern times
With Freud, Einstein, Shaw,
Joyce, Hemingway
And so many other greats
Who carved humanity's way
Whose dreams will forever
With succeeding generations stay...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Mankind's Entropy

The difficulties of modern life,
Its complexity, problems and strife
Put undue pressures on the populations
Leading to waring religions and nations
And our technological advances
Have outpaced social progress chances,
Bi-polar disorders, paranoia and psychosis
Result from increasing tensions' neurosis,
To be normal in today's society
Is difficult with this worldwide anxiety
And the normal, modern man
Is indeed a rather rare variety,
Haunted by economic pressures, wars,
The increasing complexity and insanity,
Man is also heavily burdened
By his hubris and his vanity
Added to his need to survive
The ever increasing difficulties of life.
One may predict that the future
Of mankind could probably be,
Like all creatures and systems,
Deterioration and entropy.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 26, 2008

Soviet - American Crisis October 1962

More than 45 years have passed
Since I saw the
Soviet Ambassador last,
Before he spoke at
My Masonic Lodge,
Confidentially, he said to me,
"What in the future we may see
About Soviet-American relations
And their almost
Nuclear confrontations,
Americans have
No social morality,
They don't care about
People's lives' quality,
Their workers can be
Fired at will on any date,
Losing health insurance and job,
No one caring about their fate,
And the capitalists blatantly
Flout their riches with enjoyment
While the proletariat
Suffers hunger, unemployment,
And in the Soviet Union
We have no incentive
To create and be inventive
And our staid bureaucracy
Does not show any progress,
Causing our society and system
To be in a horrible mess.
I'll tell you what will happen,
But you can never quote me on this:
'You'll drift towards more socialism,
And we will find more capitalism
Will give us incentive, progress and bliss,
And then we will rise and shout:
What the hell were we fighting about!"

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Floating Debt

If you want to lead
A pleasant life
Without working,
Struggling and strife,
Take a good accountant
Who can cook your books,
To give your finances
Excellent looks,
Start with a fine credit rating
And a little money,
Take a low interest loan
To make life sunny,
Always keep a good credit line
And repay your loan strictly on time,
Assume you borrow $260 grand
Which is weekly $5000 on hand,
Minus $500 interest at 10 percent,
Your life could be by heaven sent,
If you pay back your loan on time,
You can double your loan yearly
And still have a good credit line,
After 60 years you're ready to die,
You'll owe $15.6 million
With a credit rating always high,
Then you declare bankruptcy,
And your credit rating goes bad,
But the banks have been had,
Till then, you've had a great life,
Made $4500 a week,
Without working, struggle or strife
And you've had good credit - still,
Because you always paid your bill,
But left a large debt
To the banks in your will.

But if after 85 years
You're not under a stone,
You'll be without funds,
Entitled through Medicaid
To a nursing home.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Mother, God and apple pie
Have gone down the drain,
Gone - the quiet, peaceful walks
Down a country lane,
Villages which sleep all day
Lazy in the sun,
All the silent happiness
Suddenly is gone,
Noise, pollution are the game,
Big computers counting you
And a number is your name,
Cattle cars take you to work,
Big Brother is watching you,
Non-conformists have a quirk,
Quickly disassemble them
And remodel them again
Into robots which say "YES",
Gads - is this a holy mess!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Internet Gestapo

Land of the brave,
Home of the free,
Writers and poets,
Let not the censors
Curb your liberty
For you and me.
Throw them out,
Speech must be free!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Think of you...Vienna 1946

In a small cafe,
Down old Vienna way,
To music on a gramophone
We danced the night away
Till the very last waltz
At the dawn of day,
Though a lifetime has passed
And I'm old and gray,
I still think of you
Down old Vienna way...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

God and the Devil

On judgment day,
The Almighty Purveyor
Of staid disciplines
And tired platitudes
Asked me about my
Shameless immorality,
In my defense
Rose my best friend,
The devil;
He won the case,
He pleaded my mortality.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


