The thesis creates an
Antithesis to confront it,
Out of this a synthesis is born,
A merging of both ideas,
But this synthesis again
Turns into a thesis
Provoking an antithesis,
Again resulting in a synthesis,
Continuing on and on
In a repeating process.
For example, great poverty
Of the masses versus a wealthy,
Privileged elite provokes
A revolution resulting
In Communism or other
Forms of dictatorship,
This new synthesis becomes
A thesis which is countered
By international capitalism
And creates a new synthesis,
For Communism stymies
Freedom, creativity and incentive,
While capitalism can be predatory
And an oppressive system if abused,
Thus, Communism turns towards
Capitalism and capitalism turns
Towards socialism forming the
Synthesis or blending of both
Conflicting ideologies, as in
The emerging China and Vietnam,
Countries now in the process of change,
And possibly in the United States
If our present difficulties continue,
But this new synthesis of ideologies
Turns into a thesis countered by
An antithesis resulting in a synthesis,
The nature of which is hard to predict,
A process which never comes to an end.
This dialectic may result in a much
Better society or may lead to an entropy
(Total disintegration which will be
Worldwide because of instant
Communications since we now live in a
Global village) - the process can go
In either direction but the ongoing
Dialectics may even change
Whatever happens to us...
Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2008 Alfred Charasz