From nothing we built
A great, free republic,
Governed by the people
For the people,
Endowed with a spirit
Of liberalism, democracy
And freedom for all.
From nothing we built
An empire, loved, respected
And emulated by all nations
For its liberalism, generosity
And caring avant garde leadership.
To nothing we'll bring our nation
Where a corrupt, self-centered
Leadership, just interested
In their own election, caters only
To the interests of the special few
And the military-industrial complex.
To nothing will come a nation,
Hated and feared by other countries
For their imperial war policies,
Theocratic ambitions and animosity
To a liberalistic way of life.
To nothing will come a nation
Not ruled by the people for the people,
A nation which surrenders its
Productive facilities to others,
Devaluates its currency by going
Into deeper and deeper debts,
While the people lose their
Constitutional liberties to a
More and more conservative,
Theocratic and authoritarian
Government whose hidden motto is:
'Let the people be damned.'
Wake up America before it's too late!
Alfred Charasz
Copyright 2007 Alfred Charasz