With the proper sophistry,
You can call a fly a flea
Or with twisted lawyer's talk
You can make the guilty walk,
Or with tongues of honey
You can steal people's money,
Or succeed as politician
With faking like a magician
And if you often repeat
To voters the same lie,
They'll believe anything,
Won't even ask why,
And if the corporate executives
Loudly cry and shout,
Uncle Sam will bail them out.
Yes, with the proper sophistry
My critics will even believe me.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Secrets of Eternal Life - 2555 AD

After much research,
Experiments and strife,
They discovered the secrets
Of eternal life,
Just before a man is gone,
They use his cells
To copy a precise clone,
Then they reproduce
The entire content of his brain
On organic computer chips
In a staggered stain,
To be gradually inserted,
As he ages,
In the clone's brain,
So, his body and his mind
Can always continue as the same
Plus all the additional
Experiences he may gain,
Living on forever,
Die never...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shades of Totalitarianism

Their twisted sophistry
Misrepresents their aim,
In actuality,
They plan a different game.

'Compassionate Conservatism'
Serves for public confusion,
But religious fundamentalism
Is the basis of their real solution
In a regime where semi-fascism
Lingers just around the bend.

Should they succeed
Democracy is at an end.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Shining Red Apple

She's a bright and charming girl,
Fabulous looks - great personality,
But afflicted with an errant gene,
Bad character is her fatality,
Like the shiny red apple in the store,
Don't ever buy it - for rotten is its core.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Frankly, he won't give a damn
If a war is off or on,
Were his wife to run away
Or his children turn out gay,
Should his business go astray,
His affairs in disarray
Or his friends call it a day,
Frankly, he won't give a damn
If a loser runs Uncle Sam,
But the values he holds dear
Are his comics, ball games, beer
And his faith in holy rollers
Makes him cheer.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Winter Nights

To sleep,
Perchance, to dream
Of happy times
In sunny climes
On sandy beaches
'neath palm trees,
Resting in style
On some golden isle,
While winter storms
Range 'round the house
On freezing nights...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

American Scene - Bush 2001 to 2008

Outsource all labor
To our Chinese neighbor,
Then in quiet enjoyment
We'll gain cheap labor
Through unemployment
And if there are any
Idle workers in excess,
We'll send them to Iraq
Or some other mess
For the best business, by far
Is the industry of war,
Let's kill Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid,
So the expensive old and weak
Will perish without aid
For they drain our money,
Let us rich get the honey,
We, who don't have to toil
For we own great industries,
Banks, stocks and deal in oil,
We also pay most taxes
To defend God, flag and soil,
Let middle classes and
The workers pay more tax
And save money when the
Welfare for the poor gets the ax,
But if the West goes down the drain
We'll go to Shanghai to seek new gain.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Man's End

Man's world will not end
In an atomic conflagration
Or in some bitter wars
Of mutual annihilation,
Nor in some global destruction
Through overpopulation
With ensuing conflicts
And starvation,
There will be no final blow,
Except increased pollution
And slow deterioration,
Till man reaches that final bend
And only a whimper and whisper
Will sound his very end...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Upward Mobility

He was a stranger on the
Lower East Side scene,
A bearded, skull-capped Chasid,
Came to this country - green,
A pushcart was his livelihood,
A slum - his neighborhood,
His English was atrocious,
His offspring, though - precocious,
He sent them on to City College
Where they accumulated knowledge,
Today, his children are society's elite,
A lesson how good genes
And having knowledge as a need
Can slums and poverty defeat.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Oil Hucksters

In Iraq's desert
Thousands die,
Give their lives
And don't know why,
But our leaders,
They do know
Why those poor souls
Had to go,
Not in defense
Of their holy soil,
They died for profits
On the oil,
But the people,
They will see
That they cannot
Let this be
And in unison,
They'll shout:
'Let us throw
Those hucksters out!'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

No Regrets

Live your life fully,
Drain your cup,
You never know
When it will stop,
Enjoy every moment,
Take on all bets,
Then, when you're old
There are no regrets.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


A ray of sunshine
In dark moments,
A helping hand
When trouble
Lies around the bend,
The best there is - a friend.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

To Felice

Thy constant love
Is my support,
A quiet haven
In life's storm, my port,
Escaping harsh realities
To find release
And in your arms
I find my peace...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hitler in Vienna - March 1938

"If all the Jews would be like you,
The world would be a better place",
Said my friend, Fritz, a Hitler Youth,
With great tact and some grace,
"Hitler will speak in Vienna today,
If you want to see him - just say,
I'll bring you a Hitler Youth outfit,
Give me your size
So you'll have the right fit",
I said to Fritz, "I'll go - it's done
But please, don't tell my mom".

As I stood in line with the
Hitler Youth squads,
German army and SS troops appeared,
Steel helmets and bayonets
Gleaming in the sun,
And as 100.000 Austrians wildly cheered,
Flags waving, tanks in rows
And Stuka dive bombers in the blue sky,
Hitler spoke and emotions ran high
And I felt a powerful euphoria,
An experience - strong and quite new,
But suddenly I asked myself:
'What the hell is it - I do,
I don't belong here,
I am a Jew!'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

700 Billion Dollars Theft

They gave poor credit risks
Mortgages on overvalued properties,
Seeking their advantages
In exorbitant loan percentages,
Which were for non-payment
To the lenders foreclosed,
Left in poor condition,
And could not be disposed.

Then they borrowed to sell short
In bad margin speculations
And were unable to meet
Their loan obligations.

Their sales crew's life
Was rich and sunny
With high commissions
On transaction money.

When the executives saw
An impending bankruptcy
They grabbed a golden
Parachutes' fee
Of billions of dollars,
Sold their stocks well
Before they fell,
Took their yachts
Out to sea,
Went to the Bahamas
When the companies
Went into bankruptcy.

Tax payers, stock holders
And former employees
Are left paying their fee
While they went off fancy-free.

Those crooks should return
This stolen money,
Brought back from lands
Where their lives
Are free and sunny,
And we should not fail
To arrest them
And put them in jail.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Breaking Point

Each man has
A breaking point
When their psyche
Goes out of joint,
Some are high,
Some are low,
Breaking at the
Slightest blow.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

50% Divorce Rate

You shop around
To buy a car,
You are selective,
You look nearby,
You travel far,
But when it comes
To take a wife
To be with you,
Perchance, to nag,
For the rest of life,
You marry a young chick
Who pulls a trick,
Claims she's pregnant
After some hot night,
You're not compatible
And fight...and fight...
This is the source
Of many a divorce,
So, take your time
And better tarry
Before you marry.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Salek's Thoughts - 1945

Always I think of my family,
Wife and children
Lost in the Holocaust,
Had they but come with me,
What would they do,
How would they be,
I dream of them every night
And I wake in despair
In the morning light,
Why did I live,
Why did they die,
If there is a God,
I'd ask him - WHY?

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Examine your Life

Examine your life,
See if it's worthwhile,
Look at its value,
Quality and style,
For an unexamined life
May not be worth
Your struggle and strife.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Reality and Illusion

We mostly act
On what seems to be
As we subjectively see,
Not on what is
The objective reality.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Arabs and Jews

It surely is not news
That Abraham was the father
Of both - Arabs and Jews,
Thus, they are brothers - no less
And their killing each other
Creates an unnecessary mess,
With Arab oil and dedication
And Jewish creativity and intellect
They could each be a great nation
And form a powerful federation,
Than the bankrupt West
Won't be able to grab their oil,
Sell them weapons to kill each other
Or occupy their sacred soil.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nature Friends Camp 1939-1950

High up in the Ramapoo Mountains
Where Snake Hill Road ends
Lies the camp of the Nature Friends,
The young Austrian refugees gather there
To spend their weekends in mountain air,
All of them Holocaust escapees,
They spend their vacations
In cabins 'neath the trees.
It was a place of discovery
Of sex, new love and liberty
In an ideal paradise setting
After fleeing a nightmare of misery,
They spoke mostly German,
But in high schools
And the free City College
They quickly gained
Their English knowledge,
They spent in the Camp
The best times of their lives,
And many of the girls met there
Are now their wives.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Welfare Client to Counselor...

Can you counsel me
On my habit
To have sex
Like a rabbit,
So much seduction,
I landed in the
Baby production,
But I'm on Welfare
And really don't care,
I don't take the fall
And the State pays it all.

My dear counselor,
The State sent me to you
To see what you can do
To give up my habit
To have sex like a rabbit,
But, frankly, I can't stop,
It's just too good
To give it up,
I don't want to
Change my ways;
The State collects anyhow
Since the tax payer pays.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Greats of the Past

Where are those stars
From long, long ago
Whose powerful images
Set the screen aglow,
Those great films
One can never forget,
We still see them
But the actors are dead.

Those great productions
And stars from the past
Are part of our history
And they will last.

Now days, in our pics
We see a lot of shooting
And camera tricks
With the acting
Mostly rotten
And soon forgotten.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Republicans Ruining America

To rescue his fat cats again,
Bush and his cronies
Will spend 700 billion
Dollars in vain,
Tax payers' money
One needs to explain.

The way our treasury
Has been depleted
In Bush's time,
The dollar soon
Will be worth a dime.

This Republican administration
Has in eight short years
Ruined our beloved nation.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Courts - 'In God we trust?'

'In God we trust'
States the plaque in Court,
Where only to God you can resort,
For judges and juries are subjective
And lawyers with good sophistry,
By perverting the truth, are effective,
Thus decisions in Courts
Are rarely objective.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Genius and Insanity (Nietzsche)

It is often truly stated
That genius and insanity
Are closely related,
For brilliant minds
Have complications,
Are sensitive and delicate,
More responsive
To emotional sensations.

Out of the ordinary box
Works their mind
Which people may
Unbalanced find,
Such minds may break
When overwhelmed
By reverses or a mistake.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 19, 2008


He was a Post Office clerk,
Bored with his work,
And he needed some perk,
So, he shot some people
In their car,
And the judge said:
'You went too far' ,
Refused to grant bail
And sent him to jail.
He's happier than
In the Post Office there,
He receives good care
And found his nook,
Is now famous
And is writing a book.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Met this most
Fabulous gal
In New York this fall,
Took her out in style,
She was worth my while,
The sex was terrific
And I got specific,
Asked her to marry me,
But she said:
"There's a mistake, you see,
I'm in the trade,
And I'll take cash or card
For the purchase you just made."
Then, she handed me her bill,
I felt sick and got a chill.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

1929 and 2008 Republicans Crash

It's the same 1929 flash,
But now it's the 2008 crash,
Wall Street and the banks fail
While their principals
With profits from short sales
To the Bahamas sail,
Strange, how this great nation
Always goes to hell
Under a Republican

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


When darkness falls,
The creatures of the night
Sound their eerie calls,
The jungle comes alive
With scary, moving
Shadows and strife,
The tiger's eyes gleam bright,
Stalking the victim,
Ready to strike,
The boa, silently and quick
Moves to catch the wild pig
To take out its fight
By squeezing it tight,
The leopard cowers in the tree,
High up on its bark,
To hit its victim in the dark,
The scene is fearful,
Threatening and stark,
Many will die
And be eaten tonight
Or they'll flee in fright
As predators hunt
In the failing light
When the jungle darkens
And death harkens...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Man's Will

Man's will can only
His heaven be,
Do not rely on gods,
They are an
Unknown mystery...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Jews Survived Thousands of Years

Hitler, the Reich,
The camps, the Nazis,
I've seen them all,
Now they are dust,
Once they stood tall,
The Jews survived,
But they took a fall.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sweet Sue's Son

Call me a bastard,
Call me a bum,
A single lady
Was my mom,
A better woman
You'll never find,
But to many men
She was too kind,
I watched them come,
I watched them go,
But who my father is
I'll never know.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sweet Sue

They call her
Sweet Sue,
She's not great
But she'll do,
An aging lady
Of the night,
She does it cheap,
The price is right,
She always stands
Beneath the light
On Second Street,
But yesterday
I saw her weep...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


She's lovely,
She's charming,
She is a seducer,
She feeds on rich men
And she is their user,
She gives them her honey
And takes all their money,
And then she drops them,
Thinking it's just funny....

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

War can be a Crime

To start an unnecessary war
Should be a capital crime,
Judged by international law,
The world and the divine,
Those who the Iraq war incited
Should be held and indicted.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Song of the Past

Sing me a song
Of yester-years,
Forgotten joys
Forgotten tears,
Lost lovers
From long ago,
Friends, now gone,
I used to know,
Members of my family,
Beloved and so dear to me,
Passed into eternity,
And those times
Of youth and folly
When life was
Full of zest and jolly.

Sing me a song of the past,
Forever in my heart and mind
To stay and last.....and last.....

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Truth

Let's rip apart
This sorry scheme of things
Which wars, inflation
And depression brings,
Where for country,
Mother, flag and apple pie
Thousands of boys have to die,
While politicos and profiteers
With tongues of honey
Make on their wars
Tons of money,
Led by a retarded clown,
Elected as a president,
Who should be
An asylum resident,
While Senate and Congress
Take their kickbacks and graft,
Often more, sometimes less
Out of this holy mess,
Showing their dignity
And professing their honesty.

In this republic,
The message is:
Damn the public.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Modern Times

Today everybody sleeps
With everybody else,
Sex is now mechanical
And pornography sells,
Swingers jump from bed to bed,
Soon, love and marriage will be dead,
Single parent homes are on the rise,
Divorce is rampant,
And the family unit is in demise,
Soon kids will be cloned
According to wish
And originate in some Petri dish,
Raised and trained by the State,
Neither by parents
Nor on some family estate,
Huxley's 'Brave New World'
Will be here,
Give a cheer, give a cheer!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


They marry today,
Divorce on some morrow,
A family breakup
With the kids left in sorrow.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Holocaust Survivors

Slowly those aging
Holocaust survivors
Are dying out,
But the few who are left
Still constantly shout:
'Do never forget
The six million dead.'
Once they're gone,
Who will tell the story
Of those crimes,
Cruel, bloody and gory
Done by people - rotten,
The victims forgotten.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Young - Old

When I was young
My life could have been
Rich, luxurious and sunny
But I lacked the money,
Now, that I'm old
I have the wealth
But I'm restrained
By age and health.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lola and Tom

She sits at home
And spends his money,
Her disposition is not sunny,
For she's neurotic
And slightly psychotic,
He comes home tired
And she is wired,
They fight each day,
No sex at night,
Their future
Does not seem too bright
And people say - ah well,
This is a marriage made in hell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Obama and Mc Cain

Obama and Mc Cain,
A cumbersome twain,
They'll put
The country astray
Either way,
If you elect Mc Cain,
He'll be like Bush,
His wars and economy
Gave America a pain,
If Obama has the reign,
Hamas, the Arabs,
Terrorists and
Black Power will gain,
Come what may,
The play will end badly
Either way.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sing me a Song

Sing me a song
Of seduction
Through political
Where money flows
Which no one knows,
With contracts awarded
And needs disregarded,
And pockets are filled
While the taxpayer
Is heavily billed,
This song echoes still
On Capitol Hill.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Some Doctors

They get the patient undressed
And perform a million tests,
Then do their operations
Whether needed or not,
For which Medicare
And Insurance
Pays them quite a lot,
But the uninsured
Won't be cured.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


The politicians
Are on their mission,
Take the job
Just for a hundred grand,
But grab a million graft
With the other hand.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


A mother can support
Six children quite well,
But six children a mother?
Frankly, I'd rather wont tell.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Window of the Soul

Look into the window
Of the soul - the eye
And in it one may see
The truth or a lie,
A sense of quiet despair
Or an expression
Of love and care,
Of honesty or deception
There'll be a reflection,
But as people age a bit,
Their eyes narrow
Down to a slit,
Perhaps to hide
Their emotional stage,
A sense of animosity
Or blind rage,
Yet, when you look
Into a man's eye,
Whether it's just a slit
Or open wide,
The truth is
Hard to hide.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Man needs Love

Like plants need the sun,
Man needs love,
Just one who cares
Can be enough,
Like plants without
The sun's ray,
Man folds up
And wilts away,
For love creates life
And is every one's need,
If the world had a heart
It would be its beat....

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Remember 9/11

Remember the Towers,
The dead and the pain,
Those innocent people
Who died in vain,
A shameful misdeed,
Hard to explain,
The culprits who planned this
Are still around,
Though we know who they are,
They've never been found,
So, beware of the morrow,
They may bring you more sorrow.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 13, 2008


He's friendless
And has no home,
He sleeps outdoors
On cold stone,
He has no money
And his health is gone,
He is the beggar on the street
You more and more
In our cities meet.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Happy days are here again?

Happy days will be here again,
When we elect a leader with a brain,
We tried to find one
But it was so far in vain,
Wish we could have
A Roosevelt or Clinton again.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Mutual Gifts for a One Night Stand

In Casablanca we met,
Spent a passionate night
We can never forget,
She was luscious,
A beauty - simply divine,
And the sex - the sex
Was the best and sublime,
Marked us forever,
It was kinky and wild,
She gave me Aids
And I left her with child.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Friday, September 12, 2008

Presidential Candidates

Limited is the people's voice
In the presidential candidates choice,
Barak Hussein Obama
Is the Democratic selection,
With White and Farrakhan
As an anti-white preachers connection,
Early educated in an extremist
Muslim Madrasah class,
He's supported by the Arabs and Hamas.

For the Republicans
Is our ageing John Mc Cain
A poor student at Annapolis
With not too much of a brain
Who is following the catastrophic
Bush policies again,
With Sarah Palin as vice president,
An anti-abortionist religious nut,
As a possible White House resident,
With her it also looks,
She would burn forbidden books.

Hillary Clinton or anyone else
Would have been the choice
If the people had a voice.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Future

The frozen lakes of my eyes
View this surrealistic world
Through the cracked
Lens Of its reality,
Distorted and perverse,
With no rhyme, reason or justice,
Where the symbol of God is crucified,
Where the predatory instinct
Of nature prevails,
Where evil is rampant
And the good is ridiculed,
Where the weak masses starve
And the predators are rewarded,
While wars are fought
To increase profits
And boost the economy,
With the power elite and the rich
Lording it over the middle classes,
The poor and the weak,
A humanity endowed
With technological advances,
Especially mass killings in warfare,
But a society in moral decline,
Heading towards dissolution,
Decadence and eventually extinction.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

In the Eye of the Beholder

Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some are reserved
And some are bold,
Some like it new,
Some like it old,
It's in the eye
Which does behold,
So I am told,
So I am told...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Why Iraq?

We do not fight
For God, flag
And democracy
On Iraq's bloody soil,
We're only there
To have control
Of Mid-East oil.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

The Human Condition

We are little ants
Who hurry and scurry,
All our lives
We fret and we worry
And when we act,
We are often sorry,
We die in wars
For God, flag and glory
And our end
Is usually gory.

Wrote the Bard:
'Can't you see
What fools these
Mortals be...'

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Black Widow Spider

She's charming,
But her habits
Are alarming.
She marries rich men
Who suddenly die
And the cops are curious,
Asking just why,
But the method she uses
Has not been detected
And no evidence
Has ever been collected.
'She kills old men
With kinky sex',
Some people say,
A crime not punishable
In any legal way.
She's now the richest
Widow in the Palms
And everyone admires
Her wealth and her charms.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

The Candidates

The candidates
Shake hands and smile:
'If you elect me
It will be worth your while,
We'll give you what you want
And you'll live in style.'
But once they are selected
And duly elected,
They fill their own pockets
And the public is neglected.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Power Elite

America is run
By the power elite
While the rest of the people
Struggle and bleed,
They organize wars
To spur the economy
So they can have gains
And huge profits see,
Telling young boys:
'You're dying for liberty'.
America is run
By the power elite
And we are dancing
To their beat.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


It was only a summer romance
In a small resort hotel
And a life time has passed
But I remember her well,
We were very young
And it was our first affair,
Her voice soft and tender,
Her blue eyes, blond hair,
Cynthia - so lovely and fair,
Since then I married twice
And slept all around,
But never, ever have I
Such happiness found.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Look after Mom...

Look after Mom
When I'm gone
And she's left
Old and alone,
Treat her with tender,
Loving care,
When I'm not there,
When I'm not there,
For us she always
Did her best,
She'd never rest,
She'd never rest,
Always responded
To your call,
Gave you a future,
Made you walk tall,
She gave us love
All of her life,
Your mother
And my wife...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Buchenwald 1945

In my dreams
I see them yet,
The naked corpses
Of the dead,
With blood and fluids
Their bodies still wet,
Thus, millions died
And families cried
Because their religion
Was not right...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


Their corpses lie rotten
And are soon forgotten,
'For God and country they died',
Their leaders lied,
It's just a shame,
It is not right!

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Quality of Life

A life without quality,
Purpose and style
Is in my mind
Not worth its while.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Anti-matter Universe

Sometimes I wonder
What secrets lie yonder.
Beyond our great universe
Might be a mirror image
Of ours - but in reverse
With anti-matter nuclei - negative
And electrons - all positive,
Then, as they both expand,
They'll hit each other
In a doomsday clash
And will destroy themselves
In a horrid, fiery crash,
Gone will be
Their galaxies and light,
Leaving the darkness
Of eternal night,
But do not worry - friend,
It's only a theory of the end.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

The Colonel's Last Trip

When her husband, the Colonel, died,
His wife, Mary, wailed and cried
But became more sedated
After he was cremated,
She had sadly watched him burn
Then put his ashes in an urn
Above the fireplace
To always rest near her
In honor and in grace,
The cleaning lady
Found the dirty ashes in the urn,
Poured them into the toilet
Then gave the handle a turn,
And if you ever hear the sewers drip,
It maybe the Colonel on his last trip.

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Saturday, September 06, 2008


Dismal is the morrow
When to live
The people must borrow,
With unemployment up
And the economy down
While the head of the State
Is an incompetent clown...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Social Mobility

Social mobility
Through greater ability
Gives one the facility
To climb up and up
To the power elite top...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz


He became depressed
And quite obsessed,
Acting quite strangely,
Putting his heart to test
Till it gave out
And they laid him to rest...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

When you're old and gray...

When you're old and gray
And you've had your day,
Into a nursing home
They'll put you away
For which your life's savings
Will pay, will pay...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Lady of the Night...

She was a lady of the night,
Her morals were a disgrace
But her heart was a delight,
Never, ever will you find
A soul as loving
And as kind...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

We are...

We are two little sailors
On the stormy sea of life,
Crossing the oceans together
As husband and wife,
Holding hands till the brink
When the journey ends
And our little ship will sink...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

We love...

We love what gives us pleasure
But learn to hate it
If it gives us pain,
Thus, love falters
With abuse and disdain...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz

Come to me...

Come to me - death,
Embrace me in your icy arms,
Return me to this mysterious world
I knew ere I was born,
Into its peace and silence
Where nothingness prevails,
Returning my failing body
From a troubled world,
Give me the chance of 'the not to be'
Let me be free, let me be free...

Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz